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Shane's pov:
"SHANE NO" I flinched, almost falling, but I grabbed onto the railing , did I mention it was raining now? And slippery. I turned around, I couldn't believe my eyes, he was there. Joey. He didn't die. Oh my god Joey.
30 minutes ago....

Joeys pov: Oliver pointed the gun at me, then fired it, I heard Shane scream loudly, and almost in sync I screamed also, I thought it hit Shane. I fell to the ground, covering myself up, then I heard footsteps, Shane, he was running.
The cop pulled olivers gun out of his hand and threw it into the car, then threw Oliver in as well. I hugged the police fixer while smirking at Oliver in the back of the car, he hissed. They drove off. I heard Shane's footsteps start to completely fade away, I turned, he was sprinting up the street, I ran after him, but my speed wasn't nearly as fast as his. Apparently I wasn't fast at all, he had time to stop, bend over, and then pic something up and slide it into his pocket, I could barley see him, he sprinted again, this time I knew his destination, and then, as if God pushed me himself. I ran, faster and faster then ever. I caught Shane, right before the big jump, he was leaning over the edge, literally about to take away his life, I screamed "SHANE NO!" He almost slipped, I screamed, then I saw shock in his eyes, then tears, then a smile. I started to run to him, he jumped over the railing, into the street and across to the sidewalk. He ran, then he ran to me, I held out my arms, he jumped into them, wrapping his legs around my waist.

Shane: Joey, I thought you died....*sobs*

Joey: Shane, I'm alright, I'm right here, and I'm alive, I'm so glad you are too. Oh my frickin god.

Shane: Joey listen, I can't live without you, I'll actually kill myself  if you ever die.

Joey: I'm not dead though Shane. And by the way, if I ever do die (which I won't be anytime soon) then I want you to move on, promise?

He nodded

Shane: it's just I herd the gun shot after your scream, I assumed you died, the first thing that came to mind was.... suicide. I just love you that much Joey, I wanna be with you forever.

Joeys pov: we stayed there in the rain, I still was holding my Shane. He moved my hair out of my face, then kissed me, hard. I let him kiss me, for I kissed back. Thank god I found him, I don't know what I would do without him either. His arms wrapped around my neck, I held his legs. I felt something warm drip on my neck. I pulled Shane off of me, I looked at his arms.... 1,2,3,3,5,7.....16!

Joey: Shane! Why would you cut like this!

Shane: because I fell apart without you

Joey: no! We have to fix this! We have to repair this or bandage it, you're to special to just leave in pain.

Shane smiled

Joey: come on, we have to get to the hospital

Joeys pov: I set him down on the pavement. I was hoping he would stand, but he didn't, he collapsed on the sidewalk, I guess he lost a lot of blood. I picked him up, holding him bridal style, as I ran up the street toward the hospital. His grip around my neck tightened, I felt his tears on my chest. "It's okay" I whispered in his ear. I finally made it to the hospital, still holding Shane when I barged inside.

Joey: HELP! My boyfriend! He's hurt!

Nurse: oh no! We will take him to the ER just wait out here sweetie

Joey: bu- but I need to be there with him- will he be okay?

Nurse: I don't know, hopefully, stay out here, you can come in later, trust me.

Joey: bu- okay...

Nurse: good

Joey: I love you Shane.

Joeys pov: I watched a smile creep on Shane's little face, he hugged me. Then I felt him being taken away from me, it felt as though he was being ripped away forever. I watched three nurses push him on s gurney towards the ER I sat in a chair. This is all my fault, I should've told him I was okay, maybe I shouldn't have even called the cops. I looked at the time: 7:00 pm, I bet sawyer and Tyler are extremely worried about me... I texted sawyer.

Joey- hey, don't worry about me I'm fine

Sawyer- omg Joey! Me, Tyler and Zoe were just about to come look for you, are you okay? What happened?

Joey- I found Shane.

Sawyer- what do you mean "found him" didn't he leave you?

Joey- apparently it was under a threat. He didn't want to leave me

Sawyer- oh that's great! But where are you now?

Joey- the hospital

Sawyer- why?!

Joey- Shane thought I was shot... it's a really long story, but anyways he tried to commit suicide, but I found him right before he did.

Sawyer- then why are you in the hospital if you stopped him?

Joey- he cut himself 16 times.

Sawyer- oh no! I'll be there soon with Tyler

Joey-  oh okay, bring Lisa too

Sawyer- why?

Joey- because her and Shane are really close, and I want her to be here for him.

Sawyer- oh okay, be there soon, hang in there buddy, bye.

Joey- see you soon.

Joeys pov: I set down my phone on the table next to be, throwing my head in my hands. How could this happen, I cried, I dear I hope he lives...

Heyy! This was a bit short but not too short, it's another cliffhanger...oops!

I tried posting this yesterday but I'm wifi was being fucking dumb, sorry! I got it posted today though!

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