Chapter 13

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Normani's POV

"Im fucking hungry" Lauren said groaning.

"Yo pregnant ass is always hungry" I said rolling my eyes.

"That's true. Where's Y/N with the damn food" she yelled.

"Damn chill you acting worse than Mila" Dinah said.

"Truly" I said shaking my head.

"Where the fuck is Y/N" Lauren yells throwing a pillow.

"Gah dayum chill" I said dodging the pillow.


Your POV

"The fuck you mean you did something bad with Ashley" I yelled at Starburst.

"I mean exactly why the hell I said. And now Shay and Z are gonna kill me because I may or may not have forced myself on her" Starburst said backing away.

"Nah don't back up. Bring yo cheating ass here. You might be my cousin but keep fucking around with people and see how fast I beak you. Fix this shit dawg or I'll fix you" I growled getting in her face.

"Is that a threat" She asked raising her eyebrow.

"No. Its a promise" I said getting in my car driving off. I can't believe she'd do some shit like that Z trusted her Shay loves her they have a fucking kid and they're married for fucks sake. Who cheats on their wife especially when they look as fine as Shay. The bitch was already in the Dog House when she fucked Ariana now look at her she's on the verge of a fucking divorce. What ever let me get this food to my pregnant fiancées before I get killed.


"Babies I'm home" I yelled closing the door with my foot cause my hands were full.

"Food" Dinah yelled racing Camila and Lauren down the stairs.

"Move bitch" Lauren yelled pushing Dinah.

"Get out the way" Camila yelled pushing both of them out her way jumping over the last few steps tackling me.

"Damn" Normani said laughing.

"Thank you" Camila said taking the food and running into the kitchen with Dinah and Lauren right behind her.

"Hey baby" Normani said pulling me into a passionate kiss.

"Damn you want me or the food" I said wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Well I want the food but I might just have a bite of you first" she whispered into my ear grabbing my hand dragging me upstairs.

"Mommy" Sasha yelled.

"Damn it" I groaned. My kids stay cunt blocking a nigga.

"Go be a mommy baby I'll give it to you later" Normani said kissing me and walking back down stairs.

"What's wrong Sasha" I said walking into her room.

"Can I have some ice cream. I asked Mama T but she said ask you" Sasha said pouting.

"Tori said to ask me" I said raising my eyebrow.

"Yeah. Can I please have some" she begged.

"I don't know. Ask Lauren she's the one who handles the food and stuff" I said ruffling her hair.

"My weave. You cant be doing all that man" she said fixing her hair.

"Girl that's natural" I said laughing.

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