Chapter 19

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No.... it couldn't be.

It had to be a lie.

It just had to be.

Then why did it seem so true?

It all made perfect sense. The reason they had kept everything away from me. The reason Sibyl wanted me to read this. The reason all the emotions never left. The reason why I always felt the memory that day wasn't my own.

It all was so simple! I fought against the Shadow Knights. I fought for my home and I fought for it like I was supposed to. I didn't give anything up. Except my honor and those I love. And for what? Some pesky shadow knights who believe they can rule the world? So what if the Shadow Lord has power. Power can make a person corrupt and taint their heart and mind.

What I thought before was right.

I joined this side for the destruction of everything. Not for the benefit of me. 

None of that day ever happened.

None of it.

Gene! He must've done this! How could I have been so blind? He could get rid of any memories that sparked in my mind. He even changed a Shadow Knight's memory before my eyes. I saw him change the way they saw the event! Why did I never think that he did the same thing to me?

Because I had been blinded by fury and revenge. It was so pointless. I thought I was doing the right thing, I thought my father was a monster.

One who didn't deserve to live.

I was wrong when I sent Laurence off. He still had people to care for him yes.

But so do I. 

He was so guilty when he left me. Actually... no. He didn't leave me. I made him leave. I pushed him away and resisted him.

Every single human memory of mine comes rushing back. Everything. Alta.... Sibyl.... my father.... The truth is out. All of the secrets are lying in the open.

Mine, Father's, the Shadow Lord's, Gene's, Sasha's. There are all out here in the open. Ready to be faced and it's time to face them. It's time to face reality and realize that humans aren't as bad as I made them out to seem! I was told these things and I never thought different, I just accepted them due to the taint that Gene spread in my mind.

I've finally regained my sanity. It's all coming back and I've done it. I'm one of the very few Shadow Knights who have regained control of themselves. I don't what to do now though. Do I go back to the Shadow Knight's or do I just remain as I am? 

What is next in my life? I just shut down all of a sudden. All these secrets out in the open.

What next?

Then it all clicked into place.

I knew exactly what I had to do.

Standing up, I walk numbly through the forest and head Southeast.

It's time to talk to the one who saw the event. The one who I've been hunting all this time. 


I am so sorry this was pretty short, I was honestly brain-dead writing this and I just wanted to get a chapter out. I feel like I haven't uploaded in FOREVER.

Just so much school and stuff and I haven't got the motivation and all that stuff. 

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