Chapter 41

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~Kai's POV~

"You're burning hot...Moon get off of me!" My pleas are met with a light snore, his breath warm enough to catch the tips of my hair ablaze. With a heavy push I'm able to release myself from his grip, sweat dripping down my torso where his arm had last rested.


"Moon!" The grass ignites with a spark, legs struggling to stand upright as the ice melts beneath me. Finally my footing holds and I rush to the other side of the clearing as the tree beside him bursts.

How the hell...? My foot hits a sleeping Jesse, hair sprawled over his rosy cheeks as he turns over into the bitter snow. The commotion at least manages to wake one of the group up, my teeth gritting the slightest as his alabaster hair fades into a deep brown, eyes returning to violet and narrowing at my sight. You've got to be kidding me.

"Morning, Julius."

He doesn't return the greeting, just makes his way across the inferno, knocking into my shoulder with a malicious grin on his way to a still snoring Moon, oblivious to the destroyed woods around him. In one swift movement he rests in Julius's arms, the groggy boy blinking his eyes and turning away from the sun reflected on the melted ice. Moon gives a half grin, one side of his lip rising up just enough for me to notice. "Morning, mon âme."

"Morning.....mon âme." My lips can't contain my excitement. Mon â soul. Maybe I am winning this fight against Julius. And Jesse? He was never in the running! With a new bounce in my step I kick the edge of Will's shoulder, his being jerking awake, eyes widening at the surrounding damage.

Scrambling to his feet he screams, fingers running through his tattered hair at warp speed, pulling it back until his eyes are pulled with it. "We were attacked! Dad-"

With a nonchalant shrug I simply mutter the truth, "Moon did it."

His eyes follow the marks of destruction, from the boy shaped burn in the grass to the split tree and still flaming leaves. The clearing smells of strong ash and smoke, filling our lungs and forcing us to breath in it's darkness, eclipsing our lungs with a cruel haze. "We should get going, Moon's in heat we need to find somebody," Finally a branch snaps under the pressure of it's parasitic flames, free falling until it crashes to the pool below, a stray twig scratching Julius's cheek with vengeance. "and soon."

The annoyance stirring inside me can't be calmed, my body trembling as I ball each hand into a fist, biting back on my lips in a poor attempt to control my lashing words. "No fucking shit Sherlock!" So much for calm.

His head snaps back with the fearful crack of a bullwhip, bones having to have broken at the sheer force used. Moon's dropped gently in a dip of earth, his fingers clawing at Jack Frost's flowers, ice clinging to their petals and decorating then with the gaudy jewels of a queen. He plays a fool, seemingly ignorant to the battle taking place beside him, his lip turned up the slightest as he bats his lashes, finding another irrelevant flower to bestow his attention upon.

Julius steps closer, his cool breath tickling the shell of my ear as he speaks with a royal's dignity, calm and graceful with each word that flows from his pink lips. "Why are you acting like a child?"

"I'm not!"

I can tell he wants to retaliate, to reply with a hasty 'Yes, you are!' and pour more gasoline on the flames but his cool demeanor prevents him as usual. With a sigh he draws back, ignoring the secretive crowd lending their ears to our petty arguments. "Kaiien," He soughs, resting a calloused palm over my shoulder, choosing to overlook the way I shrink back from his artificial touch. "I just want what's best for Moon. Don't you?"

"You don't know," I bite back, jerking back my shoulder so his hand falls flat, the limb retreating back to his side before climbing to his chest where it crosses with his other arm. "what's best for Moon."

"And you do?"

It's official our small quarrel has now turned into an all out pay-per-view match. Everyone is awake and watching, my fists fluttering with the long awaited excitement of a fight, a flashback to my combattre des animaux days in the underground ring. I killed every man they put me up against, their crimson blood splattering across my face as they begged to me, falling to my knees as if I were a god. And I was. Their lives were in my hands as the crowds cheered, their gold coins thrown my way as I tear into the opponents' necks, laughing at the thought of them ever having a chance against the victorious.

I never lost and I never will.

"Boys." Dad's voice cuts the dark gleam out of my eyes, his calming touch resting against my skin as he pushes us apart, eyeing me as if knowing my intent all along. "Fighting isn't solving the problem at hand." He seemingly glances my way, cutting a look that eradicates the anger boiling inside me. "There's a village nearby that might be of some use, I've heard it's full of Nagels and if the rumors are true we might be able to help your brother."

"Blood servant."

"Âme." We correct at nearly the same time, eyeing each other for a moment before heading North, following the lead of Dad and Clide. Not without one more vengeful glance however, making it known to him that this isn't over.


"Is this Magie not beautiful?" Moon smiles, pulling me closer by means of our intertwined hands, his body warming as it's pressed close against my own.

"Very." I nod, eyeing the winter wonderland before me, its central plaza lights dancing across my eyes as I take in the towering evergreen, rich with ornaments and sweets from local confectioners. We make our way past a bar, its sign missing a bulb here and there and the strong stench of smooth ale drifting down the cobblestone drive. The Magie evokes a sense of warmth, the kind that keeps you close to the fire and has your throat yearning for another glass of eggnog. Drawing my knitted scarf closer I snuggle into Moon's body, the heat radiating from him causing sweat to form over my forehead and temples.

We continue down the main street, heels clicking with each step against the freshly cleaned street, dirty snow piled up at the ends of the street in intimidating mounds. A small part of me reaches out as we pass the confectioners, my stomach growling at the wafting scent of butterscotch and taffy, caramel sticks and milk lollies and strawberry creme sodas. Suppressing the sensation I face straight ahead, picking up the pace to further my distance from the unneeded calories.

The lobby is as extravagant as the exterior of the Inn, it's rustic bricks glazed in the thick residue of winter. It's odd, how the season of death brings beauty to life, ensnaring every inch in her spell. It's Christmas everywhere, ornaments hung from the ceiling with care, the fireplace roaring in the distance as Dad fills out paperwork with the brunette worker. Moon passes me a sly gander, holding a paling finger to his lips and pulling me behind yet another fir tree.

The gleam in his eye has arrived, his lips curling up into a ghastly smile as we elude the jingle bell chiming in the doorway, alarming the store with its screeching greeting of each new client. "Where are you taking us?" I giggle, instantly shushing myself before Moon can cup his hand over my mouth.

Once again I'm met with that flickering light, the bartender flashing us a smile as he shines a glass, eyeing the reflection of his shaggy appearance while simultaneously admiring his work. Shaking my head I simply hide my head in my hands, taking a seat at the bar and swiveling on the swivel chair. "This is just like you to sneak me out for a drink."

"Want anything?"

Moon answers the man while I scope the place, taking in every ivy leaf snaking up it's walls, every enchanted drink and never wilting flower, eyeing every man in the bar, my arm protectively snaked around Moon.

Whiskey. Could he not have chose something different?

"Is it burning your throat?"

"Sometimes I forget you can read my mind." Gently, I brush away the fabric from his arms, rubbing the tips of my fingers against the makeshift stitches in his wrist. I've felt different after the incident, like the connection I have with him isn't as strong as it used to be and that he feels the same. As if he's been calling me his soul so often lately to remind himself of the fact.

"You should put that on ice you know." My neck cracks with the force of my head turning, staring down the voice that so rudely interrupted the train of thought that was hastily spiraling. The voice flashes a smile, the tattoo on his arm peeking out of his cuffed shirt sleeves, the top button sprawled open for the world to see. "Name's Liam." Again with the smile...

With a flawless sweep of his hand his hair is smoothed back, the tangled mess smoothing out into a professional, slicked back, brunette hairdo even if its just for a moment. "Kaiien." He gifts me with a sideways nod, resting his elbow on the table and shaping his fingers into a gun he snaps for the waiter, smiling at Moon as he places the ice on his healing wound.

"That's a beautiful name, Kaiien. And yours," With a gentle touch he removes the chilling pack, placing it to drip against the newly polished tops of the bar. "I never caught it?"

