Chapter 3

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My eyes flew open to the sound of footsteps and my heart began to race. Footsteps were the sounds of approaching enemies. Evil mankind. Ones who could not be trusted. 

I gritted my teeth together and felt my hand instinctively clasp around the gigantic sword to my right. I slowly began to rise to my feet, crouching slightly to not make a noise. Holding the sword upright with both hands, I spun so that it was 150 degree angle behind me. Slowly I began to pace forward, my dark green eyes darting warily left to right.

Where had they gone? Had they left? I silently cursed myself. How could I have been so stupid to lose a human? Shadow knights never lose humans. 

Growling every so slightly, I began to quicker, my sword always ready. I may have lost them but I was sneaky and could beat them any day. They were no match for me. I cast my senses out to hear people running. Away from me. I smirked and spun my sword on one finger with relish.

You better run. But that won't protect you from the waves of shadow knights to come.


???'s POV (Rarely other POVs, btw)

"Why isn't Zenix's patrol back yet?" In his rage, Gene kept flinging fire up at the nether brick ceiling. It was hard seeing Gene mad. When he was, he made everyone around him miserable and and enough strength to break through immortality. 

I had always tried to get on his good side but let's face it, Gene doesn't have a good side. There are a few people he likes, like Sasha for instance and Zenix. Those are the only two I believe. Sasha because she's always been there for him and is pretty much a second-in-command and Zenix because he is slowly getting more powerful then Gene and Gene likes how strong he is.

I grunted. Yeah right. More like Gene was afraid of Zenix overpowering him and decided to get on Zenix's good side. Imagine that. The greaty and mighty Gene trying to get someone to like him. Gene has a stupid amount of pride.

There's a sight I would like to see. Proud Gene begging Zenix while Zenix rejects him.

"You never care for shadow knights this much," I pointed out, curious of what his response would be. It was true really, sometimes he locked shadow knights up or hurt them for the fun of it. The Shadow Lord didn't mind, after all Gene was his right-hand-knight. 

"Zenix was leading that patrol. He's our second most powerful shadow knight, after me of course. And none of these shadow knights are sneaky! None of them no how to assassinate without getting caught or wanted. None of them know how to hide their abilities better or spy properly! All of them except Ofelia.... she's actually good at spying and assassinating. No one has caught her and from a glance or an examination, you wouldn't know she's a shadow knight.

Wait.... did Ofelia get on his good side? Lucky girl. What most shadow knights would give to be of Gene's good side.

"Shall I go look for them? And take a patrol with me?" I was secretly hoping that Gene would forget what a horrible leader and shadow knight I was and let me lead a patrol. It was my dream to be a leader. Plus it might get him to cut me some slack.

"You?" Gene spat venom, looking at me with a dull, cold look in his eyes, "Don't make me laugh. You'd harm more than you'd help. No, I'll send Sasha to look for them. She's the second best assassin and spy after Ofelia."

"Then what about me?" I asked. I was disappointed I wouldn't be searching but maybe there was something useful I could do here.

Gene stares at me with a full-on disgusted look in his eye, "You will stay out of my way."


Ofelia's POV

I felt like I'd been walking forever. Shadow knights have a good navigation system so it should be easy to find the portal but for some reason my navigation wasn't working. However I did have an idea of where the wolf village was. The wolves were good allies of mine. Or so they thought they were allies.

Little did they know I was just using them for their portal. I earned their trust and now I can manipulate them any way I want.

Stupid wolves. They're supposedly a good werewolf tribe. Ha! Not with me as their ally they aren't. I'm one of the few shadow knights who can hide my shadow knight abilities and trick others into believing I'm not a shadow knight. Including wolves and magicks users. 

They aren't as smart as everyone thinks they are.

As I keep walking I think about my father. Oh my father. How dare he betray me! How dare he leave me behind! I will kill him if it's the last thing I do! I wouldn't admit it to myself but when Zenix spared me, I wanted to scream thank you. I hid it of course, being me but it was only because I wanted, no I needed to kill my father. Then I wouldn't care if I died or lived.

I stopped for a moment and rummaged through my bag. After a little bit of work, I found a picture of a little girl and a strong, kind-looking woman riding two white horses through a meadow. Now she, she didn't deserve to die. She was actually faithful and kind. Of course though, she was left behind as well to die but they at least took her body with them. She didn't deserve the burial those wretched humans gave her. One day I will find her grave and I will take her coffin to the nether, to give her the peaceful and burial she deserves.

You may think that I love her. No I do not. The only person I love is the shadow lord. No one else. As a human, I loved her but not anymore. I left all love behind when I joined the shadow lord thank Shadow Lord for that. What? I didn't say "thank Irene"? Of course not! That demon woman is the reason all this happened in the first place! How dare she stop our beloved shadow lord from ruling this world! 

I'm glad she's dead. Foolish human couldn't even destroy the shadow lord for good. Pathetic. He would rise again and this time, there would be no Irene to stop him.


Chapter 3 is done! I think I'm going to try to upload a chapter a day. It might be hard sometimes when school comes back but I'll give it my best shot. Maybe I could also prewrite some chapters so that way all I have to do is click publish and chapter is out :D!

Thanks for reading and stay unique! Byeeeeeee!

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