Chapter 20

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I'm running. Something I've grown familiar with since I became a Shadow Knight. I know now that even before I was a Shadow Knight, I loved running. It was always something to lift the stress from my heart. To let me breath. And be happy.

Only now, I'm not sure what I'm feeling. Or if I even am happy.

Am I satisfied with what I've found? Am I satisfied my memory is back? 

Or is this just a burden in disguise? Did I make a mistake? I honestly don't know. Only time will tell I guess.

But for now I must focus on the task at hand. Finding my father. I needed to hear the words from his mouth, to see what he wanted to say. What I would say to him? That I had no idea. He probably would be shocked to see me. He thought I was dead.

You may wonder why he thought I was dead when I had clearly attacked Eknarah. Yes, I know, however I didn't want Eknarah to see me at the time. I wanted to strike betrayal and fear into their hearts when I finally slaughtered my father.

But now.... did I want to slaughter him? He didn't leave me behind but he never tried to save me or anything.... no one ever tried to save me.

With all these jubbled up thoughts in my head, I felt dizzy and had to stop and breath. I had no idea how long I'd been running but it was definitely far. Far enough to make me feel dizzy. I wasn't tired, being a Shadow Knight obviously, but I was dizzy. Why? I had no idea. Shadow Knights are immune to pain.

Maybe not mental pain.

I massaged my temples, taking in deep breaths. I had to keep moving. I had to ignore everything inside me and just keep going. There was a person I needed to see and I needed to see them now.

I slammed my back against a tree and slowly slid to the ground. I pulled out my Shadow Sword. It was encased in lava and blood of the mighty and gleamed in the little light that was provided during night. It told a story. A brutal one that involved many deaths and sabotages. Many had fallen to this blade. Many had known it to be the one that stabbed them in the back after I was done spying their village.

I had destroyed so many villages, leaving no survivors. No one knew of me. No one. Not a single village had managed to alert nearby villages of my name and my calling. No one knew I was a Shadow Knight.

It would definitely be a shocker once I told my father, if I decided to that is.

Sucking in my breath, I rose up and began to run once more, tuning out my surrounds and  zooming in on the obstacles in my path. Just keeping running. Ignore everything. Ignore all the thoughts.

Alta is still out there, alive as well. I have no idea where she is but she's alive and still my friend.

Just ignore everything.

Sibyl's living a happy life. She knows almost everything about me but I might never see her again.

Focus on running.

All the people I let down when I turned. Everyone. They all probably would hate me if they knew what I was. They would never want to speak of me again. They would disown me and toss me into the nether if they could. They would bring me to Shadow Knights who would imprison me for how much I knew.

Ignore the thoughts. Just run.

My father... he never left me. He always loved me, I just didn't know it. I was the fool and the ignorant one. I was the one who deserved to die. Mankind is the ally. Shadow Knights are the enemy. Every good thing I despised is what makes this place amazing.

Just keep going.

The Shadow Knights are horrible! They kill for fun! They slaughter the innocents, the ones who have callings. The ones who could make an impact. They're trying to throw a sorry excuse for a leader into power to enslave everyone and to hurt. They aren't helping one bit! They aren't as good as you think they are. They're job is a disgrace to everything you're supposed to believe in! It was all lies! They fooled you! They were just using you! They never cared! They didn't save you! They hurt you! They broke you down when they promised they would fix you! It was all a lie! A stupid lie!

Life As A Shadow KnightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora