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Dear Diary

This is the official final entry. A lot has happened that I don't want to explain that much. Rather, I'll focus on the future and the present, rather than the past.

This will be fairly short but that's because I have a life to live now. One I'm proud of.

It's been a month since Aphmau excepted me into her village. A lot has happened.

For one, they made me a nice house and I decorated the bottom with a yellow bed put a weapon rack up. I also put in tons of training dummies to keep my skills sharp. I have a new weapon, a mithril scythe. It's so beautiful and it's my official weapon. I still wear my armor that I always had because it was like a memory. A memory of all I had been through.

A symbol of strength.

I wasn't scared of my past anymore. I wasn't hiding from it.

People think they're so brave, ignoring any bad thing that happens. Anyone can hide, it takes true courage to face just what that problem is.

So I wear that armor with pride, the black armor that I loved so much.

I've made good friends with Aphmau and Nicole. Nicole especially. She's just like me, we both love fighting and have dark pasts. She shared with me that she's the first born of Scaleswind. I haven't told a soul. She hasn't even told Aphmau! 

I also made good friends with Garroth, Laurence and Dante considering I joined the guard. I'm the fastest one out of them and definitely the most sneaky. I always spy on their conversations without them noticing.

So I'm still sneaky but some things never change huh?

I stay up 4 nights a week, patrolling. I'm best suited for this because I can blend in easily to catch enemies off guard, I'm immortal so I don't get tired and I love nights. It just feels so calm and relaxing at night. I often pray to Lady Irene at the statue and honor her faith. She's such a noble woman. I thank her for giving me a new shot at life.

I also met up with the werewolves and apologized for everything. They forgive me, thank goodness, as long as I tell them that I'm changing to be good eternally. Of course. I will never go back to that horrid Shadow Knight side.

I train daily, keeping my skills sharp always. I've learned new methods of fighting from Garroth. No offense moves since I know most of them but a ton of defense moves. Hey what can I say? Shadow Knights don't like defense.

At least I can say one good thing came out of being a Shadow Knight. Actually a lot of good things came out of being a Shadow Knight. Like...

-My newfound bravery

-My home is Phoenix Drop

-My fighting skills

-The lesson it gave me

-My sneaking skills.

But obviously the cons of being a Shadow Knight pile up so high that they overcome the pros. But let's focus on the positive.

Since I'm immortal I don't need to eat or sleep but Aphmau makes sure I sleep 3 days a week and eat everyday. It's actually kind of fun, sleeping and food tastes amazing! How did I ever live for 2 years without it?

Laurence likes talking to me about being a Shadow Knight. He's intrigued on everything to do with it, including controlling his abilities as well as... everything. I talk to him about he, he knows he can talk to me about Shadow Knight stuff. 

Everyone trusts me now and it's an amazing feeling, being excepted and loved you know? Well. I guess that's it. Nicole wants to train with me. She doesn't train as often, not even close in fact but today she's going to train and spar with me. This should be fun! I'm totally gonna win!

Nicole doesn't stand a chance.

Oh! But as for my Shadow Knight abilities, I ignore them. Sometimes I go far from Phoenix Drop and use them so they don't build up and hurt someone, also sometimes I get to do fun stuff with them. I never use them in Phoenix Drop. Sure they may be cool but I like to act like everyone else, without powers.

Ugh Nicole's getting impatient. Well I better go. Bye!

Oh and remember for all of you people who feel like you're falling down without hope,

Stars never shine without darkness


I loved just telling about what happened after everything. So this book is FINALLY completed. I loved making it and I'm gonna go write an author's note. Read on for that!

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