Whats going on?

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Joeys pov: I heard Shane scream from outside the room, and I immediately freaked out, the blood in my system felt cold and I felt my heart drop to my stomach. What happened to Shane?! I ran out of the room and then I screamed everyone in my hallway was laying on the ground, they weren't dead but they were scared, I bent down near one boy.

Joey: what happened!!

???: this man, he came in and told us to get on the ground, he told us to stay there or we would die *breaths heavily* he told me to tell him where professor Dawson was, I said I didn't know and he shot a gun at me, luckily it missed and I Kaye's on the ground playing dead. Then mr. Dawson exited your dorm.

Joey: what's your name?

???: I'm Cameron

Joey: ok, so Cameron, where the fuck did they take Sha- I mean mr.dawson?!

Cameron: he knocked him out and then slung him over his shoulder and jumped out the window... After that I have no idea what happened.

Joey: well did he say anything?!

Cameron: he said something about a mall? I don't know, I'm just scared *lays back down*

Joey: a mall?

Cameron: yes

Joey: hmmm.

Joeys pov: after talking to Cameron I had no idea what to do, I was scared and worried, why of all people did this man have to take Shane?! I ran to the closest class room, the professor was standing in the corner looking out the window, I looked too, hoping to see Shane, but I didn't. I walked up to the professor, personally I know nothing of any malls around here, maybe he will.

Joey: hey, umm, excuse me?

Professor: *screams* agh what?!

Joey: oh sorry to startle you.

Professor: well, we just had a major event happen, a man came and took another professor for some reason.

Joey: yea, I know, would you have any idea where they took him?

Professor: no.

Joey: oh well, this guy, ummm, Cameron told me that he talked about some mall, but I don't know of any malls around here.

Professor: mall? *laughs* there hasn't been a mall around here in like 10 years, the only mall, is abandoned.

Joey: *gasps* you're telling me... That the only mall around here is an abandoned one?

Professor: yes, and it's not to far from here, about 7 miles and it's really torn down only about 47 square feet are still fully intact in that place.

Joey: well I need to go there

Professor: why?

Joey: to find mr. Dawson
Shane's pov: I awoke and my head hurt, the last thing I remember was seeing him. I never wanted to see him again. I felt as if I couldn't breath, I felt something on my head, I shook my head around, and finally opened my eyes. Everything was black, and a wet cloth bag was on my face, I could barely breath. I screamed for help, nothing happened, I was tied to something, couldn't tell what.

Shane: help!!! What's going on?!

???: shut up!

Shane's pov: he's here, I screamed begging for air, and then finally the wet bag was pulled off my head and I could breath again, not that it was much better, the air I was breathing was thick and smelled a strong smell of gasoline.
I screamed.

Shane: let me go you bitch!

???: why?

Shane: what do you mean why?! You have no reason to take me!

???: I'm your father, I can do as I please.
Joeys pov: I left that professors room and walked fast to Tyler's dorm, he was there, he was scared, but he was there. He sat in the corner looking prettified, his roommate Alfie wasn't there, must be at his girlfriends, she goes to a different college. I walked over to Tyler and tapped his shoulder.

Joey: Tyler!

Tyler: *screams and turns around* oh! Joey, thank god it's you! What the hell happened??

Joey: some man came here and he threatened to kill people if they didn't lay on the floor, he was looking for Shane. Then he took him.

Tyler: what?!

Joey: yes, and some guy named Cameron seems to think that they went to the abandoned mall near here, we need to find him.

Tyler: we?!

Joey: yes, I need your help, I love him.

Tyler: *frowns* UGHHH okay! Only because I ship you two hard af #shoey !

Joey: *rolls eyes* oh my god Tyler, okay let's go.

Joeys pov: I pulled Tyler outside the campus and made sure that no one else was here to be safe, i wouldn't want us to be kidnapped. We raced to my car and Tyler looked up directions to the abandoned mall, we drove.
Shane: dad! Why did you feel the need to take me away?!

Shane's dad: because I wanted to end you once and for all fag.

Shane: what? Why? I did nothing wrong! You're the one who left me, mom, and my brothers when we were little!

Shane's dad: shut up! I know that you're a fag, you've always been, I don't care how many girlfriends you've had, you've sucked dick way more times.

Shane: what the fuck dad?! Why does it matter if I'm gay?! Now let me go!

Shane's dad: because being gay is wrong! And no I will not let you go!

Shane: but da-

Shane's pov: he put his hand over my mouth and an effort to shut me up, he succeeded and I couldn't break free, I soon had ducktaoe over my mouth so I couldn't talk, damn it! Joey hopefully is coming soon to save me, but damn it if he gets hurt, there WILL be consequences.
Okay! So there you go! Another update! How are y'all liking the story?

In love with my teacher? ~ shoeyWhere stories live. Discover now