Chapter 27

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"You all thought it was over, but it's only just begun" someone said from in the woods.

"Come out and face us" I yelled.

"Oh but of course" they said coming out of the shadows revealing themselves.

"No fucking way, I killed you" I said in disbelief.

"Did you really" he asked with a smirk on his face.

"You betrayed my family uncle Matt, you threatened my twin sister and my mother. Why are you here" I growled.

"To take your children and happiness away" Uncle Matt said holding up a picture of all of my babies tied up and blind folded.

"You see I sent my son Jarrad in to distract Luli and Ashlee by getting Luli killed. The fact that Ashlee killed her over my son was a plus" he said smirking.

"You fucking asshole" I growled charging at him, but was stopped by klaus.

"Not yet" klaus mouthed.

"I'm here to make a deal" Matt said.

"What" I spat.

"Your wives for your children" he said smirking.

"So you can make them your thanks" I said rolling my eyes and giving Damon and Bonnie a look.

Do a locator spell Bonnie and take Damon with you as your muscle. Don't say anything to Enzo because then Matt will hear you, so just go.

"Uncle Matt you are a disgrace" Zendaya yelled giving me a look.

Locator spell

"So now I get to fight you" I said smiling and changing to my wolf form.

"If you fight me you can't find your precious little angels" he said smirking.

"Oh we have them" Damon said speeding back with Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, and my little ratchet patch kids.

"What how" Matt yelled.

"A simple locator spell" Freya said laughing.

"This is why I rule the entire supernatural world as their true alpha...because I'm smarter than yo dumb ass" I said hitting him with a bold of lighting causing him to turn to ash.

"Okay bye bye" Aaliyah yelled clapping making the other clap with her.

"Let's go eat" Tj yelled.

"Lit" I yelled.


"Somebody get the door" I yelled.

"Oh no it's okay, we let ourselves in" Brad said walking into the living room followed by rest of the tramps, 2 seconds of shut the fuck up, shrimp dick Dorito boy, and the no neck baboon.

"Uh how many times do I have to kill people around here. Let a nigga eat a sandwich in peace" I said rolling my eyes and pushing Camila off me allowing her to pull down her dress.

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