Chapter 24

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Woah, those eight hundred thousand followers don't disappoint. I stare down at the raving lights and blaring music from the fourth floor balcony, bodies moving through the darkness and weaving in and out of the house. Half of the party seems to be wandering outside on the granite porch while the other is situated in the house, where all the furniture has been pushed against the walls.

The entire first floor smells like vodka and weed, the smell drifting up to the second story where it clashes with the fumes of teenage sex. I gag walking past a couple making out against the wall, her skirt pushed up exposing her lack of underwear to the world.

I continue down the halls until I get to the second floor, stopping before one that seems slightly familiar. The foggy remembrance you get when you can't decide if it was in a dream or a distant reality lingering at the back of my mind. Confirmed with a knock, I'm let into Andrew's bedroom the blonde dressed in nothing but plaid blue pajama pants and matching socks. For a dad he's pretty...built. I catch myself staring at his stomach, blush rising when he notices with a small smile.

Shit. "Uh..." I mutter, cheeks burning a hot red as I stare at the floor.

"It's fine." He chuckles, patting the spot beside him in the sleigh bed. I take note of the TV, the Food Network channel playing reruns as usual.

I take his invitation, climbing into the bed beside him and watching the show with surprising fascination. Jelly beans and deer meat? I'd like to see them pull that off. "Have you seen Moon?"

"The last I saw him he was in the backyard with some girls." My heart drops, Andrew seeming to pick up on my slight change of facial expressions.

"What's the matter?" He asks, his fatherly tone returning.


"Something's the matter." The judge makes a slight face at the meal before him, speaking a few words to the chef.

"Nothing...he's straight and young and I shouldn't be trying to hold him back from being with someone." Andrew gives me a look, his brown eyes flying through emotions as I remember the words I haven't been able to get out my head. Then why doesn't it feel that way? I've yet to figure out what it means, the phrase keeping me up through the night with sick curiosity.

"As much as it kills me to say this," He sighs, placing a worn hand on my knee. "you are his master and if you don't want him to date then he shouldn't be able to date."

"That's wrong. I promised myself since I was a kid that i'd never end up like that. That I'd never be harsh and controlling to my servant." I duck my head between my knees, tears threatening to spill over onto my ready cheeks.

A hand finds it's way to my back, rubbing in circles until I rise my head. "Care to share?"

"When I was young my neighbor had a Blood Servant. He was a nice man but...he was very...traditional. He and his servant always babysat my brother and me when my parents were away. The man was gentle and loving to her but still very traditional, getting on to her if she didn't follow the rules to a T. One day," I breathe, biting onto my sleeve. "she left the house without him and his permission. That's the biggest no-no in the book when it comes to servants. Well when she came back...he whipped her...badly. It was the eighteenth century and medicine wasn't well, she ended up dying from blood loss and complications.

"He never left his house after that, he never talked to anyone. He was found a week or two later dead in his bed, from heart problems they said. Back then I was ignorant and believed it when they told me that it was just a heart attack or that he was just getting up in age. But now, when I look at Moon, it's easy to see how he died of a broken heart." There is nothing but shallow breathes and the low murmur of the television. The party rages on downstairs but it sounds so distant now than it did five minutes ago before I started my story.

"You love him, don't you?" I meet his eyes shyly, turning away quickly when brown meets violet.


My legs draw back up to my chest. "Does he know?"

"I've told him." I confess, uncurling my legs awkwardly to face him. He seems slightly shocked by it but let's the emotion fade on it's own.

"Do you want me to tell you a secret then? Of his?"

Even though it seems morally wrong for someone to spill secrets not belonging to them, I nod my head and give him my full attention. "Moon isn't straight. He's Bi."

I'm not sure if my heart should be breaking or exploding. "So he lied to me?"

"No, Moon's past was difficult...he doesn't like to admit to anyone, even hisself, that he is Bi. I mean I only found out a couple years ago when he dated a guy and decided to tell me."

So explode it is. The party seems amplified by ten, the chefs applauding on the show ringing through my ears as I take in his words. Moon is Bi, as in he like girls and guys, as in I have a chance. I thank Andrew in a rush, sprinting past couples and out into the backyard where I'm greeted by a flood of people. The scents of a thousand different swaying bodies attack my nostrils but there are two aromas I'm able to pinpoint out of them all.




I push past the crowds, chasing the scent until it leads me to the back of the crowd, a scrawny boy sitting cross legged with five guys,joints clasped between their deathly fingers. His scent is still strong even past all of the smoke but the black-haired boy I'm searching for is nowhere to be found. I lean down to Kai's level, shock etched on my face as I take a breath and breathe in Moon.

He really does have Moon's soul inside him.

"Where's Moon?" I ask him, swatting away at the smoke twisting around his fingers.

