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Shane's pov: I awoke, I was tied to the bed still, my arms, in so much pain, my cheeks, tear stained, my stomach, bruised. Worst of all, my lower back stung from what had happened, I was raped. I started to cry again, unable to do anything else, my arms were tired and weak and I couldn't move them because they were tied up. All I could do was cry, wheres Oliver? I screamed "OLIVER" I croaked. He walked in with a smirk on his face, I suddenly wanted to cover my body, scared and embarrassed.

Shane: please untie me. I'm begging you, I'm in so much pain.

Oliver: *laughs* pain or pleasure?

Shane: PAIN, dear god, pain.

Oliver: okay *unties shane*

Shane: thank you....

Oliver: you were fun to play with babe

Shane: don't call me that, I hate you. I shouldn't have answered the phone when you called, I should just let you kill me and Joey *mumbles* at least then we would be together....

Oliver: what was that last thing? No! You will never be together.

Shane's pov: I stood up from my sitting position on the bed. I need to get out of here, I watched his mouth move but words didn't come out, just screams in my head saying: "run Shane, run as far as you can, until your feel fall off" I slowly started to walk out, pulling up my pants as I did so. "Shane go." The voice said in my head. At the moment when Oliver was about to hit me, I ran, I ran out of that house, dropping my tie from yesterday. I passed my car parked across the street, passed all the houses, and ended up somewhere I never ever wanted to be again. The abandoned mall.
Joeys pov: I woke up, sawyer was sleeping, Tyler was wrapped in a blanket on the floor sleeping as well. He didn't go home, he stayed all night to make sure that I was okay, I smiled, I'm so lucky to have a best friend like him. I rolled over and checked the time on my phone: 8:06 am it read. No classes today, it's Saturday, I got up and put on a shirt, then walked to the bathroom to wash my face.
I looked in the mirror, and felt my breath stop for a second. I saw myself, tear stained, bags under my eyes, dark circles, and the color in my face was gone, but in front of all that was what was written on the mirror, written in red pen said "he's mine" in capital letters. Who? Who's he? Who wrote this? I backed up from the mirror and walked out of the bathroom, completely forgetting to wash my face. I put on a sweatshirt, and then walked out of my dorm to the outdoors. Maybe I can just go on a walk to get my mind off things.

Shane's pov: I sat on the ground next to the gate of the mall, sobbing. I don't ever want to see Oliver again, what do I do? I can't call the cops, I can't do anything. I can't even be with Joey, the one person that I care about. I looked around before casually slipping through the gate, the gate that my dad had brought me through
I remember it so vividly, he tied me arms and legs in rope and carried me to his car, throwing me in the trunk, then put ducktape on my lips. I tried to scream but I couldn't. When he finally let me out of the trunk we were here, he slipped me through the gate first, then himself. He again threw me over his shoulder as I cried and screamed for help, for Joey. Then after bringing me into the building I got tied up again and he brought out someone. Oliver. He told me that if Joey came to save me, and he succeeded, that in a year from then I would break up with Joey, or he would kill him. I agreed. If Joey didn't come I would be held captive there for ever, but Joey would also die.

Basically the idea was Joey came and we both live for a year before I break up with him or he dies, or he dies now and I'm held captive. It was an awful deal. it was an awful time. And now, I regret everything. When Joey came, part of me wanted to tell him to leave, but I couldn't, he saved me. He saved my life.

Shane: Joey.

Shane's pov: I crawled quietly next to a building where I was hopefully out of sight, I knew Oliver was looking for me, I was terrified. All I could do at this point was cry. Then it happened, I heard footsteps on the pavement outside the gate.
Joeys pov: I left the premises of school, walking down the road, thinking. Is that writing about Shane? Then it all sort of clicked, Shane, he didn't break up with me, someone made him.... Lisa... oliver! I stopped in my tracks, my heart racing, what's happening to Shane, what did Oliver do? I stated to make my walking pace faster, it slowing turning into a run, and finally a sprint. I tried to find olivers house, but once I was in the neighborhood I couldn't remember anymore, I guess I blanked that out yesterday. I slowly turning around heading to the street just to see Shane's car parked across it. I ran to the car, and looked ahead of it, something was sitting on the ground, a piece of fabric. I looked at it, Shane's tie! The one from yesterday! I looked around, I saw one sock about 50 feet away, Shane. After that, I saw nothing, none of Shane's stuff. Nothing lead me anywhere, proceeded to just go on a walk, a tear rolling down my face. A tear of confusion. I kicked a rock, a big one, and screamed "fuck!" I said in pain, I heard the rock hit something, something medal. I looked up, and the abandoned mall gate was there, how did I end up here? I kept on walking, then a stopped for a second and I heard sobbing, I looked in the gate, but saw nothing, then I walked around the corning and there was Shane. His eyes were closed, but I could see the bags under them, he cried, and cried, I heard him say my name "Joey" I walked through the gate, slowly walking to him, his eyes opened when I was about a foot away from him, he was shocked, yet he jumped into my arms.

Shane: oh my god, Joey!

Joey: Shane, what are you doing here?

Shane: I'm hiding

Joey: from who?

Shane: Oliver

Joey: oh my god! It all makes sense! What did he do?

Shane explained everything.

Joey: oh sweetie, I'm sorry.

Joeys pov: I held out my arms for him to hug me, but he turned and looked me in the eyes. He leaned in, I leaned in, he kissed me, I kissed back. Our lips moved together, slowing and passionately. I heard him speak in between the kisses; "Joey- I- love- you" I smiled into our kiss "i- love you- too" I said, I felt his smile under my lips, we continued to kiss, it turned into a make out session. I let Shane sit on my legs, and I leaned against the abandoned buildings wall. Shane stopped for a second to breathe then resumed kissing me, he kissed my neck, I let out a small moan.

Joey: sh-Shane, not here.

Shane: bu- but I love you.

Joey: I love you too. But not out here, it's daylight, anyone could see.

Shane: okay bu-

???- hey! Stop! Get off of him Shane!

Heyy! I updated finally! How's everyone doing? How was Valentine's Day? Low key just realized I've been writing this story for over a year....

Should I wrap it up?

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