Something is changing...

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Please read the authors note at the end! It is important! Btw sorry this is a short one :/

Shane's pov: okay, I had 5 minutes till Joey got here, I paced back and forth. I felt awful, I felt so scared, this has to happen though... I took a deep breath as I saw Joey walk in, I smiled at him lovingly, he smiled back. Him being first in the room I could kiss him, I guess he had that in mind. He walked up to me and kissed my lips for a couple seconds before kissing my cheek and walking away without a word. I rubbed my blushing face, trying to hide my Rosie cheeks. He noticed and winked st me I winked back, I really do love that man, I love him a lot.

Shane: hey Joey

Joey: hey babe, I'm excited for later...

Shane: yea... okay, I gotta go, I'm going to start my lesson, love you.

Joey: I love you too.

Joeys pov: I smiled as he walked away, but that smile slowly faded as I looked down at my phone and read the text again for the 100th time I need to tell you something it read, my hand trembled causing my phone to fall on my shoe, I gasped but luckily no one noticed. Students were starting to walk in now and start whispering about Shane, a normal thing. I got used to girls always swooning over him, I know I do.... I felt a small tear in my eye, re-reading the message again, again, again, and ... I thought, my mind traveled back to the worst thing possible, he's leaving me. "Joey?" I heard "Joey?!" I heard again, this time my head jerked up.

Shane: Joey!

Joey: wha- yea?

Shane: do you still have those notes I had you take from yesterday?

Joey: umm.... yea.... sure

Shane: thanks *winks*

Joeys pov: he took the papers out of my hand and I felt his index finger graze my palm, I smiled, his touch made me happy. I felt his touch from that first time and it made me fall in love all over again, causing me to smile. I saw him sneak a wink at me as he sat at his desk, I winked back.
Finally I started to count down the minutes until dismissal... 30 minutes, 20 minutes, 10 minutes, 1 minute. "End of lesson" hearing those three words suddenly made my excitement fade, I was scared, nervous, what the hell was going to happen when I left with Shane, again my mind went in different directions. Is he leaving? Cheating on me? Moving? I felt another tear fall down my cheek. Shane walked up to me, smiling, his hand grazed my cheek, wiping away the tear.

Shane: are you okay?

Joey: yes, I'm fine, ready to go?

Shane: um... I guess so
He smiled

Joey: okay... I love you..

Shane: I love you too.

Shane's pov: I smiled down at him and kissed his soft lips, God he makes me happy. I walked him out to my car, I smiled at him again. A fake smile. I hated faking it to him.
We walked out to my car, hand in hand. Joey rested his head on my shoulder, signifying that I was gonna regret this, I opened the car door for him. Before I got in the car I let a tear fall from my eye and I had to wipe it away.

Joeys pov:
Shane got into the car and we drove, why can't my boyfriend look at me the same right now? He neglected looking at me, it wasn't normal. We drove and finally we made it to somewhere that I didn't recognize, a house, a small house. There was a car in the front, it looked familiar...

Shane: we're here!

Joey: where?

Shane: umm... a friends house!

Joey: oh....I'm okay...

Shane pov: I saw joeys expression change from confusion to concern, I turned and put my hand on his neck. He smiled, I pulled him in and rested my lips on his, we kissed. Finally, I pushed my door open and immediately felt terrified.... again. I grabbed Joey from the car and pulled him out my door. I held him tight in my arms, savoring this moment. He seemed confused again, but hugged me anyway. I let him walk behind me to the door, I knocked, the door flew open. The minute the man behind it was shown, joeys eyes grew wide, and he seemed incredibly angry. What's going on, does he know Oliver?

Shane: Joey, umm.. this is Oliver

Oliver: hi Joey!

Joey: hi.

Shane: um... Joey do you know oliver?

Oliver: yea! We've met before I was his driver! *winks*

Shane: oh.... well okay, then this should be a little less awkward

Joey: what should?

Shane: uhh...

Oliver: oh my god, come inside! It's to cold out there *motions to the couch inside*

Shoey: okay

Shane: *sits on the couch and pulls Joey next to him* so, Oliver, I know that this is going to be really hard for Joey.... but like I need you to do it, it's really hard for me *glares at Oliver*

Joey: Shane, what are you saying?

Oliver: Shane and me got this little issue

Shane: um... yea *tears up*

Oliver: it's kind of a big deal so listen closely mr. Graceffa *moves closer to shoey*

Joey: how do you know my last name?

Oliver: *whispers in joeys ear* I know everything joeybear...

Joey: hey! Only Shane calls me that!

Shane: umm... not anymore

Joey: what?!

Oliver: *grabs Shane's shoulders while smiling evilly* tell him now Shaney

Joey: Shane...?

Shane: Joey, I have to break up with you.


So I wanna start a new fanfic! But i have no clue when to start, should I start after this story is finished? Or begin it now??? I wanna start writing more often so I want to know what you think!

Here's the description of the new story:

One night, one chance, one journey.
Shane has always been fascinating to me... I never thought he was this magnificent...
I've always loved Shane, from the minute he moved in across the street. Everyone found him mysterious but never questioned it. He was Shane, and Shane was just himself, No need to question that. Almost six years and he finally entered my life once again, but only for one last night.... and then in a flash he was gone again, but not just from my life, from everyone's life, is it worth it to find him? Or should I just let it remain a mystery just like him? Anything can happen in this town, this fake town.

(This story was inspired by paper towns by John

So... what do you all think!

In love with my teacher? ~ shoeyWhere stories live. Discover now