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( before I start I just want to clarify that Oliver isn't necessarily a youtuber but if you want someone to visualize I guess oil white I only say that because oil and Oliver sound alike)
Shane: I have to break up with you

Joey's pov: I stared at Shane, his eyes filling with tears and regret. What???? No! This is all fake! This is a dream! Ughh, wake up Joey! I pinched myself, but only felt pain, this was real.... but why? I tear rolled down my face, I remembered the text from earlier today I have to tell you something he had to tell me that we aren't a couple any more. But why is Oliver here? If Shane fell out of love with me, then why couldn't he do it alone? Why did he have to do it next to his former enemy?

Shane: Joey, I-

Joey: save it. Why the hell did you have to tell me while Oliver was here?

Shane: well... umm-

Oliver: moral support *puts an arm around shane*

Shane: uh. Yea.

Joey: okay... *walks toward the door*

Shane: Joey, wait. Can we still be friends?

Shane's pov: I desperately wanted him to say yes. I don't want to loose him. He looked at me with a sad expression, but didn't say a word, didn't even nod or shake his head. I guess he didn't know, but I love him so much.

Joey: I uh I better go...
He walked out the door

Olivers pov: thank god! They're finally broken up, this is perfect. Now I have Joey and Shane, they're mine now, they aren't together.

Oliver: there you go Shane.

Shane: I hate myself

Oliver: why?

Shane: I had to break up with the love of my life... because of you.

Oliver: hey, without breaking up with him he would be dead, now you wouldn't want your true love dead, right?

Shane: right.

Oliver: than I suggest to not ever get back together with him.

Shane: I know...

Oliver: yes

Shane: but what if I kill you before you kill him WHEN I get him back?

Oliver: now lets not get violent now Shaney

Shane: only Joey calls me that.

Oliver: oh whatever, but remember our deal? You can't get back together with him or it's all done for Joey.... and-

Shane: I'll gladly take the bullet for him

Oliver: oh I know... and this time you will not wake up. This time you'll be gone, and once you're gone he will be gone right after you.

Shane: what if I call the cops?

Oliver: then you will have to explain why you tortured me and stabbed your own boyfriend...

Shane: you're a dick

Oliver: well fags like you shouldn't mess with people like me.

Shane's pov: I stared into olivers evil eyes, and I felt my eyes begin to tear up. I didn't stop staring at him, he stared back at me, happily, angrily, and most Surprising I saw lust. What that fuck? Oliver hates me. He said if I didn't break up with Joey he would kill him, and me. But he never said why? Was he actually going to kill me or just Joey? Is it all a plan to get to me? Or Joey? I'm so confused. Lust? I stopped glaring at him, he wrapped his arms around me a winced

Shane: what the fuck Oliver?

Oliver: what shane?

Shane: what are you doing?

Oliver: what do you mean Shane's boy....

Shane's pov: I felt Oliver climb onto my lap, I bit my tongue, holding back my urge to scream at him in anger. To my surprise Oliver grabbed the back of my hair and yanked my head back so I was looking up. He smirked evilly and again surprised me by kissing me, I didn't kiss back. I tried to push off this evil man, but he would not budge, that is until he grabbed my arms, pulled me off the couch, and picked me up, slinging me over his shoulder. I screamed and punched and kicked trying to escape his grasp as he walked to the stairs.

Shane: Oliver, what are you doing?! Stop!

Oliver: I've always wanted you, you cunt. You may be a fag but also you're mega hot, mr. Dawson... or dare I say... daddy.

Shane: wha- what?! What is this? Is this about Joey? Is that why you made me leave him, to get to me? What do you want to do with me...?

Oliver: ah... I see that you finally figured it out you dumb bitch, you're not joeys anymore you slut, you're mine, my slut.

Shane: no! I'm not! I'm not your slut! I'm not anything to you! Nothing.

Oliver: hmm... hard to get I see.

Shane's pov: he threw me on him mattress laying on the floor. I screamed in pain, god, what I would do to have Joey right now, saving me. I couldn't get up because of the pain, Oliver dragged me up the bed and tied my wrists to the headboard, my weak body just trembled, I couldn't fight back, I was nothing. I am nothing. I'm nothing without Joey.
I felt my pants and shirt being ripped off, I wiggles around and panted trying to break free, but I couldn't.  I winced, knowing that what was about to happen would not be pleasant.
Joeys pov: I walked into my dorm room, sawyer was there, so was Tyler. They were talking. I was crying. Tyler glanced up at me, he looked concerned, I tried to walk away, it didn't work.

Tyler: Joseph Michael Graceffa, what are you crying about?

Joey: it- its Shane.

Tyler: aww.. sweetie, what happened?

Joey: he broke up with me

Joey burst into tears

Tyler: wait... what?!

Joey: umm... yea.

Tyler: why?! You were so in love! I could tell, when you were in his presence he just lit up! It was the cutest thing ever. But I could never figure it out.... shoey or Jane....

Joey: Tyler!

Tyler: oh! I'm sorry.

Joey: it's okay, I just need some ice cream and some time with my best friend.

Tyler: I like that idea a lot Tyler.

Joeys pov: Tyler and me sat on my bed, sawyer hugged me and joined us, we ate ice cream and popcorn, watching the notebook, and other movies. We invited Zoe over, she joined us. Overall I'm so grateful to have such amazing friends.....
But what did Tyler mean by Jane or shoey?
Heyyy! I suck at updating! Ugh! Anyways do you all still enjoy this story??? I can't tell :/

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