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Screaming, screaming. Painful screams and fire threatening to overwhelm my vision. What is happening? Why is this happening? I can fight! I know how! I went to guard academy, where is my sword? There it is! Let's go!

My sword slices against the immortal shadow knights, I'm not match. I know that but I fight on anyway, I must protect that is what I do, I protect right? The entire village is in flames, everywhere there is a dead body, soaked in a pool of blood and mangled. How could they? How they could they be this cruel?

Killing is not right. It's not fair and it must be stopped! I must protect. I slice at the bodies and I'm mostly on the defense. It's terrifying.

This is one those moments when you wish you could run but you can't and you're stuck and your hiding in a place you can't escape from. You know you have to fight but we want to flee. You're scared but you have to fight and put up a strong attitude to show others you aren't afraid and to show them there are people who will protect.

But the shadow knights.... I feel odd fighting them, liking I'm falling through an endless void and it's pointless, just pointless. Why can't it end already? I don't want to fight them. They are my worst fear for some reason. Maybe they shouldn't be. Maybe they are good. Am I overthinking things? Sometimes I feel these memories are not my own. These events are not my own.

Why do I feel this? I just feel.... set up when I recall this moment. Maybe because it was the worst and best thing that could ever happen to me. I learned that day. Why you may ask? This day taught me about the real world and this day is one I will never forget and who I hope the people I made remember it, are suffering.

Suffering. It's an awful thing isn't it? I've had my fair share of suffering but it all stopped when I made the right choice. Why did I even bother with life? It's only full of disappointments and suffering. Suffering. Suffering.

These people... they are cruel, heartless... the shadow knights are not the enemy! Mankind is! They don't know! They are ignorant and heartless, they do not think of others! Demons are honest and kill to spare people from this life! They are saving! Not harming!

You may wonder I think these things when I seemed so... average in what I remember before. Just a guard protecting her village. Falsely I might add.

I betrayed them all but not as much as they betrayed me. I am cruel and I relish it. It's my lifestyle isn't it? Where else could I turn to?

What happened? It was horrible and I regret that it happened but I also relish it. I love that it happened. One moment I was fighting, I was determined and headstrong, I was scared but could not give up. I had to keep fighting. It was just right and I fell into a steady rhyme that I could not break.

Then they caught my sword and flung it to the side. I was surrounded everywhere, shadow knights closing in. I was stabbed in the chest but one but I forgive them for that. They were just believing I was like everyone else. And I am ashamed to say, I used to be. But not anymore. I will make up for the absolute disgrace I committed before. How could I have been so idiotic? So foolish. So ignorant...

But at the moment, I still believed in humankind. I screamed to my father to help me. The villagers were fleeing and I planned on fleeing with them. But things did not turn out that way did they? If they did we wouldn't be here now. My father glanced at me. With no emotion. Just eyes as cold as stars. He turned and walked away. I heard him say he never wanted a daughter. At that moment, it broke my heart. I used to LOVE him foolishly. I gave him my love and cared for him better than anyone and THIS was how he repaid me?

He left me to die, he never thought they were be better. They all left. They betrayed me, not as much as my father did but they betrayed me. The shadow knights.... they took me in.

They watched and they took me in and told me to pledge my allegiance to the Shadow Lord, who would never leave me behind. So I did. I had to kill the Lord I had protected as a guard apprentice. I did and I loved it. I then destroyed their village's home once again and they were forced to move. I did not kill my father. He WILL die but not now. He needs to suffer my wraith as long as possible, I will ensure that he does.

So now I live in the nether, with other loyal shadow knights. The Nether is not as pleasant as the overworld but it's worth it for the life I live now.

My name is Ofelia, and I am a loyal shadow knight, seeking revenge on my father.

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