He passes the joint to an obviously stoned blonde, his eyes red as he inhales deeply. "I can show you." Kai smiles with the same lightheartedness as usual. "I'm not high yet if you're wondering." He snickers and grabs my hand in his, leading me back up the steps and to Moon's bedroom.

I try the knob, a panic rising inside of me as I find it locked. What if he's crying? What if he's cutting? What if he's attempting suicide? My shoulder slams into the oak door but it doesn't splinter the slightest, it's strength only raising my anxiety ten fold. "Is there another way in?" I panic, kicking at the door before turning to Kai in a frenzy.

"No...but I can show you something." He opens the door beside Moon's ushering me in to what seems like his bedroom. "Go to the closet." I obey hastily, stepping up to the Narnian sized wardrobe. "Now step inside." The closet is empty inside except for a pair of headphones and chair, a rather bright light shining down on the enclosed space. "Go ahead." He motions to the headphones, waiting until I'm situated before tapping the what seems like solid mahogany.

The back of the closet wiggles like a poor magic trick until I'm viewing inside Moon's lamp-lit bedroom. It's as if i'm staring through a glass window the size of a flat screen opposed to the back of a wardrobe. Kai gives me a sly smile, closing the door of his bedroom as he exists.

Go To Crossblood Sexy Scenes For The Next Part

I smile back, making room beside me for him to lay down. Moon shimmies underneath the blanket and scoots closer to me, his breath tickling my chest as I engulf him in a hug. "I'm not tired." He pouts, his bottom lip jutting out and his brows furrowing.

"We can always just talk." He glances up at me before nodding. "So let's start with the elephant in the room shall we?" Moon gives a nervous laugh and tightens his grip on the blankets draped over him. I can only faintly hear music pounding in the background demanding to be heard, losing myself as I stare into his chocolate eyes.

"I'm scared of being bi." He whispers. Lamplit shadows are cast against the wall as we move slightly. The teal color makes it seem darker than a winter night, Moon huddling against me like it's just as cold. "Niko was bi...I don't want to be like him. I don't want to hurt people..."

"Hurting people has nothing to do with your sexuality, Moon. I'm gay." I shrug and lift back a stray hair of his. "Does that mean I'm going to go attack every five year old I see?"

He doesn't answer, instead turning on his back to face the dusty ceiling, his cheeks swelling as he holds his breath. "Let's talk about your family." He suggests after a while of silence.

"What do you want to know?"

"How'd you come out to them?"

I laugh at the bittersweet memories, the contagious plague spreading to Moon as he starts to giggle. "Gabe and I were at our Choosing- It's like a wedding but more fancy, you get your servant there." I explain the concept to him, looking out for a nod of understanding. "My entire family was there, Megan and her sister were already on stage so Gabe and I were making our way up to it. The priest was already rambling on and Gabe just had this look of pure fascination on his face when he saw Megan.

"He, as the oldest, chose first and I was left with her sister. I was obviously a nervous wreck I mean if I hadn't spoke up then i'd be stuck with a woman as a servant. Could you imagine? So the priest was already done with Gabe and was halfway through with us before I just screamed 'I love boys!' at the top of my lungs.

"Everything was slow motion after that. Megan only smiled at me, Gabe was all out staring, Megan's sister looked like the happiest girl in the world, my mother was crying, my dad was already on his way up to the stage to yell at me. It was overwhelming to say the least."

Moon rolls back to where he's pressed against my chest, my arms wrapped around his heated back. "Do your parents not like you because you're gay?" He asks.

"They cooled down after a few days. They were mostly mad that my servant wouldn't be 'traditional'. Since practically the dawn of time, ever since my super great grandfather ran into that human woman, we've had servants from their family. You're the first one ever to break tradition."

A small frown sweeps over his calm features and another pout rises to the surface. "Is that bad?"

"Not really, it's kind of refreshing." I shrug.

"Then I want to meet them." He smiles triumphantly, crossing his arms against his chest.

"Gabe is spending Thanksgiving over's sin city, I'm scared of what might happen to you if we go." I admit.

"Jules," He whines, left over excitement flowing through my body. "Why not invite them here? Then you'll know for sure I'm safe."

"Moon-" I'm cut off by a gentle yawn as his eyes blink shut, butterfly kisses landing on my bare chest. "...I love you..." He half-nods and rolls to his back again, the newly changed blankets rising up with his light snores.

I can't help the smile sneaking onto my lips, his hair is swooped over his forehead and eyes messily, he licks and pulls at his lips absentmindedly and smiles slightly. I roll over to extinguish the lamplight, cradling Moon as a single snowflake falls to the ground.

Straight from the California sky.



This is kind of a short chapter because most of it is in Crossblood: Sexy Scenes. This is really where the story starts happening! Sorry not sorry that it took 20+ chapters to get here! Jk jk but don't forget to vote/comment/spread the word etc!


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