Chapter 19

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~Moon's POV~

"So what exactly did you do yesterday?" Julius breathes into my neck, snuggling as if it isn't seventy-something degrees in the bedroom this morning. 

"Nothing interesting, just spoke to my manager for a bit then went to lunch at a Subway."

"Crew?" He draws his head from the curve of my neck, eyeing me with a newfound curiosity. 

"Why am I not shocked that Kai told you?" Without giving it much of a thought, I roll on top of his body with my crotch residing just above his. 

"" He mumbles while running his fingers through his hair, obviously flustered by how close we are. I curl up on his stomach and painlessly shift, re-situating my body now that I'm a much smaller size. He appears shocked and a tad bit scared, his trembling fingers coming up to brush my fur cautiously. 

He hesitates just above the silky black fur of my back, spreading his fingers as he dives into it. "So what was with the blackish purplish shimmery mist?" He asks with an obvious tremble in his throat. 

I lick his fingers and run my head under his hand so he'll continue to pet me, ignoring his questions outright. 

"Can you understand me?"

"Yes." I answer a bit insulted. 

"I can hear you in my head." He laughs, scratching my fur with his nails as he becomes more comfortable with the situation at hand. 

My attention goes to the door as the handle turns, Andrew standing in the doorway with cups in either hand.

"Thank you." Julius smiles down at the glass cup, tilting the other one at an angle so I can ladle the water out with my tongue. 

Andrew takes a seat next to Julius. "You're acting very calm." He smiles, patting him reassuringly on the knee. 

"That usually happens when I'm freaking out." His voice shakes as he swallows hard, a pang of who-knows-what coursing through my fur-clad body. 

Andrew pets me once before drawing his hand away to rub his forefinger against his thumb. "You need a bath." He bluntly tells me, cupping my face in his hands.

Julius only glances over at Andrew confused. "He had a shower yesterday..." 

"His human self did. This part probably hasn't had a bath in months."

At the sound of a bath I shift, almost crushing Jules with my weight. "You're taking a bath today." Andrew gives me his 'I'm serious' look before directing his attention to Jules. "You can help as well."

"I've never even washed a regular dog." He rebuttals, petrified.

"We'll teach you." Julius sits up and I reposition myself in his lap. Facing Andrew in the circular bed, the kitchen sink can be heard from all the way up in the bedrooms, eerily resembling the drip-drop of the tub faucet.

I peck him a kiss under the chin, right in front of Andrew without even thinking. The only person I would ever kiss like that is Kai and maybe Clide if I was joking around. And earlier when I got on top of him, I'd never do that! Julius kisses the top of my head, warmth flowing through my body causing my feet to tingle from the feel-good sensation. He just continues chatting with Andrew as if nothing happened, his hands finding mine and holding them in my lap. I want to squirm away but I also want him to snuggle against me but I also want him to rip my pants o-

Nope. Nope nope nope. Triple nope. Double nope. I am not going to think about that. I shall think of....

Julius in the shower, Julius at the hospital, Julius and his pancakes, his bad singing, Julius drunk, Julius's kisses and I love you's, his scent, his colorful house, his office, his arms wrapped around me in a loving embrace, his car, his party, his coming out, his lips on my neck, his arms on my waist. His everything.

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