chapter 24

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I heard Julian run to the door. 'I GOT IT!'

The door burst open and before I could blink, Julian grabbed me in a hug, shutting the door behind him.

'Don't listen to them! You're beautiful!' He whispered into my ear. His arms got tighter before he let me go.

He wiped away a tear rolling down the side of my nose. I didn't even realise I was crying.

'Why don't they like me?' I sobbed. I cupped my hands over my face and took a seat on the step outside. I couldn't help but crumble. The words were like sledge hammers. The more they hit, the more I broke.

I heard the front door close and Julian took a seat next to me. I cried into his chest as he rubbed my back in attempt to sooth me.

They hate me. They actually hate me! I mean I'm use to hate and stuff but I thought they liked me, but they were just pretending! This whole time!

I could hear Julian's heartbeat.

'Come inside, we'll snuggle up on my bed.' I took my hands away from my face, wiping away some tears on the way.

'Alright,' I croaked. I sat up and he pulled me up onto my feet.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. We went straight upstairs, passing Jason on the way.

'Hey Maddy.'

'Hi,' I whispered so softly I doubted he even heard. I kept my head down and kept walking. I wasn't in the mood for communicating. I just wanted to be alone and let the dark swallow me up.

Jason looked at Julian funny but he didn't take any notice, he just kept walking.

He lead me to the same room. Nothing had changed. The same bed that we snuggled on last time and watched T.V. It still smelt like him.

I felt a vibration in my pocket. I pulled out my phone and took a look at it.

A message from an unknown number: 'You're gonna die B****h! Don't you dare take my Julian!'

I started shaking, I could barely read the message. I stared at the wall before dropping my phone.

It kept vibrating. 1 new unread message. 2 new unread messages. 3 new unread messages. The number kept climbing every time it vibrated.

Julian looked me in the eyes but I looked straight past him.

'Maddy? What's wrong?' He tried looking me in the eye but his face was blurry.

I finally came into realisation, that everybody hated me. I don't even know how they got my number! But they somehow had and now they were all telling me just how much they truly felt about me.

He picked my phone up from the ground and looked at the screen. His eyes got bigger as he read tge mesa


He started taping on my phone, opening more messages I presume.

He looked at me before grabbing me in a hug as I stood there still staring off in a distance.

'Maddy, don't listen to them, you're beautiful! They're just jealous. I love them and all but I love you more.'

I closed my eyes and hugged him back, squizzing him tight. I don't know what I'd do without him.

He pulled out his phone from his pocket and started tapping away.

He pressed the screen one more time before turning his phone off and looking at me.

"What was that?" I asked, curiosity filling my voice.

"Doesn't matter." That just made me even more confused.

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