Chapter 12

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Due to some of its Matt and Moon sexy cute content Wattpad privated chapter 11. I can send you a link (the only way you'd be able to read it) if you'd like. It is quite a good chapter :D

~Moon's POV~

"So how was the sleepover?" Julius questions as I throw the gray duffle bag into the cushioned backseat.

"Er..." I strap the belt across my chest, hastily flash-backing to Matt's taste. "I kind of screwed him into the mattress?"

Julius flips his hair a bit, a move I was desperately beginning to miss."What?"

"I screwed him, fucked him, took his V-card, popped his cherry. I don't really know any other way to tell you that we had sex."

His smile pops back, leaving a glint in his amethyst eyes as he chuckles. "Well then. I don't really know what to do about that." Julius taps the steering wheel with his fingertips before turning to face me at the red light. "Are you two dating?" I faintly catch his voice cracking as he narrows his eyes on the rain dampened asphalt of the road. The yellow lines have become muddy with tire residue causing them to blend with the blackening asphalt.

"He asked me out but I declined."

"Oh really?" A smile plays at his lips before he bites down on them. "How come?"

I shrug against the restraint of the belt on my chest. "I told him I needed to work a couple of things out. Especially with you."

"Honey, you don't need my permission to date a boy."

"I know. It's about the text you sent me."

He cocks his chocolate brow and flips the turning signal on. "About the vodka? I didn't drive home if you were worried about me."

"No, it's about the other text."

"What other text?" I force down the growl concocting in my throat at his ignorance.

"Stop playing stupid, Julius!" I vociferate at him, causing the car to slightly spin off the road from my alarming out burst.

"What text?!"

"This text!" I hiss, throwing the lighted LCD screen of my phone in his face most likely temporarily blinding him.

"Oh..." The atmosphere quiets down all too quickly, only my heavy breathing and the rain audible. "Moon I-"

Finally admitting defeat my shoulders slump over and I crash into my seat. "Do you love me?"

He adverts his gaze to a nearby Dairy Queen. "Do you like ice-cream?"

"Answer the fucking question! Do you love me!" I'm way too emotional right now, tears starting to slip from my eyes as I stare at the violet-eyed man ahead of me.

"Do you like ice-cream?" He repeats it slower this time around as if talking to a tantrum throwing toddler.

"Yes. Yes..." I huff and trail off.

"Then we'll talk about it over Blizzards. Put on your seatbelt." His melancholy tone upsets me and I obey his orders.

"Which Blizzard?" He asks as we step into the red and blue building, the heat and insulation instantly making ice-cream sound ten times better.

"Something without chocolate." I pull the front of my shirt to my mouth and chew, a habit that I've had since I was younger. I pull my hands into the sleeves and grip them from the inside, bringing them up to hide my mouth as Julius orders a Double Fudge Cookie Dough and a Strawberry Cheesequake. We sit towards the back of the building in a booth, my eyes focused on the frozen treat ahead of me (and I don't mean Julius).

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