Problems = happiness

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Joeys pov:
It's been almost 2 weeks of school and I still can't get over being in love with mr. Dawson! Why does it have to be like this? Why can't I just forget?! Why can't I be with him?! I have to take things to the next level... Oh! I know..

Joey made his way to class thrilled for the test to begin. His plan was in full action once the test was on the table.

Mr. Dawson: okay, today is the test and I hope you all studdied

Joeys pov:
I didn't study, I didn't need to.

Mr. Dawson: now I'm hoping all of you get good grades because it's a short, easy test on camera work. And you should all have it graved into your minds * smiles at joey* ok let's get on with it. *starts handing out tests*

Joeys pov:
He put the test on my desk and I smiled at him as he walked away, he winked at me. Why did he wink? Whatever I loved it, any kind of sine of affection is good for me.
I looked down at the test and I new every answer on the spot. But I can't just get them right! I have to stick with the plan.

The class continued to work on the test and each individual student took about 10 to 20 minutes on the test. But Joey was last, on purpose.
He walked up to the desk and slowly handed mr. Dawson the paper, who took it without even looking at Joey. He continued to grade the tests until the bell rang.

With mr. Dawson.
Mr. Dawson went home late from work and got home at 9:00 but he wasn't done working yet. He still had a bunch of work to do, typical.

Mr. Dawson's pov:
I finally get home and I still have work! I hate this so much. If only I didn't live my job so much I wouldn't be doing this! It just doesn't make sense how a high school drop out could become a college teacher in the film Industry.
I dropped out of school in 11th grade and took an online college after 2 years of that and one year of real college in finally a cerified teacher. But I'm only 3 years in exsperience and all the other teachers are like 10 years older then me and concider me a newbie. Or the student teacher. But whatever I have to do planning and finish those stupid quizzes.
I got to Joey graceffa a test, he's one of the smartest students  in my class and I have high hopes for him... But as I go through his test more and more, over and over, I realize every answer is Rong. What happened to him? He was doing so well! My hand shook as I rote that big red f on his paper.
Joey graceffa had failed.
The next day.

Mr Dawson's pov:
I'm so confused why did Joey fail out of  all the students why him?! He must have got confused! Why else would he fail. I'll just have him retake it and if his new grade is atleast a B I'll raise his grade to a C. Just why did the fucking smartest student fail?! I'm gonna have to talk with him. But I won't yell he's my favorite student I don't want him to be afraid of me.

Mr. Dawson got to school and went Into the hallway do go to his classroom.

"Shane" a voice said

He turned around to see miss .Schwartz
She is another teacher at the school and she's 27 not much of a difference between age she's one of the only teachers in the school that is also kind of a "newbie ".

Shane: hi Lisa. *kisses her cheek*

Lisa: hi sweetie, what's up?

Mr.dawson and Mrs. Schwartz are dating and all the teachers know and don't mind it just hadn't been the same for the past few days and the coulple was drawing apart and Lisa (miss.Schwartz) wasn't gonna let that happen.

Mr. Dawson: hon, I have a student and he's really smart but the problem is he failed a quiz and I can't figure out why.

Miss. Schwartz : well I do t know, I'll see you later okay babe*kisses him*

Mr. Dawson: *doesnt kiss back*

Miss. Schwartz: * pulls away and concisely looks at mr. Dawson* ok, bye.

She walks away to her classroom and looks back on sad faces mr. Dawson and leaves.
Mr Dawson walks into class and there stood one student in the middle of the room Joey graceffa he wasn't smiling he wasn't moving, just standing there looking at mr. Dawson.

mr. Dawson: Joey? What are you doing here?

Joey: I- I know I failed the test.

Mr. Dawson: what? How?

Joey: I just do, and I have to retake it so I came early to retake it.

Mr. Dawson: I was planning on having you do that but doesn't mean you have to come to class 2 hours early and-.

Joey: it does mean that.

Mr. Dawson: * coughs* oh- okay

Mr. Dawson handed Joey the test slowly he carefully he took the paper out of his hand. Joey grab a pencil out of his backpack sat down and began the test. Fascinated by how carefully he worked Mr. Dawson watched as Joey worked on his paper.

45 minutes later
Mr.dawsons pov: Joey walked over to me and handed me the paper with a smile on his face. I smiled back at him and he blushed, cute. I looked over his paper and he had only 2 answers right this time. I bit of an improvement but not big. I gave him a d .

Mr. Dawson: Joey I think I'm gonna have to tutor you.

Joeys pov: this is what I have been waiting for now I can get close to me. Dawson and spend personal time with him! This is the best but I have to keep a straight face.

Joey: okay *looks sad*

Mr: Dawson: we will start tomarrow, so stay after class. *playfully winks*

Hey everyone! I hope you like the story! But there is something I want to say to all the Shane lovers out there.

Now you may have herd this, Shane has an unreleased song out called rewind.

Go on YouTube and search Shane Dawson rewind and it will come up just wanted to inform you on this!

Btw this song is amazing!!!!!!

In love with my teacher? ~ shoeyWhere stories live. Discover now