Chapter 9

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I finally learned to italicize words and no longer need to use caps! Wooo!!! I'm finally continuing this! This is the chapter where my original species (Fauxes) are described. They will actually be in a different chapter and are just being described here.


~Moon's POV~

"Wake up." Julius shakes me by the shoulders, my hair flying around my face and tickling my cheeks.

"What.." I groggily rise to a sitting position, my eyes focusing on a jumpy Julius. "Jules it's barely five in the morning." I groan before falling back against the violet satin pillow. Obviously shocked that I called him by his family nickname, he calmly sits back on his knees.

"It's your first day of school and my first day back to work! This is jump starting a new chapter of our lives! Soon we'll have the shower for you, your first breeding, report cards and grades and aren't you excited?!" He groans, taking in my lack of expressions as I try to roll back over.

He rushes me out of the lavender bedroom and towards a door down the hall, which swings open to reveal a large bathroom with a blue and green color scheme. Julius seems to enjoy bright colors... "Hurry up!" He pushes me under the stream of hot water, my blush instantly rising as my white T-shirt becomes soaked. Jules strips himself, pulls back the blue dotted curtain, and begins to tear away at the wet fabric sticking to me.

The bathroom isn't the brightest, it's few bulbs beginning to blow out one at a time with a dull pop until we are left in the dark. Julius's hands snake themselves around me, pulling my naked backside to his chest, my hair sticking to my shoulders in wet clumps as he moves it away to rest his head.

"Jules," I turn to face him as three more faucets began to spray us from all sides. A shower purposely meant for more than one person obviously. "I apologize for last night and how I acted that day, I shouldn't of been such a brat to you. I mean it." I say, adverting my eyes from him. The taller man smiles down at me, making sure to keep eye contact or stare at the perspiring walls at all times.

It hasn't exactly hit me that I'm naked and showering with Julius for the second time in my life. It's just that this time is less life or death and pressed for time. I'm a free man with a free will who is choosing to do this. I lather the soap on my washcloth before hurrying with my shower, I had already wasted a good thirty minutes lollygagging around under the burning stream.

Julius stays back while I rush breakfast and brushing my teeth, confused at which toothbrush to use. Had it really been this long since I brushed? Julius giggles at my confusion-a sound that sets my skin ablaze-and points me in the direction of a yellow brush. As Julius brushes his own teeth I comb through my matted locks not even trying to fix it. If I look like a hot mess on the first day of school so be it.

"Do something with that." Julius points to my head, toothbrush dangling from his mouth and towel slipping from his jutted hip. "I'll do it if you want me to." I drown in a blush as Julius sits me down on the toilet, his crotch at my eye level concealed only by a towel. Water rolls down his stomach, evaporating into steam before it even has a chance to hit his towel. He brushes through each and every tangle cautiously before trying to comb through it. The coal strands sticking to my forehead from all the steam in the room.

"Jules..." I mutter. "Jules! We are going to be late if you don't hurry up!" He dresses quickly, still buttoning his jeans as he dashes down the small set of stairs. I grab the light backpack as I jog through the door, starting to sprint when Julius screams the time. "Do we have everything?" I pant breathless. He nods as a response and starts the car.

We drive on a trail leading to a different side of the Magie, this side doesn't contain the fountain and small shops but is cluttered with creatures and shopping outlets. Cars honk at each other while Julius points to a skyscraper in the horizon. "I work there, your school is literally right next to it. Will you be alright?"

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