Chapter 18

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Dear Ofelia's Diary

This is so hard for me to do. I-I never thought I could revisit this place. It feels unfamiliar and I can practically feel my daughter's sorrow echoing against the walls. Sibyl's right behind me in case I need mental help. She's been there for me ever since Ofelia died. I thank her for that but I see the look in her eyes when she sees a forest. Her destiny lies beyond the new Eknarah that we've created. 

I don't think I could ever bring myself to speak to the ghost of my daughter. To tell her everything, so this entry is the best I've got. Hopefully she'll read this. Her spirit died in a place with no one to comfort it. Her spirit might still linger her. I don't want that. I want to set her free.

Ofelia, if your spirit is still here then please listen to me. I want to tell you everything that happened if you don't know. Maybe you have an idea and think I left you for dead.

But you have to know the real story.

Everyone does.

If someone comes along this entry and you are not Ofelia, my daughter, then please read the story as well. I want to spread my daughter's legacy. I tell her of everyone I meet, describe her greatness and her love and care. Alta especially misses her. We all do.

We have not created a grave for Ofelia yet and I'm ashamed to say this. It's been two months since she died. We had to create houses so we could survive first. Lord Reginald said that Ofelia would want us to stay safe. I hope this is true. I hope she's not upset that we haven't created her grave.

I already have the grave planned out. Its going underneath a cherry blossom tree. Ofelia always loved them. She met Alta under one, she had all of her birthdays under one....

She died under one.

Is she happy she died underneath her most favorite tree? The one that symbolic in her heart? I hope so.

She's done everything under a cherry blossom. And now her spirit can rest underneath one. Please Ofelia. I want to make peace with you.

Now for the story. The hardest part I've been putting off. These words have been enchanted with magicks so that way Ofelia knows that this is completely honest. Sibyl has left the house but she's standing out, admiring what little nature is left. This place is destroyed thanks to the Shadow Knights.

It was a cold day. Very quiet and peaceful. Ofelia and my wife, Amanda were cooking some cherry stew. Ofelia was actually a guard, fresh out of the guard academy. She always was determined to help those who couldn't help themselves. Sibyl was outside the village, playing in the woods, promising to be back by sundown. 

Little did she know, we would be the ones meeting her.

There was the sound of an explosion and battle cries. As we sprinted out of the house, I saw them. The Shadow Knights. Their gleaming red armour striking fear into my heart. Moments later, I saw Ofelia charging fearlessly into battle, a saber (sword) raised. She fought off the Shadow Knights and knocked some out. She knew she was no match yet she fought on anyway. 

Reginald was fighting too but he was organizing a fleeing patrol, gathering all the villagers together.

Several were escaping to hide in a spot Reginald had found earlier, just in case anything like this happened. Soon it was just the guards, Ofelia, Amanda and me left.

I saw Amanda was murdered and I wept to myself. I took her body and gave it to a guard and he carried her remains away. The rest of us escaping couldn't leave though. The Shadow Knights would just follow us and slaughter everyone who was safe.

I was about to offer to stay behind, to defend them when Ofelia pushed me away, into a guard and yelled at him to take me away. The guard was so intimidated by Ofelia's passion to protect, her did as she asked and took me away. I struggled all I could to get back at to her but it was no use. Understanding Ofelia's noble sacrifice, the guards began to leave. They called to here that she would always be remembered for defending her village. She would live on forever in our memories.

Ofelia was smiling, looking proud that she had defended us. She looked overjoyed and faced the Shadow Knights with a gleam in her eye. I screamed I loved her to her and she shouted that she loved me back and that she would always watch over me and keep me safe. She would never forget me and I promised her the same.

 I never saw her die, but I knew that she was dead. Her body was burned by the Shadow Knights I'm assuming but I will create her a grave, worthy of the golden heart that she has.

Goodbye Ofelia.

I will never forget you.

And I never left you behind.

You told me to save myself.

And I did, for you.

Though I honestly wish it could've been me underneath that cherry blossom.


She now knows that it was ALL A LIE. HER FATHER NEVER LEFT HER. She made him leave! He didn't have a choice. 5 more chapters to go! I'm going to see if I can try to fit them all in this weekend since I have Monday off *victory dance*

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