Chapter 31

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~Julius's POV~

Heaven. Stars. Stage lights. A lot of things in this world are bright, shining, but as I stare across the sun lit snow with my eyes full of sleep I give a gentle smile. Dragging a finger through his brown hair I drape my coat over his shivering body, lifting my lips over his, plump, red, and full of life. All that his pale skin and vein painted lids lack.

The tip of his nose twitches from my warm breath, a smile sliding over my mouth until I calm it with a bite. "Good morning." My fingers leave his hair, arms draping around his waist and pulling him close. "I love you." I whisper once more, the three words screaming out in every movement I make.

The way I tuck his hair behind his ears or when I tell him only one more cigarette, to pour a bit back in the glass. It slips into his blood stained bandages wrapped gingerly around his thighs and wrists and arms. It escapes my breath when I tell him good night and when I laugh at his sighs, it's in how I smile at his music, his gestures, his everything.

I sit up with care not to disturb Moon, his head lolling into my lap and sending tingles through the tips of my fingers. Seeming to be the only one awake I fall back to the powdery mattress of new fallen snow, Moon's body shifting so his head is at my neck, leg draped over my thigh. "Julius?" I turn towards the voice, a sleepy eyed blonde half smiling at me.


He gives a tired nod, falling back to the ground with an almost inaudible thump. My attention focuses back on the tossing boy to my right, his slender frame curling into a tight ball at an unexpected blow of wind. "Julius."

I can't resist the smile making its way across my features. "Mhm?"

His eyes blink open slowly at my voice, a light smile quickly override by sleep. "H-hold me?" Moon shakes, rolling closer to my torso and away from the edge of our protective circling of trees.

Vanilla fogs my mind but I can't find a complaint, my only wish wanting to get as close to him as possible. I don't get to see Moon sleep often, watch his chest rise and fall with each quiet snore or notice how his nose twitches slightly when he licks his lips.

"I can't sleep." He groans, rolling back over onto my arm and covering his eyes with his own.

"Did Faramund say anything?" His eyebrows raise slightly at my question, shocked that I would ask it. He shakes his head shortly, squinting against the morning light to remember.

"The next Magie we find we need to stay at for a bit. The weather is getting worse and the girls can't travel far in it."

Makes sense.

"How long should we stay?"

"Until we figure out where the hell we should actually be heading I guess." He pouts and I smooth his furrowed brows with my thumb, our hushed conversation seeming foreign in the quiet woods.

"Have you thought of anything yet? About where exactly that is?" Letting out a sigh he shuts his eyes, head falling towards my collar bones.

"No idea. I feel like it's so obvious yet I still can't get it. You know? What about you?"

"Well the birthplace of sin could be Hell. Maybe we need to head down there?"

"Well ice certainly wouldn't burn bright there." With a defeated groan he rolls back over, his body spasming in frustration. "It's like being colorblind and trying to solve a fucking Rubik's cube!" The heat from his anger flows into his cheeks, paper white skin blending into a creamy tan, hair dripping back to black and eyes bleeding into a rich brown.

"And the Crossblood?" I whisper, my voice seeming too loud for the whitened abyss we lay across, arms outstretched towards each other but with no desire to move.

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