◎Chapter 21◎

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Elijah was annoyed, or even better pissed. And I loved it. And glancing at Thorn I knew he was just as annoyed as Elijah was.

Trying to hide my smirk I quickly took another bite of my pizza, letting a sort of real, but a little exaggerated moan slip past my lips as I chewed the heavenly food.

Elijah's eyes darkened and clenched his fists even tighter. "Stop it," he growled lowly.

I swallowed and gave him an innocent smile. "Stop what?"

"Stop it," he hissed again as he watched my tongue glide over my lips, getting the pizza saus that hung on my lower lip.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I replied trying not to grin. "I'm just enjoying my pizza."

His eyes narrowed. "Yeah, a little bit too much."

Ignoring him I turned towards Lorcan. "The pizza is really good. How's your spaghetti?"

"Delicious," he responded loud enough so Thorn was able to hear. "But I think the yummy waiter who brought it made it even better."

I nodded and just to add more fuel to the fire, licked my lips. "You're absolutely right."

Lorcan grinned at me and school his head slightly, before looking at Elijah. He didn't even glance at Thorn. "Though I don't want to say it, I'm glad you decided to let my Beta and I tag along. This is something I really didn't want to miss."

Elijah gave him a dry look. "Sure, whatever. If it wasn't for Parker, neither of you would be sitting here."

Just then Nick came back, smiling at me and Lorcan. Only angering my mate and Thorn in progress.

"Are you interested in dessert?" He asked and didn't even glance at the guys across from us.

Before Lorcan or I were able to answer, both Elijah en Thorn growled.

"No, just the bill," they snarled at the same time.

Lorcan gave them an annoyed look after our waiter ran off. Stuttering something and almost tripping in progress.

"Why're you being like this?" He asked.

Thorn threw him a glare. "Because, Alpha, you are too young to be flirting with our waiter!"

"I wasn't flirting with anyone, Beta. Besides I can do what the bubbles I want!" He fired back, looking at him for the first time in half an hour.

Just as Thorn was about to answer, Nick returned dropping the bill and the table while mumbling something before scurrying off again.

After glancing at the bill, Elijah took out his wallet, put a few bills on the table and stood up. I noticed he didn't leave a tip. "Come on," he said looking at me. "We're leaving."

I just stood up and turned towards Lorcan, whose was still glaring at Thorn. "Let's go."

He nodded, broke eye contact with his Beta and stood up. Then he linked his arm through mine and started leading me towards the exit. Ignoring both Elijah en Thorn.

"I swear," Lorcan said chuckling. "They practically had steam coming out of their ears."

I grinned and nodded. " I know, but don't you, you know, feel sorry?"

He shook his head. "Nah, Thorn may be angry, but he'll get over it. Besides, he knows I'm just doing it to piss him off. I would never do something to hurt him, even if he wasn't my mate."

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