"Moon." That's strange.... The hair on the back of his neck is completely erect, a low growl emitting from the deepest confides of his throat, so far back that he doesn't seem to notice it, only furthering his conversation with Liam.

"And to think I'm stuck with Liam, eh?" That- Physically shaking my head I toss out the thought, biting down on my lower lip as a harsh reminder to stop talking to myself, even if it is in my mind. Liam lets out a laugh, reaching out between his legs to pull up the barstool next to Moon, sitting it to where he's able to speak to the both of us. "How old are you guys? You look a little young to be in a bar."

"Um...I'm sixteen but I'm allowed to drink..."

I want to curse him and his green hazel eyes. Who even needs eyelashes that long anyways? Moon's hand grazes over my own, a gentle squeeze is all that's needed to calm my jittery nerves and jumpy knees, warmth rushing through my veins until I'm drenched in his sunlight. "Seventeen."

"Are you alright? Do you need me to walk you home or anything I don't mind." He's already on his feet, hands grasping at an earthy leather jacket covered in oil smudges. Something in our eyes must've deterred him from continuing, features softening as he picks up the melted ice pack off the counter. "I just want to make sure you guys get home's tough out there for shifters ya'know?"

The screech of broken glass takes me by surprise, my body jumping into Moon's as he backs away trembling, growl no longer secret but a blatant threat, teeth bared as I'm pushed behind him. His chill travels up my spine, twisting around each disk and crevice and taking root, blooming into a sickly emotion of protective fear that shakes your being, an earthquake of emotion as you decide which will is stronger.

Moon's is flight.

Mine is fight.

"Look." The tremor in Liam's throat brings a smile to my face, an accomplishment of sorts that we managed to threaten him. Pushing aside his shirt sleeves his arm is revealed, what I mistook as a tattoo earlier turning out to be-

"A tag? Why," The frustration is as clear as its always been, Moon's cheeks puffing out with air as a mild blush conquers over him. "why didn't I attack you?!"


"Maybe we should talk somewhere else." I point out, eyeing the obviously eavesdropping bartender.

There's an understanding nod from Liam, Moon refusing to look either way but down as his blush remains, worsening with his embarrassment. We stay behind him the entire time, following his steps as he leads us back to the hotel in mint condition, Moon's frustration only growing with each step up the ever going staircase. Even with a heavy padding of carpet I can hear his stomps, feel the vibration of each anger fueled step until we reach the room, no one seeming alarmed as Liam is pushed to the ebony couch, held hostage by a steaming Moon.

"I gave up my shifting. That's why you didn't attack me...on the spot at least." He mutters the last bit under his breath, the one sentence he did speak drawing the attention of the room, the floor a noisy mess as everyone clambers to gather around the most interesting man.

"So you're a shifter? Like me?"


"And I can talk to you?"


"And I won't kill you."

"Nope. Wait yes? I never really understood how to answer those questions." I'm flooded with second hand emotions, butterflies claiming my stomach as their own as Moon covers his mouth, nearly doubling over with emotion before smiling, wiping his dry eyes and taking a seat next to Liam.

"Have you ever been with another shifter?"

"Tons actually. I actually work with a lot as they go into Heat."

"What are they like." There's excitement gleaming in his eyes, enough to rival the North Star as it bubbles and brews, flowing through his limbs and sprouting out into his movements.

"Amazing people, amazing animals."

"Can they shift into birds? Frogs? What about insects? Can they all do magic? What about Descansar? And-"

"You said you work with shifters in Heat?" Andrew casts Moon a forgiving look as if to apologize for ruining his Christmas morning.

"If you want me to work with Moon I think you should ask him first."

"Yes!" The room's taken aback, a new air falling upon the room as Moon bounces around, a liveliness in him we haven't seen in years. "I want to start now!" Taking Liam by the hand he leads him into the next room over, smile wide before slamming the door behind them, leaving us all to blankly stare at the walls.

Jesse reaches over, patting me with a sympathy grin before sighing, raking his hands through my hair and pressing my body close to his own. "Wish them luck."

With one last look at the door I answer into his hand, planting a light kiss into it before resting my worried cheek against it. "I will."

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