Chapter 1

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Silence. Absolute silence. That's what I like to hear compared to the terrified screams and crying I'd heard a few moments before. When we were fighting and winning as we always do.

The sky was painted a misty blue as the cold winter breeze blew my hair past my face. I'd always liked to keep my face out rather than wear the helm most shadow knights wore. 

I was very different from most shadow knights. I was quiet but deadly. I was the one they sent to spy or to assassinate. I was deadly and I was feared throughout the entire region, rightfully so. 

I was much more deadly than the rest of the shadow knights for one reason. I had revenge. I was brewing with anger that would die with a journey that would never stop. I'd be running in circles until I finally decided to leap and endless.

Let him live today, and tomorrow and the next day. When he meets me again and for the final time, he'll wish he never lived those days. I vowed silently. I watched the shadow knights wordlessly as they crowed and cackled in their victory, they threw knifes and rocks at the lord and covered him in foul-smelling glowstone dust, taunting him.

I wrinkled my nose. Pathetic. What are they children? Honestly some of the shadow knights bewilderd me with their childish behavior. Half of the shadow knights, the more intelligent ones, knew to destroy than leave, never gloat. The one day we will gloat is when the Shadow Lord has his rightful place at the top of the world.

And he WILL get there. I will make sure of it and no one and nothing will stand in my way.

A smile crept up my face and I felt a powerful surge through my body. I was glad I had transferred to this side. They call it dark and cruel. I call it doing what's right because that's all humans care about isn't it?

As I watched the shadow knights dance in victory I shook my head and winced at the flashing red armor as I always did. This armor was ridiculous. It was too bright, too heavy and hard to move in! The only reason we win is not for our fighting, its for the skills the Shadow Lord blesses us with. When I had questioned the strongest shadow knight, Gene, about this, he had told me that the red was so bright, that villages would see us and cower in fear. So that way we were always seen and struck fear into the hearts of our enemies. Besides, if we won it wouldn't matter how the armor was would it?

Which is why to this very day, I never wear my armor, only when we go to fight.

Can't we just go back to the nether? We took over this place, we burned it to the ground and we killed everyone here! We have no business left here.

As if to prove my point, our leader, Zenix, steps forward, "That's enough! We are taking our leave of this wretched place. I am to be disgraced to see such childish play. Let's go!" Zenix was.... terrifying. Not to me of course but to everyone else, he was a monster and that's how I liked him.

Zenix didn't wear his red armor like me, he wore his guard-in-training outfit and was even stronger with it on. Why? I do not know and he never cared to tell us so I do not care. His eyes seep a red flame that burns into the hearts of his enemies. His massive red sword glows with a strength that no sword has and is always damp and dripping with blood. When he laughs, he reveals black fangs and a thin, snake-like red tongue. He's definitely something, a lot fiercer than most.

Which is why I he decided to kill us all.

I don't know it happened but one moment, we were all walking along then suddenly, Zenix whirls around and slaughters 7 shadow knights in 2.8 seconds flat. He then turns to us, laughing manically, a crazed, dark look in his eye. 

Strangely, I'm not afraid, I merely watch as he slaughters every single one of them. His sword flashing with strength as the immortal bodies fall to the ground. How he managed to slaughter them? I don't know but Zenix was always unpredictable. If Zenix was to kill me, I wouldn't mind. As long as the Shadow Lord becomes this world's king than it would be okay.

"I see you've been doing your research, "I say breezily as he murders the last one, like I don't even care and was afraid of this massacre which I wasn't. Zenix flashes me a shocked look, "You aren't scared?" He questions in a deep and echoing demonic voice, "You are frightened of my power? You are terrified to see the bodies of immortal shadow knights like yourself die? To know you are next?" 

I shrug, "Why should I be? I've seen murder and it's nothing. If I am to die than so be it. Not much I gain or lose at this point." 

Zenix laughs a cruel twisted laugh and paces around me, trying to startle me but I hold strong. It's not that hard, he isn't very intimidating. "You've got spirit and potential Ofelia. Alright then, I'll leave you be. You go roam free, whether you go back to the nether or stay here I don't care but people like you actually have a calling out there. Enjoy it. I won't be bothering you."

"Don't think I have an debt owed to it, I didn't beg for this, I wouldn't care if you killed right then and here."

In a flash, the sword is at my neck. Yeah right, like I didn't see that coming. He may be sneaky but sometimes, I'm one step ahead of him. I gaze into his eyes and he knows that I knew and he lowers the sword, "You have no idea how much I want to take your life?" Zenix growls, whipping his head back and forth and his eyes flickering with impatience. 

"Then do it," I invite, smoothing my straight black hair. He won't. I know it.

Without saying a word, Zenix whirls around and dashes off into the forest. "Stay out of my way?" He calls and I don't care to listen. I merely sit down and lay back against a tree. I lost an army of shadow knights and Zenix but he spared me? Why me?

Shrugging at this thought I reach into my pocket and pull out a black and white picture of a little girl and a cowboy smiling.I smile back at them. 

Well at least I can continue my revenge.


YAY FIRST CHAPTER. How'd you like it? I was thinking OH MY GOSH WHAT IF I COULD WRITE IT FROM SOMEONE WHO WAS WITH ZENIX WHEN HE TURNED INSANE!? OMIGOSH THAT IS PERFECT, I like how it turned out and I like the quiet, I-don't-care character I've made out of Ofelia. Guess who's in the picture? Ha! I bet you already have.

Anyways I REALLY enjoyed making this. I'm not sure where this is going to go but I definitely want to put some thought and time into this because I think this will be good practice for the career I REALLY want to have which is to be an author. Do most of you on here want to be authors? I think so since you are on here. Either that or you like books.

Thanks for reading and stay unique! Byeeeeeee

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