Chapter 21

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I pushed him.

That's right, I pushed him. I saw him dangling above the cliff, his life flashing before his eyes. He thought he was going to die but all he could focus on, was me.

He was astonished I was alive. He thought that he was already dead and I was just here to lead him to heaven. To Lady Irene.

But no... I was very much alive as was he.

And I wanted revenge.

All of my Shadow Knight abilities took hold and knew their job. They knew that they were going to end this, forget this all and go back to the people who I hated. To live a miserable life once more.

So I stepped on his hand and looked him dead into the eye and pushed him. His eyes grew the size of moons as he realized this was not a dream.

This was not a nightmare.

It was simply reality.

I had done the thing that I had wanted for two years now. I could forget everything and go back to the nether. To live my life the way it was supposed to be. Like I said, once your a Shadow Knight, there is no turning back.

There was an aching crunch as he slammed against the ground, his eyes glazed over and shut for a final time. Blood stained the once beautiful flowers around.

There was no turning back.

Or was that what I had always wanted to believe?

There was actually a path back.

I could retrace my steps.

I could if I wanted to.

But I killed him.

And now I will suffer eternally.


That was what would happen if I chose to kill him. I saw it all flash before my eyes. If I killed him now.... that was the fate that would befall upon me.

(Okay for those of you who are confused, that was a vision, an image of what would become of her if she decided to kill her father. MUAHAHA DID I PLAY WITH YOUR EMOTIONS?)

Did I want that? No of course not. The vision had showed me a path that would once seem welcoming but now it just seemed like a wrapped gift with something hideous inside.

It wasn't what I wanted.

Revenge? Petty and ridiculous. The worse known thing to plague someone's mind. It can take a hold of their body and cloud their thoughts with a red mist. One that prevents them from seeing straight and noticing the obvious.

I thought I was clever, sneaky and brave. 

I was a coward and a fool.

Revenge is not what I wanted.

It was what the Shadow Lord wanted.

I had to do what was right.

I had been blind all this time, this one choice would affect my life forever. Both ways seemed inviting however one was a lie. They both looked tempting but only one would lead me to true happiness. Only one would lead to the benefit of everyone. Those who deserved happiness.

If I had a chance to change my life, would I?

I think I would.

And I'm going to reach that goal starting now.

I reached out my hand and offered it to the my father. He stared at it in shock for a moment, then looked up at me. He didn't know what I was or what I had done but he knew that I was here in front of him. The daughter he assumed was dead. The daughter who wanted to change.

He pulled himself up slightly and grabbed my hand, his eyes glistening with tears and hope.

I pulled him up easily, a Shadow Knight trains way to much if you ask me.

As I looked into his eyes, his tears were like puddles of water, reflecting me. I saw a girl. A girl who wanted to change and help those who deserved help.

I needed to tell him everything that had happened, to show him the girl and what she had become.

Maybe he wouldn't be proud, but maybe in the future, I could make him proud of the person I wanted to become. I had to start taking my life back, take it from the people who used it to their advantage. To mend it any way they please without the user of the life knowing just the horrid uses her life was being put to. I was not a weapon of the Shadow Lord's favor.

I was a person that wanted to help those who deserved help.

"Ofelia.....," Father whispered. His eyes glittered with confusion and love. He was at a loss for words. As was I, yet I managed to speak.

"Thank you... for everything," I whispered. It was the first thing I could think of. I wanted to thank him.

Father shook his head bitterly, "No. Ofelia. Thank you for everything. You saved me. Thank you for coming to visit and save me in spirit form. It means the world to me. I have no idea why you're here but you're here, that's all that matters."

He pulled me into a tight hug, refusing to let go as if I would disappear if he did. Quietly, I hugged him back. "I'm not dead... this is real. I'm alive. Maybe not the way you wanted, but alive."

Father shook his head, "No. I don't care what you've done or the people you've hurt. All I care is that you're alive. And I love you, no matter what you've done."

"I wouldn't be so sure," I mumbled. It was true. I don't think he'd love me as much if he knew what I was.

"Try me," Father challenged, letting me go and staring at me with a courageous look in his eyes.

"Okay," I agreed hesitantly. He loved me right now and would probably imprison me once he knew my story but I hadn't come this way for nothing. I hadn't done all of this for nothing." 

"Don't say I didn't warn you...."


DID I PLAY WITH YOUR EMOTIONS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE CHAPTER? DID I ANNOY PEOPLE? XD. I just thought, omigosh. I should totally fake kill him at the beginning because didn't you all expect for him to live? I wanted to see the reactions. To see who would actually believe I had killed him off. But nah. We get happy endings now don't we :).

TWO MORE CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh but I am going to write an epilogue :) 

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