Chapter 22

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This is a short and shitty chapter but the two girls are going to be here for the rest of the story and are important characters.


~Kai's POV~

I'm not ready for this.

I'm so not ready for this.

The alarm halts as I pound my fist into the top, it's light the only thing guiding me through the dark.

"Shit." I curse under my breath, tripping over my house boots as I attempt to slip them on. Cautious not to underestimate the stairs, my fingers grip the railing for dear life, my feet barely making a few steps.

Adverting my eyes from the burning overhead lights, I grab a small cup and fill it halfway with water. "Too much or..." Deciding that it's too much work I head back up the steps to the bathroom, only fifteen minutes left until I have to leave.

I stare in the bathroom mirror, sighing at the unfixable hot mess ahead of me. Even when I run my fingers through my hair it sticks straight up again, refusing to obey without the aid of water. "This is too much." I complain to my reflection, frothy toothpaste oozing through my teeth.

"Socks?" I ask myself as I spit out the rest of the froth.



I glance over at the half drank glass of water. "Check."






"Working on it."

"Moon would have a cow if he heard you talking to yourself." I smile as I round the hall back towards my room, stopping just before the door when I reach it. Unconsciously my hand finds its way to my stomach, gliding over the rounded skin and pinching at my muffin-top. "Sweatshirt it is." I decide as I slip through the creaking door unheard.

Moon's sweatshirt falls over my head in an avalanche of material, my hands not even visible at the end of the sleeve. I give myself a nod of approval, the sweatshirt covering the fat on my stomach and arms well enough. Plus I smell like Moon which is always a good thing.

Rummaging through the dresser I return with a pair of dark washed jeans, the size I don't even want to know. Holding the mirror for support, I manage to get both of my legs in the jeans and button them with surprising ease.

With backpack in hand, I stroll down the hall to Moon's bedroom, pausing to listen at the door to avoid any accidents. "Moon I'm re-"

Too stunned from fear to move, I simply breathe, staring at Julius asleep next to Moon. His hair is no longer brown but a snowy white, his skin as pale as paper in contrast to its usual tone. "M-Moon." I stutter. Moon's eyes fluttering awake in response. "I'm ready to go."

He only nods as a response, taking care to not wake Julius as he exits the bed. With keys in hand, I follow him out into the garage, my body still trembling from what I saw.

The radio quiets down, Moon sending worried glances my way. "Are you alright?"

"We need to talk when I get home."

"About? Did something happen or...?" He drags, pulling out onto the highway and passing a red Jeep.

"It's Julius."

"What about him?" He can't hide the panic in his breath quick enough. "I-I mean...what type of thing are we talking about?"

"I saw h-"

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