Chapter 6

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You have no idea how much I wish I could close my eyes and ignore this awful moment unfolding in front of me. Being in a different dimension is not what I had planned. I knew it was going to happen but a small part of me was hoping that I could skip this torture though I knew I would have to endure it.

I'm a Shadow Knight. It's just a memory. If anything, it will fuel your hate for mankind more. If not... let's just get this over with.

Slowly, color began to rise into my sight and I found myself being flung out of my own body. Into a different, younger body. Younger me. And soon, I had no control over my actions anymore. I was back into a body I had left behind and one that was kind and happy.

The sad thing was, I would become one with this body and it's happy and innocent thoughts, would be mine.

Growling mentally, I gave a long, suffering sigh.

Let's get this over with.


"Happy Birthday Ofelia!" As Father uncovered my eyes from his brown glove, he revealed a  fully decorated house, balloons, streamers. All yellow! My favorite color! I squealed with excitement and ran around in circles like I always do when I'm excited.

The adults at the party chuckled which would normally embarrass me (I was a very shy child) but how could I be embarrassed when TODAY'S MY BIRTHDAY!!! 

The cake was banana-flavored  with curly white frosting and some whip cream dots on the top as well as chocolate chips because let's face it, who doesn't like chocolate chips?

As soon as I arrived, everyone started talking to me, some telling me congratulations of my 10th birthday and others thrusting a present into my arms. 

Then my best friend, Alta, approached me. "Hey Ofelia! Congrats! Now we're BOTH 10. Double Digit Duo!"

I giggled, "Don't ever say that again Alta." Alta pretended to look hurt then pointed to a neatly wrapped gift with white wrapping paper and a gold-colored bow. "That one's mine. Open it first okay?"

I had just stuffed a banana muffin into my mouth but I gave her a thumbs-up to resemble a yes. Alta giggled and twirled in a circle.

Alta was beautiful. She worked on a farm so she was super good with horses. She had thick blond hair which she wore in a braid and a white undershirt which she wore with overalls. She always wore white short sleeve shirts with overalls over it.

Alta also wore a necklace. It was a thin, silver one. Very delicate with a heart at the chest. You could open the heart to find a picture of a woman who looked like an older version of Alta who was a carrying a newborn. 

It was Alta's mother who was dead. But she had passed down the necklace to Alta to remember her by. They looked so similar. Alta was proud of it too but it must be hard for her father... every time he looks at her I catch that sad look. He has to look at his wife everyday yet know she is dead.

The rest of the party was a blur but I knew was happy and content. I smiled so much my cheeks hurt and laughed so hard my stomach ached but I felt wonderful. So many nice people.... I wish this day could never end.

But now it's time for the presents. As requested, I open Alta's first. There is actually two objects inside. The first one is a small, leather-cover book. As I flip it open I see a picture carefully stitched onto each one. Each picture is a moment of Alta and I. 

I felt like I was walking down memory lane as I flipped through those pictures. In my mind, I replayed every single moment. It was wonderful. It was beautiful. And I wish it would never end. But as I close the book, my eyes are watering but I smile bigger than I had that entire night and hug Alta.

"Thank you so much..."I whisper and Alta hugs me back, looking quite pleased with herself. Obviously the adults take more pictures and fuss over the situation but I don't care. That's how I know Alta is always there for me and will always be my best friend.

The second object is neatly wrapped in white tissue paper and as I open it, it reveals a small, red heart charm with the word "friend" on it as well as a silver bracelet. I slide the bracelet onto my arm and snap the charm on instantly. 

Alta fishes around in her overall pocket before pulling out an identical bracelet and charm only her charm says "best". She copies my actions and smiles widely at me. We stare at each other like that.

"That's how we both know our friendship will never end. As long as we both have the bracelet and the charm. We'll always be friends. We'll always remember each other that way and it will be kinda like a spiritual connection in our imagination. And if we believe hard enough, it will be. If you keep the bracelet and I keep mine. We'll always be friends."

I smile at her and look like I'm about to hug her but then the world goes black and then white.

The memory ended.


How'd you like this flashback chapter? I really enjoyed making it and remember this flashback because Ofelia certainly won't. This chapter WAS prewritten and I LOVED writing from the perspective of a younger, nicer Ofelia rather than the murderous one she is now. 

Disclaimer: This chapter WAS prewritten

Thanks for reading and stay unique! Byeeeee!

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