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Joey walked into his dorm daydreaming. He was so busy thinking about mr. Dawson he didn't realize the guy sitting at the desk in his room.

???: hi! You must be Joey graceffa?

Joey: *jumps* oh! Hi, didn't see you there, yes I'm Joey. Who are you?

???: I'm your roommate.

Joey: oh, hi!

???: my names sawyer.

Joey: nice to meet you! Wait why were you so late coming here?

Sawyer: my family went on a trip to Hawaii so we could go on one last trip as a family and it ran a little late. So that's  why.

Joey: cool. What teachers do you have?

Sawyer: I have Schwartz, Dawson , and marbles.

Joey: oh! I have all of those except for marbles.

Sawyer: cool! Who do you have then?

Joey: I have paytas.

Sawyer: oh, I know her. She had my brother when he was in college.

Joey: oh, what's your schedule?

Sawyer: Schwartz, Dawson,marbles

Joey: hey we have Schwartz together!

Sawyer: oh cool!

Joey: wait! This means your in the film classes! Do you wanna be a director or something?

Sawyer: I wanna be a director. Yeah

Joey: oh I'm gonna be an actor/director. That's why I have paytas and not marbles.

Sawyer: that's great! You a good actor?

Joey: well I've done a few jobs. But I'm probly better at directing.

Sawyer: well let's see what you got graceffa!

Joey: * does a few lines from some movies*

Sawyer: okay, your pretty good!

Joey: thanks! So... Does this mean we're friends now?

Sawyer: yeah!

Joey: great! Have you met anyone else?

Sawyer: yeah, this kid named Matt has been helping me around the school all day.

Joey: that's cool. Can I meet him sometime?

Sawyer: sure! I'm gonna hang out with him here after classes tomarrow. If that's okay with you?

Joey: oh yeah sure! I was gonna have Tyler here too!

Sawyer: cool! I can meet your friends too!

Joey; this is great! I like it way better here with a dorm roommate.

Sawyer: well that's good.

They both laughed and talked for about 2 hours before going to the kitchen to eat something and go to sleep.

The next day.....

Joeys pov: I woke up that morning raring to go to mr. Dawsons class! But I have to wait... Ugh! This sucks! Oh well I better get up and get ready to go to miss. Schwartz

Joey walked to miss.schwartz class with sawyer, and once they got there Joey sat down when sawyer went to talk to miss.schwartz .
Joey began to write down some of the notes on the board in the front of the room. After he finished sawyer walked over and sat in the seat next to Joey.

In love with my teacher? ~ shoeyWhere stories live. Discover now