Chapter 8

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What? Who were those people and why were they going to the nether portal? They were mere mortals, not immortals nor magick users so why were they going through the nether portal?

Bewildered, I waited until the werewolf walked away before I ran into the cave. Both were gone. So they must've gone through. But why? Oh please, don't tell me they were planning on destroying the Shadow Lord. Even in his weakened state, he is still powerful enough to take down two weaklings.

Smirking, I knew I had to destroy them. No way were they getting anywhere NEAR our Shadow Lord though I am positive by now they'd already been destroyed.

But why did I sense great power within the girl? And she didn't even know of it either! It was inside her, trying to get out but she had no idea how to use it for it stayed contained. Suddenly, a spark of worry began to rise in my thoughts. What if... what if the girl's powers unleashed on the Shadow Lord? What if it harmed him?

No! I could not let that happen! I had to destroy them. Quickly, I sprinted through the portal and allowed my vision to blur. Everything was dizzy for a couple heartbeats than I found myself standing on familiar netherrack. I looked around and instantly, my character. My personality. It all came back. The memory that I just experienced moved to the back of my mind where I wouldn't think of it for a long time. 

But as I dwelled in the nether more, the memory vanished leaving me in utter happiness. But now was not the time to gloat how I had conquered staying in the overworld for too long. If anything, I got to panicky. I should've moved faster and ignored everything, always moving, even in daylight but it was too late now.

All I had to do was focus on the task at hand which was fighting these two strangers. Two less ignorants in the world right?

I pulled out my sword, pleased that I was not in my shadow knight armor like most. As I sprinted forward I gazed down in shock at the bodies of immortal Shadow Knights on the ground. Not dead, just knocked out. 

Okay so they are decent fighters but let's see them get past the Shadow Lord. 

I dashed into the castle and up the stairs, determined to kill them. They needed to die and a death would definitely make me feel better. As I continued sprinting through the castle I looked I passed 2 people. The girl and a different man who I knew as the Chicken Shaman. Oh now I see. They were coming for the Chicken Shaman. 

Why they care for his safety? They're probably using him. He's insane and since when have humans cared for one another?

But where was the man that I had seen before? The one who had gone in with the girl? Then I heard groans of pain from upstairs and moments later, the man ran past me, battered, wounded and exhausted.

They, they left him behind?

The words cracked in my thoughts and I stared at him sorrowfully, remembering when I was left behind. Suddenly, I felt sympathy for this man. He was abandoned just like me. They showed me kindness and a new way. The right way. 

Now it was time for me to help repay my eternal debt and help this man. Strangely, he was going after them. To get with them. He still has faith in humanity, just like I did.

I'm so sorry, but you're wrong. They don't deserve your forgiveness. We'll help you...

I ran out after him, at that moment, I didn't care if the woman and the Chicken Shaman escaped. All I cared about, was saving this man from joining people who didn't deserve to be joined.

"Wait! Come back! I can help you!" I shouted after him, my voice sounded weird since I hadn't used it in awhile but I refused to show weakness. As I sprinted out of the castle, I ran into Sasha. Sasha looked at me and her eyes widened. "Ofelia? Where were you? I thought Zenix killed you."

"You found out about what happened with Zenix?" I questioned and Sasha nodded, a grim look crossing her eyes, "The madman. We'll destroy him, trust me on that. But for now, we have to save Laurence and stop Aphmau and Castor." 

"Laurence? Is that the orange hair guy?" I asked, looking around to see if I could catch a glimpse of his crazy-orange hair in the distance.

"Yes," Sasha nodded, "Aphmau's the one with the black hair and the one meddling with our plans. She must be destroyed. As for Castor, we need his magicks."

As if to agree, I pulled out a long red sword and nodded, running after them. 

As I reached the portal, my mouth gaped at what I saw. In his hand, Vylad held a sphere. That sphere was reddish-purple and glowed ominously. The sphere, controlled the nether portal. If Vylad broke it here. The nether portal, would collasp.

"Vylad! What are you doing! Put that sphere down at once!" Vylad didn't reply, only held the sphere tighter, looking to the side. I saw that Shadow Knights had apprehended Laurence who wasn't struggling, just staying quiet as they dragged him away.

Good, he's excepted it. They left him behind.

Clenching my fists in fury, Sasha turned to me. "Vylad is going to break that portal. Go! Get out of here Ofelia! Don't worry about us,  we'll find a way out. But we need Shadow Knights on the other side. Go now! Vylad won't stop you." 

I nodded wordlessly and sprinted, pain searing in every movement. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to continue building my power here. But I had to. I had to open the portal again. The Shadow Knights would deal with Vylad.

I had to deal with the overworld.

Vylad let me pass quietly, he didn't try to stop me in fear I would just open the portal again and his efforts would be in vain.

He let me pass. Why? I don't know. Why was he breaking the portal. Was it to save Aphmau and Castor or was he always planning this and now was the perfect time.

And if he wanted the portal gone, why did he let me pass when I could open it again?

All these thoughts and questions swirled in my mind until I was dizzy. All I know is that I made it through the portal.

Back to the overworld again.

With no way back into the nether.


Yup! That is why she was not in the nether! Because she was sent to go through the portal. Why Vylad let her pass? Who knows (once again, I KNOW!)! But yeah, once again we're in the overworld and now I'm linking the MCD characters to the story. They'll show up, trust me they will but not now for I have something else planned. Hehehe


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