The day after

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Shane's pov: I awoke from my sleep, I smiled and glanced to the other side of my bed. Joey wasn't there... I was kind of hoping he would stay, but he didn't. After we had finished, we watched a movie and I made us dinner. We couldn't stop smiling at each other. Damn! It sounds like I enjoyed it to much, but that's because it was not just "fuck and go" it was romantic. I rolled out bed, and walked to the bathroom where I pulled off my boxers I wore to bed and hopped into the shower, I made sure to get extra clean. I got out and styled my hair before putting on some jeans and a blue flannel shirt. I walked out of he bathroom, with a stupid grin on my face, I was so exited to see Joey. It felt more intimate now, it felt different, but a good different. I walked to the kitchen, grabbing my keys and my wallet and bag with all my supplies and such. Then I walked out the door and drove to campus.
Joeys pov: I woke up at 8:00, sawyer was in the shower. I sat in the room, I thought, I'm sick of living here, I want an actual place to live in, a place with my own room, my own space. A place to take shane.... It would be cool, Tyler and me and sawyer and One of his friends could all get a place together, share rent. That would be amazing! I got out of bed and put on a purple v-neck and blue jeans, I was careful with my hair, trying to look my best. I finished and as I sat on my bed sawyer walked out.

Joey: hey, I think we should move out.

Sawyer: huh? What do you mean?

Joey: like we get an actual place, an apartment or something?

Sawyer: oh, yea! I want out of this dorm, we should start looking for a place, but Joey, we would need to find another roommate or two, we can't pay for rent on our own

Joey: I know, I thought Tyler and maybe one of your friends could be our roommates

Sawyer: OHHH! Yea! Perfect, Tyler and....david?

Joey: yea, David, that'll work *smiles*

Sawyer: good, well I gotta get dressed and get to class, you should probably be going soon too.

Joey: why? Both are classes start at 10

Sawyer: early start, there's some meeting thing at 2:30 I don't know, a professor thing, so I guess neither of us are getting any sugar tonight.

Joey *laughs* I guess not, but whatever I can see Shane early today, after my other classes at least

Sawyer: oh, fuck! I almost forgot! You're prolly exited to see him

Joey: you have no idea

Joeys pov:
I grabbed my bag and opened the door, waving to sawyer as I left, I walked to Lisa's classroom, I can call my professors by their first names now. Because all of them know about me and Shane and Lisa and sawyer. The only problem is, if the school board found out about student teacher relationships we would be in fucking trouble. Lisa greeted me on my way in, I waved and she smiled, kind of angrily, I sometimes feel like she still doesn't like me and Shane dating, I smiled, dating. Oh my god, we're dating.

Lisa: hey Joey!

Joey: hey Lisa

Lisa: well, how was your evening, were you with Shane?

Joey: mmhmm

Lisa: haha, I knew you would be, you guys are so cute together *smiles*

Joey: awe thanks! And you and sawyer are too!

Lisa: thank you, I really love him ya know, he's a real sweet guy ya know? Well of course you do, you're roommates.

Joey: haha yea

Joeys pov: she smiled at me once more perform Turing to her desk again, she was wearing a grey pencil skirt and a royal blue lace top, she's quite pretty, but of course I'm not attracted to her. She bent over at her desk, she was pointing her ass at sawyer who had just walked in, he bit his lip. Gross.
Oh fuck! Who am I kidding, I would do the same thing to Shane. I laughed quietly to myself, cat, who was sitting next to me glared at me. She hates me now, because she wants Shane, everyone does, but he's mine. I smiled, mine.
Lisa began her lesson, I wasn't listening half the time, just thinking about last night. Oh! It was so wonderful! Except for that uber driver, he was freaky... Alex? Wait no... Oliver, yea, that was his name, I am not sure what to think of him, I frowned. Lisa continued doing her job, I glanced at sawyer smirking, he was 100% horny, he was biting his lip and Lisa was being all touchy feeling with him, not intensely. But she would walk past him, laying a hand on his shoulder and massaging him or brushing her butt against his ribs. I laughed again, it was funny seeing what they were doing, I was the only one who knew of them dating, but other students were probably uncomfortable. Soon enough the bell rang

Sawyer: hey, Joey!

Joey: what?

Sawyer: I'm gonna have a party on Friday, wanna go, I made arrangements at this club, I was gonna tell you last night, but I forgot, and I know in gonna forget again later, so...?

Joey: umm... I think me and Shane are gonna have a date night... But maybe WE could pop in for a sec

Sawyer: okay! Maybe, we can talk about this later.

Joey: okay, bye sawyer.

Sawyer: bye jo

Joey laughed.

Joeys pov: I skipped off down the hall, to go find Tyler, we normally hang out during the Time in between classes. As I was walking out to the courtyard, I heard Shane, my heart fluttered, I heard his voice in miss.paytas' room  I sat on the bench near the room and listened

Shane: I don't know what to do trish!

Trish: well Shane, you love him right?!

Shane: yea, I do, I really do, a lot.

Trish: well do what your heart tells you to do

Shane: I know.

Trish: oh well, you're hopeless *laughs* now go, I have a class to teach and so do you, we can discuss this later

Shane: okay

Joeys pov: what are they talking about? Me? Does Shane feel confused about me?? Am I gonna lose him?! I heard him walking out of the room, I put headphones in to make it seem like I was listening to music. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Shane: Joey?

Joey: oh, hi babe *stands up and wraps his arms on his neck*

Shane: hey... What are you doing?

Joey: nothing really, just waiting for Tyler to text me. *pulls him in for a hug*

Shane: *hugs back* oh, well I'll see you in a couple hours babe *kisses him*

Joey: *kisses back and leans in his ear to whisper* I loved last night... *rubs Shane's thigh* see you soon

Shane: *smirks and whispers* I did too.

Joey: mmhmm, oh and by the way *rubs Shane's back* what were you talking about with miss. Paytas?
(A/N ~ this was a really poorly written and boring part, sorry!)

In love with my teacher? ~ shoeyWhere stories live. Discover now