Chapter 4

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After stripping my armor off, I felt much better. I was always used to my knee-high combat boots, black shorts and dark gray jacket with light grey undershirt as well as the sash and the perk of having it stretch across my hands as well, with just my fingers poking out.

I moved quietly and quicker as soon as I blended in with the darkness again, it was my second night on the journey back the wolf village. I preferred to travel by night, then rest in the morning. I would use my shadow knight powers to tunnel a way into the the roots of a tree than close it up with barrier magicks and rest.

Yes I have barrier magicks. All Shadow Knights do. Not much but enough to disguise ourselves if necessary though most Shadow Knights don't use them, cockily thinking they are invincible and charge straight into the danger, hurtling fireballs. For the entire day I would pass the time underneath a tree by keeping my skills sharp with a training dummy as well as creating illusions of guards and mock training to sneak by them. I know I was good at stealth but I'd best keep my skills sharp while I wasn't on a mission. 

By now, a Shadow Knight or two would be sent out to look for the patrol. Zenix was one out of the two Shadow Knights that Gene liked so their was definitely a Shadow Knight out, Gene needs Zenix's strength to demolish villages, with Zenix, Gene's got his sights set on O'Khasis. It's practically his dream to invade the powerhouse in our region. It's one of the few things he actually talks about.

Only now, we'd most definitely have to wait in order to invade O'Khasis. Zenix wasn't helping us anytime soon. I'd have to report his treachery.

Gene will not be pleased. I remarked. I was bracing myself for the outburst of fury that would explode from Gene. Any Shadow Knight betraying, Gene would be in anger. But Zenix? The 2nd most powerful Shadow Knight (though in my opinion he seemed to be the first, I wondered if Gene would be thankful at all that Zenix was gone and not passing him for strongest Shadow Knight) leaving us? Gene would be furious for a week if we were lucky. Most likely a month.

I began to feel my strength rising and knew it was night, I passed back from the barrier magicks and ran into the darkness of tree after tree, always staying away from the little light that the stars and moon provided. A cool breath filled my nostrils and sharpened my eyes. The overworld was a beautiful place, especially at night. 

I remembered the old me that would sneak out at night after curfew and rest by the village waterfall, staring at the stars and telling myself what each one meant. For a temporary moment, I looked up and my eyes caught a glimpse of a star, powerful and bright, outshining the rest.

That one's courage... the courage to admit you are wrong and to request help. The courage to face your greatest fear in order to save those you care about... the courage to- wait. No! These thoughts are good, innocent thoughts! You are a assassin and a spy. Not a stargazer!

But yet, for a moment I felt peace and calm, a spark of happiness to just see the stars. To be pleased by such a little object because in my heart, it meant so much to me. I growled and pushed the thoughts and rained on the spark. The only reason I felt these was because the mission had gone on longer than intended thanks to the pesky new Shadow Knights and Zenix's betrayal. 

That's what I stubbornly told myself for the entire night. I kept moving, ignoring the happy memories of my family and I hanging out but everytime I pushed one memory away, another came, taunting me and coaxing me towards the light. I was a shadow knight. An immortal one at that. Even if I wanted that life back I couldn't go to it. And besides, I didn't want that life back. 

This was my life. And it always will be.

But why could I not stop thinking about the memories of my past life?


Yup, I just pulled ALL the self-doubt into this chapter. Sorry I didn't upload one yesterday, I was at a sleepover. I'm going to start prewriting some chapters due to school coming back in a week. Today's Tuesday. DANG IT ITS GOING TO BE HERE TOO SOON!

Thanks for reading and stay unique! Byeeeeeee!

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