He's okay

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(Please read the authors note I'm at the end!) btw thanks soooo much for 6k reads!!! 😭😭😭

Shane's pov: I felt my eyes open, slowly. What's going on, I saw nothing once my eyes were open, I saw white, I saw nothing but a blank canvas. I was standing, I wasn't in a hospital, or on a bridge... I looked around, a big bright light was shining, what is this? Is...is this heaven? I turned again, I heard something, something distant. Cries. I followed the sound, but as I thought I was getting closing the sound was getting quieter, nevertheless I found what it was. Joey, he was sobbing, sitting in a waiting room, head in hands, balling his eyes out. I heard him whisper "Shane" and I fell apart. I saw the doors fling open, sawyer,Zoe,Tyler and...Lisa. What's going on?

They all ran to him, comforting him, wait? Am I dead?! I looked around, tears on my cheeks, I looked at my arm where the cuts were, they weren't though, but replaced with glowing white lights. I felt dizzy and tired, maybe if I just rest....I laid down on the 'ground' .
"Shane" someone said,  this time not Joey...grandma.

Shane: grandma, what are you doing?

Shane's grandma: I'm here to help you Shaney bird.

Shane: wait. Am I dead?

Shane's grandma: only if you choose to be.

Shane: what?

Shane's grandma: you'll know. Your heart will do what's best.

Shane: what do you mean?

Shane's grandma: if you love Joey, you'll know what to do

Shane: I do love him.

Shane's grandma: then you're all set.

Shane's pov: and with that, she was gone, and everything was blurry...
Joeys pov: I leaned into Tyler, who was holding me for comfort. Waiting for a sign from the nurse felt like years rather than minutes or hours and I just wanted to leave. But no, it's Shane, I have to stay for Shane. Tyler hugged me, as did sawyer and Zoe and Even Lisa. I guess everyone felt bad, I looked at Lisa, she was crying also.

Joey: hey, what's wrong?

Lisa: I'm just sorry

Joey: for what?

Lisa: I was selfish when you got together with Shane, I was jealous.

Joey: I know. And that's alright.

Lisa: really?

Joey: well yea, of course.

Lisa: thank you.

Joey: thank you.

Lisa: for what?

Joey: for being forgiving and letting me be with him, I love him a lot.

Lisa: well, I know how great Shane is, I didn't deserve him, you do though Joey, and besides I have this guy now.

She pointed to sawyer, he smiled.

Joey: well, you're just as adorable as me and Shane... well almost *laughs*

Joeys pov: Lisa and I continued to talk, talking about our lives and how incredible Shane is. It was amazing, I wish I got a chance to know her better sooner. "Hey!" I heard a voice, I turned. The nurse. "Joey graceffa, Shane Dawson requests to see you". Those words made my heart jump a mile, he's alive! Oh my god! I ran to the nurse, giving her a thankful kiss on the cheek before running off to Shane's room. I finally made it to room 204 and opened the heavy door, Shane. He lay there, his eyes closed, arms limp. His injured arm was wrapped up, hopefully that would heal soon. I walked up to his bed "Joey" he said, his lips moved, I just wanted to kiss him.

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