Chapter 11

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Do I enter the village or do I just leave? I don't see any harm of entering but at the same time, I don't want to. I really want to turn my back on this village and just forget that I ever saw it. But I can't now can I? Because if I don't, my curiousity (one of the many emotions that I wish would leave me alone) would overcome me. 

I knew that one day I would encounter my village again, obviously I couldn't avoid it forever. But I always thought I'd have a patrol of Shadow Knights with me and I wouldn't have feelings invading my thoughts.

I'm not sure I'd be able to take what I saw. My old home.... where I had lived with my father and mother. What if.... what if I found something I didn't want to find?

Stop it! You're overreacting. You'll probably find something that fuels your hate for these people even more and we need hate. Right?

You know what. My brain was right. My instincts were right. At least those were still in check. A small, nervous smile crept up my face and I dashed down the hill, my eyes zooming in on my target. The entryway to the village. As I approached Eknarah, I forced myself against hesitation as I sprinted inside, my feet guided me along the familiar paths right to my house, which looked no better than the rest of the village.

Looking up at the architecture of the building which was obviously worn down, I remembered how I had slept, ate and played in this house. This was the one I had grown up in. What had become of it now?

Taking a deep breath, I entered the house, it was roofless and there was holes in the walls so I had to jump to get the second floor but I made it I entered my room through a hole in the wall. It was fully decorated, it had remained the same. Only the yellow bedsheets were ratty and torn and a desk was missing a leg but leaning against a wall kept it there.

There was books thrown around the room which I saw small mice living under and the bookshelf had fallen and slumped against the bed to prop it upright. However something something shining caught my eye on the desk. I stepped forward and saw it. A small red book with a fake golden bookmark sticking out of it.

Baffled, I flipped the book open to reveal an entry. I flipped another page to see another entry and another. What did they have written in them?

I went back to the first page and sat down on the floor, leaning against a wall. I obviously knew this was my diary but I didn't know I had a diary. If I read this diary then I would recover memories that Gene had removed from me when I left to the Shadow Knight.

I had rebuilt myself, I was given one memory and a new shot at life and I took, I found a personality, I found my calling, I found purpose. I wasn't broken and I held a strong structure of my life. Reading this book and recovering that I had left behind, much just break that structure.

Sometimes memories are better left forgotten for when you remember them, you might not be happy with what you find. You might not be happy with the person you once were.

I had lived my life, or two years of it, with the Shadow Lord who had made me forgot my life. I had no choice of it, Gene just did it, saying he had saved me. I lived without most of life, without knowing what the other verison of me was like.

Did I really want to keep living like that?

I looked down at the diary, and started reading my first entry.


And now the next chapter will be ALL. THE. ENTRIES. ENJOY :D! I completely fell in LOVE with the last part of the chapter I wrote. Ofelia's finally going to receive her memories back. You may wonder though, now that she's going to get her memories back in the next chapter, what is the rest of the book going to be? Like I said previously, I have ideas :D. I hope you

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