Chapter 15

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~Moon's POV~

"Bacon and chia pancakes?" I laugh, a memory floating through my mind in a cloud-like manner.

"Nothing better than nostalgia." Julius sways his hips and flips the pan, swirling in turn with the radio. The A Team. That seems to be my God-given theme song. I hum along to the song, jumping on the black tiles and avoiding the white to get to the other side in a childish manner. Julius holds his shirt a bit closer, outlining the muscles in his arms while flipping the pan once more. He croaks along with Ed, giggling halfway through his terrible serenade.

Beating my leg with my hand, I follow the rhythm into the bridge before singing along, stopping Julius mid-flip. His mouth stands agape, eyes wide in shock and fascination. "If you can sing like that, why the duck are you on the streets selling yourself?"

"Duck?" I chuckle, grabbing a pancake straight out the sizzling pan, "I really only sing when I'm happy." I shrug nonchalantly with a sly grin, pulling my gray hoodie over my shoulders.

"It's eerie, how much you sound like him too."

Ignoring the comment, I head to the purple and blue cloth covered oak table, brushing a strand of hair from my eyes. I watch as Julius sits unusually close to me, grinning ear to ear before taking a large bite of food.

"Julius?!" I shriek as he coughs and sputters, spitting the pancake out and clawing at his tongue.

"How do you eat that meat stuff?!" I take a closer look at my pancake, giving a slight smile when I notice he attempted to use Shifter meat.

"It's delicious what are you talking about?" With an almost suggestive eyebrow raise I devour my pancakes and his, rocking my chair back and forth as his violet eyes spark with curiosity.

"You want to talk about it, don't you?" I say with a frown. He reaches out to stroke my hand and I naturally recoil, relaxing a bit when he slightly draws back.

"We don't have-"

"Yes, we do, or you'll just keep asking questions I don't want to answer." Hugging myself, I stare out the window and allow him to briefly hug me before uncomfortably wiggling out of it.

"Just answer a few please?" He begs.

"Fine," I groan when the orange aroma hits me. "ask away."

He grins at the déjà vu taking place then hits me with the first question, leaning in on his elbows across the oak table. "Were you bit by another shifter? How did you become one?!" The excitement he feels can't be contained as he's nearly bouncing out of his seat.

"I was born like this."

"So your..." He pauses to carefully test the words. "parents.." Julius rushes as I involuntarily flinch. "were shifters?"

"No, you don't have to have shifter parents to be a shifter. The shifters who are allowed to have kids usually don't have their kids popping out as shifters either. It's a genetic mutation that anyone can get. Something that has to do with Chromosomes, I'm not good with science though."

"What do you shift into? A grizzly bear? Cheetah? Crocodile?"

"House dog. A shaggy, black, house dog." I chuckle, once again rocking my chair on it's back legs.

"Why does everyone-"

"Hate us? We're cannibals. I think that is enough."

"Plenty of people are cannibals, Moon." He seems almost sympathetic, his pink lips pouting and leaning closer. Close enough to ki-

I scramble away from him at the thought, a shocked expression popping up on his face. "What?!" He panics.

"Nothing..." I reply, regaining my chill demeanor. No need to cause a scene.

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