Chapter 9

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I felt..... miserable to say the least. I was lying in front of the portal on my stomach, my hands stretched out in front of me in complete and utter shock. The portal was broken now obviously and I had to reopen it. I had no idea who was strong enough to open the portal. Nor did I have any strength really. I had just gotten back to the nether and had barely built up any power. How was I supposed to do anything? My emotions might take ahold of me first.

But let's not think about that. Just... keep focusing on how your father betrayed you. We are NOT betraying the Shadow Knights. They saved you. So what if you had happy childhood memories? Those are gone now so live with this new reality.

The quicker I find someone to sacrifice, the quicker I get back to the nether.

Taking deep breaths, I stand up shakingly and walk outside the cave. There was a wolf guard earlier but I created barrier magicks around myself so he wouldn't see me. It hurts bad to do that (even with immortality) but I'd rather hurt than have been caught. Shakingly, I stand up and slowly walk outside the of the cave.

The moment I walk outside, I bump into two people who I wished I could've never seen again.

Aphmau and Castor.

The moment Aphmau sees me, her eyes go huge. "Y-You! I saw you in the nether! You're a shadow knight!" 

Instantly she pulls out a diamond sword, glinting in the sunlight and raises it, threatening to attack me. Her brown eyes glow with a challenge and slight fury (probably because of Laurence, though I have no idea why she would care about him, she left him behind) and she's ready to swing but she seems to be waiting for me to talk.

A couple seconds later, Castor brightens up, "Oh yes! I can help with my chicken sword!" He pulls out a sword which is literally a chicken and looks to be more annoying than painful.

Quietly, I look down. So what if they kill me? Like I said with Zenix, I have nothing to gain or lose at this point do I?

But I have the revenge on my father and Shadow Knights who are waiting in the nether for someone to open the portal. And that someone could be me.

So instead, I look up and stare her straight into the eye, coldly and without emotions and place my hand on my sword. 

However, I actually have a different plan. Something in me tells me this woman actually cared for Laurence and feels guilty he's still in the nether. I could get out of this without a fight because right now, I don't think I can fight. So if I hit her where it hurts she won't attack me nor run after me when I sprint away to make a quick escape.

"And you left Laurence behind to his death." I barely whisper the words and use a practiced technique to make them sound not accusing or angry. Rather sad and disappointed. That's when humans are at their weakest when you use that tone.

Instantly, Aphmau's eyes are filled with sorrow and I can just imagine the flashbacks. Taking this to my advantage, I sprint away from them both, dashing down a mountain and into the a field. I keep sprinting until I can't run and I know they didn't follow me.

I'm safe, it worked.

With a sigh, I know it's not the last I'll see of Aphmau but for now, I won't have to see her anytime soon.


AGH SORRY I MADE THIS CHAPTER SO BORING! I tried to make it interesting but I had a mini-writers block where I could not think of something interesting. I DO have a fun event coming up but I kind of want to make this book 20 - 30 chapters long. So I have at least 11 more chapters to go and I have NO idea what I'll insert into them. Welp, I'm going to go come up with ideas!

P.S. I got rid of my outro, I just didn't like it.

OH AND I MADE A SKIN OF OFELIA (since I can't do art, i'm sorry I just can't draw :P)

Here is le link :

Now you can get a visual of her :D

oh... wait... the link isn't working D:..

Just go to skindex and type up Ofelia and it should pop up :D

Sorry that I didn't upload a chapter yesterday, preparing for school and stuff. WHY IS IT BACK -goes to cry in corner of room-

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