Chapter 12

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Entry 1 

May 14th

Hi! My name is Ofelia and it's the day after my 10th birthday. My parents gave me this diary as a gift and told me to write all my adventures and secrets down in it so that way, when I grew up I could read this back and I'd be happy with myself. They seem to be happy when I write so I do it. It's kind of fun so far so I think that's a good sign.

I guess I should tell you about myself. Well for starters my full name is Ofelia Quiet Hawk. I live in the wonderful village of Eknarah and I absolutely LOVE it here. I want to go to guard academy when I grow up then I'll return here or maybe I'll find a village of my own to guard. I'm not so sure yet. My favorite color is yellow and my hobby is to spy. Sounds nosy I know but I never use it for harm. Only when I need to.

And I'm good at it too! No one ever knows I'm there and I'm good at hiding and lying though I would never lie! Only to criminals and bandits. 

My best friend is Alta Upton. She's kind of like my opposite. I am quiet, shy, and reserved so it's practically a miracle I have a friend in the first place. I can barely speak sometimes to strangers or Alta's parents. I don't like being the center of attention but sometimes, I can be fearless though not completely because lets face it, without fear how can there be courage?

For instance, when someone holds a sword to my neck, I won't be scared, rather try to find a way out of the situation. I, um, actually have had a sword to my neck one time. It was with a bandit but Daddy saved me. It was  really scary. Daddy is the bravest man I know. He's not a guard, he decided not to to spend more time with me. How noble of him!

He would do anything for me, even sacrifice his life but let's hope it never comes to that.

Mommy is more like me. She's quiet and shy and super understanding. She knows me better than anyone and keeps her faith in the people she looks up to. She's has the gift of eternal loyalty.

Like I said earlier though, Alta's my opposite. She's cheerful, talkative but can sometimes be super cheesy. She can get too wrapped up in a touching moment and gets all deep though she's mostly happy. And it's a good thing she's talkative too, if a guard approaches us for accidently ruining the Lord's gardens (that's a story for another day) then Alta will do most of the talking and confuses the guard so much that he just ends up letting us go.

I think that's everything you need to know about me for now. I look forward to these entries. Do you think that maybe I'm dead right now and you're reading these entries as some kind of ancient artifact in ruins? That would be so cool! Are you a scholar who is reading this to discover more about life back then and you're going to bring these to a library? Oh my gosh that would be even cooler!

Agh! I'm rambling. Funny how I got so wrapped up in writing to you. Like you're an actual person. To be honest I've talked more to you then I've talked to strangers though technically you are a stranger because this is the first time I've approached you and if you're reading this and not me then it's probably the first time I've met you.... rambling again!


Entry 2

May 15th

Wow you have no idea how much I was looking forward to writing in this. Alta and I are camping in the woods at the current moment. It's so cool! Though earlier I saw a flash of red in the darkness. Weird huh? I chased after it and I found a person. He was completely cloaked with only one green eye showing.

He said I'd see him again one day. Weird huh? Well let's forget about that and focus on how yummy these 

*a glop of white is smeared on a section of the page*

Dang I got some marshmellow on the page! Oh well, we're going back tomorrow since it was only one night. Anyway, I got to get some shut-eye. Bye!

Entry 3

May 16th


I got to see the nether portal in the wolf village! They were super friendly although I didn't talk to them. I kind of just hid behind Mommy while Alta did most of the talking. They practically love her now.

The portal was super ominous and was a rectangle of obsidian. It wasn't active thank goodness but it was super cool. Do you think one day I'll be able to travel to the nether as a spy mission for my lord? That would be epic!

Entry 4

May 17th 

Earlier I did a good deed for someone. They told me I was the nicest person in the world for helping them. I did more good deeds that day and I got so many compliments and praise.... for once it felt nice to have attention, not embarrassing. Wow I think I might cry.

They were just so... nice and it felt so good to feel good.

I don't even know how to describe how I felt so if you're reading this, go and do a good deed for a stranger and watch how good it makes you feel.

I hope I never lose this good side of me. I hope I never turn against mankind and become a thief and a murderer. Though I would do my very best of preventing that. Wow I think I might cry.

It just made me feel like such a good person you know? I-I want to do my best to help mankind and I think going to guard academy achieve that. I'm going tomorrow.

I'm a mission to help protect this world, not destroy it.

*the rest of the pages are ripped out*


I got teary-eyed writing the 4th entry. Oh my gosh I have no idea why but I just got tear-eyed and wow. I have no idea why it wasn't even emotional. Wow. 

But anyway! This entire chapter was pretty much the diary. Or err- what was left of it. So now what do you think will happen? Still got 11 more chapters to go!

But yeah I need to go rewrite the description.... *goes to do that*

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