Chapter 5

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Well its about time. After a week of traveling I finally found the wolf village. I had considered looking for the patrol that had been sent to go find Zenix but my main priority was to get back to the nether to regain my personality and ahold of my emotions. They had remained in my heart (or what remained of that black, shriveled up thing) for too long and now, I was going to rid them from my mind.

So what if those Shadow Knights are in danger? It's not my responsibility. I looked after myself, they can't expect me to look after someone who was sent to help my when I don't need any help.

The journey had been peaceful, much to my liking. I'd rather have it so they didn't see me for in fear that later, I would need to spy on their village.

As much as I loved destruction, I'd rather save it for later, when I wasn't an emotional mess.

As per usual, the wolves lazed around their village, some had clearly gone out to hunt due to their puny population. More-so than usual. When the time was right, we would slaughter them, but for now, we could manipulate them. Wolves can be strong when they're angry and if we turn them against people they know, the more that are out of our way, out of the Shadow Lord's way.

The wolf (actually a pup) I saw was Kiva. Naive, friendly and hyper, the young pup would hardly pay attention to the small purple wisp I would become. Unlike some Shadow Knights, I could cloak myself into a purple wisp. It was fantastic for spying or sneaking by though I didn't use it often because it took up so much energy and exposed myself to more emotions and human memories. 

I don't want human memories. Why would I wish for memories of betrayal and harm?

I usually just asked for access and told them that usually left a note afterwards saying that I had found what I was looking for and had left without them noticing. It worked like a charm everytime.

Like I said, they aren't so smart.

But this was the 14th time I'd asked for access. I would have to wait for a while until I asked again. I was going underneath the disguise that I just needed information or to save someone, etc., but I'd been doing that too much recently. I'll wait, for the time being I'll just have to suffer through some human memories.

This being only being my 3rd time doing this, it was unfamiliar but I have to. Besides, Gene always got rid of the human memories afterwards. Thank Shadow Lord for that.

Crouching behind a tree, I closed my eyes and focused all of my energy, imagining my body shrinking down to nothingness, to just a small purple wisp that was my essence, my being. I let all all feeling slide from body and into my black heart which would transfer me to a wisp.

Blinking open my eyes, I looked down at my hands and growled. Nothing! I'd have to try harder. I closed my eyes once more and imagined the wisp again, I numbed every sense of my body to nothingness and focused super hard on the purple wisp. Nothing else. Just the purple wisp. I'd have to truly connect with this being however. I knew the purple wisp came from the shadow realm so I'd have to reach out to the nether mentally without physically being in the nether.

Concentrating, I imagined the nether. Netherrack, ghasts, pigmen, Shadow Castle.... then I thought of the source the purple wisp came from in the first place. A half-solid, half-gas object that lay in a patch behind the castle. I thought about that location super hard and then when the image was in my mind, I delved further into it.

Instantly, everything began to shake. Not physically, just in my mind until I was dizzy. I felt my body melt away into that patch of purple wisp and began transparent and small. Just a thin, shaky line that flicked like fire. The ground vanished beneath my feet and as I opened my eyes, everything was blurred and slightly purple. However this was normal and I could still float to the portal. It felt weird, not feeling the ground, but anything to get the portal.

As soon as I was in the clear, I allowed my physical form to come back which was a lot easier than getting out of it. I just let my focus slide away and became distracted. Boom! Physical form. 

I turned towards the active nether portal and smirked. Behind me was a werewolf but the werewolf was fast asleep since it was night. Some guard huh? Every Shadow Knight knows that you never sleep when you're immortal. You don't need sleep.

As I turned around towards the portal. I stared at it's rippling purple wall, encaged by a rectangle of dark obsidian. Smoothing my hair I was about to step through when the world paled white in half a second and I was swept into a different realm.

A realm I had been dreading to go to.

A realm that showed me my memories.


So this entire chapter was pretty much just going to the nether portal! That's it. Just the portal. It also revealed Ofelia's ability to disguise herself but it comes at a cost which is revealing a memory from her human life since obviously, Gene got rid of all her memories. Except for the one in which she was betrayed. The thing is though, these memories are gonna be super important and this isn't the last flashback she'll get.

This is kinda a spoiler but the next chapter is just going to be the flashback. The one after that will be the one where she actually returns to the nether (finally). Hehe. Yup. Definitely going back to the nether. Hehe

Thanks for reading and stay unique! Byeeeeee

(P.S. I've decided that I'm just gonna spam ees on the outro instead of just counting 7 because I'm too lazy to count 7 :P)

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