Chapter 22

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"The day the Shadow Knights invaded Eknarah, you saw what happened. You all left. I made you leave. The Shadow Knights didn't kill me, they brought me to the nether and converted me into one of them. Gene.... he was the strongest Shadow Knight. With the ability to change memories. He changed mine into believing that you left me behind. And that you hated me. I believed him. I thought it was true. I thought you hated me and was just waiting for the day in which I died..."

My voice grew thicker as a sob rose in my throat, tears slipped out of my eyes and I looked down with shame, gripping my hands together.

"Never," Father vowed. He rested a hand on my shoulder and I looked up at him and smiled, "Thanks. But at the time, I hated you. I wanted you dead. I was determined to get my revenge on you for what had done to me. I thought you were the reason everything bad happened to me. It turned me against humans and everyone. I destroyed more villages than you can imagine. I spied on villages and made them fall. I was the top assassin and spy in the Nether. No one, not even a magicks user could tell I was a Shadow Knight. I'm so ashamed of all the horrible deeds I've committed. I've done so much to ruin everyone.

I wanted everyone to suffer the same way I did." 

He stepped back for a moment, eyes glazed over with shock and I stared back, a challenge in my eye. I was daring him to tell me that my ways were horrid. I already knew they were, hearing the words coming from his mouth would merely just seal the deal.

"It wasn't your fault."

To say I was shocked would be an understatement, I staggered back a pace and my eyes widened so huge I thought they might burst. I did not see that coming.

"Oh really? Tell me. Who killed those people?" 

"You did."

"Exactly my point. Tell me how exactly is it not my fault so many died?"

He walked forward and brushed his hand against the cherry blossom tree, a smile creeping up his face.

"The Ofelia I know wouldn't do that on her own accord. She'd fight back and she did. She won too. It may have taken awhile but it was merely the Shadow Knight side of her that committed all that horrible murder. It was not your fault. The Shadow Knights plagued your mind with these awful thoughts. That isn't the Ofelia I know."

"So you're telling me... the Shadow Knights took control of me?"

A nod shook his face and the challenge that once sparkled in my eyes now gleamed in his.

"Well you're wrong. You say the Ofelia you know wouldn't do that but I am not the Ofelia you once knew. 2 years can change people. I've been torn down and shattered. I'm a pane of broken glass, hurting anyone who nears me. The Ofelia you know wouldn't do that. The Ofelia exists now, would."

I was ready for any response he flung at me. I was mostly ready for him to give in and recognize that I was a monster.

"Would she now? Well than. Eknarah's right over there. You've destroyed so many villages before, why not Eknarah? Go on. Do it! Kill me while you're at it."

So he did see the monster in me. Glad he did but... I couldn't. I can't go over there and kill the innocent. I just can't. I may have done it in the past but I said I would change. I promised I would change. Why did I fight for my right to be a monster? I was arguing about being a monster? If I truly wanted to change, I'd have to forget the past and focus on what I was meant to do.


Honestly, the words themselves surprised. I didn't expect them to escape my lips. That's it. I've refused to destroy a village. I've refused to take the lives of innocents.

I don't even the look the part any more.

I'm not a Shadow Knight.

"That's what I thought," A smile brightened up Father's face and he stepped over to me, brushing a clump of my black hair behind my face and I stared him straight in the eye, "There's more to the story if you want to hear it."

"Enlighten me."

"Recently, Zenix, a powerful Shadow Knight, turned on us. He slaughtered several Shadow Knights, yet spared me. I had stayed in the overworld for two long and as a result, my feelings began to wreck the emotionless being that was me. I fought them. Everything started to come back, yet I kept pushing it away. Seems so foolish now. Eventually, I made to the portal but I recovered a memory. A memory of my birthday.... when I entered the nether the memory vanished and I planned on staying there. But... a Shadow Knight destroyed the portal, however I managed to escape through. At first, I wanted to destroy villages but I found the old Eknarah. The one that I had 'died' in. I found my diary and read the first 5 entries. The ones that remained... the last one wrecked me. The good deed one. It was at that moment, I truly started to turn. I found the bracelet and scrapbook Alta gave me. Speaking of which... what happened to her? Is she here?"

Hope rippled through me as I gazed upon the village who hadn't noticed me. What would they say when they finally saw me?

Father sighed, "Unfortunately no. After you died she was broken. She didn't speak to anyone and one day, she just ran away. She left a note saying she out to journey the world. To restart her life. Her father died too you know.  We have no idea where she is, she doesn't send letters or visits so we can only pray to Irene she is safe."

 He glanced at me with pity for my lost friend and I merely just sighed, "That's alright. I should've expected as much. A person like me... doesn't deserve someone like her. Though maybe I can work towards that honor."

"You already have..." Father mumbled. I refused to say anything to regard this remark. I merely just continued with my story, a sudden urge to leave waking inside me.

"I found Sibyl, I didn't know she was my sister at first so we merely talked. Later, I realized she was my sister and we talked and caught up with each other. Than she told me of your entry and I read it and came to find you and here we are now."

"Hmm. Sounds like you've been through quite a lot. I can't say the same. Things have been quiet here. I mourn at your grave every month. So now what?"

I tipped my head to one side. "Now... I have no idea what I'm going to do."

Father bobbed his head back in forth in the usually way that meant he was thinking, "You can't go back to the Nether to be a Shadow Knight... they'll imprison, " He mused,"How about you just become a guard here? You want to be a better person."

I looked him dead in the eye, a fury starting to bubble inside me.

"No. I don't want anyone here to even know I'm alive. Let them think I'm dead. It will just hurt too many people. I want to start my life over."

Father looked confused for a second than shrugged. Suddenly a guard's call was heard, calling  my father's name. His eyes widened as he looked at me.

"I love you. Stay safe okay?" I stared at him, my legs jiggling with the urge to run and leave.

"Okay, I love you too. Goodbye Ofelia." He whispered the words as he ran towards the call and I slipped into the darkness.

I knew exactly where I was going.


WHAT IS THIS MAGIC? KYLIE UPLOADED TWICE IN A DAY!? WOW! Haha but yeah, one more chapter! Right now I don't have much motivation so sorry if this chapter was "off" but yeah. If I get more motivation later than I'll write the final two chapters (chapter 23 and epilogue). MUST. GO. GET. MOTIVATION.

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