Chapter 20

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For once in his life, Dipper didn't make a comment about my driving. He was silent the entire time. He occasionally, sniffled, or inhaled and exhaled deep breaths, but otherwise, nothing. He had turned the radio off a minute after we got into the car. The silence was unbearable, but I knew there was nothing I could say or do to help him right now, and he knew it to. No one wanted to admit it, but we knew Grunkle Ford wasn't going to make it.

He's surprised us so much already; all the times he thought he was going to die, he never did. He stunned us when we walked away from Weirdmageddon without a so much of a scratch on him. He's been through hell and back doing the kind of work he does, and never has everything brought him this close to death.

In the silence of it all, I reached over and gently grabbed Dipper's hand and gave it a small squeeze, but he didn't squeeze back at all. Instead, I just heard him sniffling harder.


The normal two hour drive only took a little over an hour, thanks to me speeding and breaking numerous laws. We parked our car as close as we could and ran into the hospital.

"Stanford Pines? Please?" Dipper asked, out of breath, resting his hands on the counter. 

"Second floor, room 223," the women said, pointing towards the elevator. We got inside the elevator as fast as we could, and I wrapped my arms around Dipper, hugging him tight as he shook with fear. The elevator opened and we were on a mad dash for room 223. We found it at the end of the hallway, and Dipper hurried towards it, running in before me. I ran in after him, but he was stopped dead in his tracks, and I ran into him, sending him forward a bit. I peered around Dipper and saw Grunkle Ford on the hospital bed, with tubes and wires all over the place. His breathing was slowed down quite a bit, and the monitor was barely going at all. Besides Dipper and I, Dipper and Grunkle Stan were there. Grunkle Stan sat on the recliner next to the bed, his head in his hands, while Soos stood nervously over by the doorway to the small bathroom.

"Dudes," he said when he saw we walked in. He immediately ushered us out of the hallway.  "The nurse just came in not to long ago. And...I would go say your goodbyes," Soos said, and Dipper hurried back into the room. I stood in the hallway with Soos for a moment yet.

"Soos, what happened?" I asked, looking up at him. 

"I dunno, really. I was working on the golf cart and I heard a really loud scream. A few yards away I found him, clutchin' his chest and he wouldn't stop yelling. I called 911 and waited for them and then went to go get Mr.Pines. We've been here for about two hours,"  Soos explained, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "But, I would go say goodbye, sport...Mr.Pines has gotten everything he's wanted to get out out, and now he just wants ya kids to say goodbye," Soos said, his eyes filled with sadness. I walked back into the room and saw Dipper kneeling next to Grunkle Ford. His eyes were opening, and he was talking quietly with Dipper. I saw Dipper nod his head a lot, and he rested his forehead in his hands. 

"Mabel," his voice called over to me softly. I joined the Dipper and Grunkle Ford and sat at the foot of his bed. 

"Hi Grunkle Ford," I whispered, my voice cracking, tears pricking at my eyes.

"You be good to your brother, alright? Keep him in line and out of trouble. And as for yourself," Grunkle Ford started before pausing to take a deep breathe. "You take care of yourself. It's going to be okay," he said. I leaned forward and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"I love you, Great Uncle Ford," I said, feeling a tear roll down my cheek. 

"I love you too. I love both of you kids so m-" he started, but suddenly his breathing slowed down way more. The monitor began beeping. 

"Grunkle Ford!" Dipper yelled, and Grunkle Stan looked up, standing up and grabbing Grunkle For'ds hand. 

"I think...this is it..." Grunkle Ford said, before his eyes closed and the line on the monitor went flat. 

"No, no, no!" Grunkle Ford yelled, falling back into the chair, his head back in his hands. He was letting out long, blood curling cries. Dipper stayed kneeled down on the bed, crying as well. I brought my hand to my mouth, and let out a silent cry. Soos came over and wrapped his arm around me. 

"Ma'am, please get off the bed," the nurse called behind me. Another nurse with long, brown hair followed behind her as they headed into the room. I crawled off the bed, and they took over, checking over Grunkle Ford.

"I'm so sorry there wasn't anything we could to save him..." the nurse with the brown hair said, covering Grunkle Ford's body up in a blanket, leaving the room so we could have more time to mourn. 

I got back up on the bed and slipped my hand underneath the blanket, reaching for Grunkle Ford's hand. I finally found it, and I held it as tight as I could, refusing to let his body go cold. 

Don't Let Go | Sequel to "Been Here All Along"Where stories live. Discover now