Chapter 15

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*8 months later*

"A babababa" Aaliyah babbled.

"Oh you talking shit now" I said picking her up and throwing her on the bed. Making her squeal. "Here comes the tickle monster" I yelled jumping on the bed next to her tickling her stomach making her giggle and squeal.

"Uh-oh mommy got you liyah. Say Trevor help me" Normani said putting Trevor on the bed next to me and Aaliyah.

"Trewererer" Aaliyah said reaching to Trevor making me and Mani burst out laughing cause Trev looked at her like who the fuck is Trewererer.

"A dadadada" Trevor babbled crawling over to Aaliyah laying across her stomach.

"Babababa"Aaliyah screamed at Trevor. I think they arguing.

"Rawr. Rawr. Meownomdjin" Trevor said trying to bite Aaliyah's arm.

"Don't bite" I scolded.

"No" he yelled.

"Did you just tell me no" I said raising my eyebrow.

"No" he yelled.

"Say it again and I'll pop you" I warned.

"No" he said. This a bold ass baby.

"Babe pop his ass" Normani said taking Aaliyah from under Trevor so he wouldn't hit her trying to get away.

"Bring that ass here Trev" I yelled making him crawl away from me to the head of the bed.

"Nope. You thought" I said grabbing his leg and pulling him to me. "Don't tell me no" I said popping him on the butt. He's wearing a diaper he's all good.

"He not crying" Normani said raising an eyebrow.

"Just wait for it. He's trying to process what the fuck just happened" and once I said that he started crying.


"Kalob come from under the table" I yelled reaching under the table for my green eyed bad ass.

"No" he yelled. What is up with them and the word no.

"Did you just say no" Lauren said.

"No" he yelled.

"Somebody need they ass beat" I said shaking my head.

"I got an idea" Lauren said walking over to the cabinet grabbing nutella.

"I see what you're doing" I said taking the nutella when she came back and stuck the open jar under the table.

"Come eat baby" Lauren said and Kalob started to crawl to the nutella. Once he was close enough I nodded and Lauren scooped him up before he could even take some.

"Got chu bitch" I said laughing and pointing at him making him grunt and try to bite my finger.

"You better stop before I put him down and let him attack you" she said in her mom voice.

"Sorry baby" I said kissing Kalob on the forehead and putting a little nutella on his finger.

"Mamamama" he babbled sucking on his finger.

"Da" Brittany screamed crawling into the kitchen where me Lauren and Kalob were.

"Oh shit hurry up and eat it Kalob before Brittany attacks" I said making Kalob giggle.

"Oh Kj she's getting closer" Lauren said.

"Uh-oh Brit Brat is right there" I said turning around picking Brittney up.

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