Chapter 10

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I have no idea where to even begin with opening the portal again. I have no clue where to even go. I mean, would a magicks user be able to make a good sacrifice? I have no idea! There are certain shadow knights who are best suited to find these people and make these sacrifices. I am not one of them! 

My abilities are to spy and assassinate, not sacrifice. Why didn't Sasha send someone who was good at that instead of me?

Then again, she never told me to open the portal. She just told me to leave and to not worry about the shadow knights.

Then what was even the point of me being out here?

Maybe she wanted me to continue to destroy villages and spy on them, so that way when they did get out by some other Shadow Knight on this side, we would know where to go first.

Comforted by this thought, I knew the best I could do was gather information. So I guess I was wandering aimlessly until I found a village. Staying sneaky of course and also fending off these pesky emotions which refused to leave me alone.

On the bright side, Sasha hadn't equipped me with new armor so I was a lot more stealthy. Deciding to gather supplies to set up camps, I gathered some oak wood with an axe I brought and went into a cave and did a little bit of mining to gather some iron and coal until it was night. Maybe in a village I could sell some wood and resources for diamonds. I could maybe steal some stuff worth diamonds or just steal diamonds in general. The last two options sounded much better.

While wandering, I decided to keep these emotions at bay by thinking of my father's betrayal and how the Shadow Lord was definitely going to rule this world with us Shadow Knights by his side.

One day, I would look back at this and know that because of my actions, the Shadow Lord was at his rightful place.

Weaving throughout the trees, I wondered what Vylad was doing. He was probably imprisoned right about now. In a weird way, I felt sadness towards that. Why did I care about Vylad? He was the reason I was here in the first place!

So shouldn't I feel fury towards him?

And yet I was silently hoping that Vylad was okay and that he enduring the torture. He was like myself, quiet and stealthy. However unlike me, he had been caught and had done some acts of treason towards the Shadow Lord. 

Yet he always had an excuse for the actions he pulled off. Sometimes it was to make it seem like he had done it for us, other times it was called a mistake, though we all knew that it was much more than a mistake, we left him be because it hadn't harmed us.

Until now, now there was nothing he could do to disguise this obvious act of betrayal. Oh Gene would not be happy. Two betrayals back-to-back? Gene would probably suspect Vylad of having some relation with Zenix's treason. Hmph, I can only imagine the kind of interrogation he would be getting.

Poor Vylad. I sighed and then shook my head.

Agh these feelings! These feelings were going to make me soft and vulnerable, something I do not like to be.

But that didn't last long when I came across a village. Or rather what remained of it. It looked like some ancient ruins, long trees growing over the houses which were in shambles and a ramshackle excuse for a stone-brick castle. The walls and the houses were coated in leaves and vines. I could see wildlife making homes in the ruins of what was supposed to be a village.

However I couldn't take my eyes off the village, because I knew what village that was.

It was one that I had seen before in the one memory I'd been left with.

The one village that I was hoping to leave behind.

The one village that I had carefully avoided but was now right in front of me due to the distraction in my thoughts.

The village I had been born in and betrayed in.



YEAH WE'VE ENTERED DOUBLE DIGITS!!! But my excitement aside, you may wonder why I inserted Eknarah so early on when I still have at least 10 more chapters to go. Hehe I have a plan don't you worry, soon all these boring traveling chapters (I'm sorry about them like the one where it was JUST getting to the nether portal) will turn into action. Hehe. 

But I have decided how many chapters this book will have. 23. 13 more chapters to go!

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