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Joeys pov: Tyler Guided me through gps on his phone to the abandoned mall. I cried, I cried hard, Shane better be okay. At this time I was thinking of all the worst possible things happening to him. What if he's being raped, tortured, dying... I cried slightly harder at the thought, my eyes built up heavy with tears, and I guess Tyler noticed.

Tyler: Joey, it's gonna be okay

Joey: but what if it isn't Tyler!

He snapped at him

Tyler: calm down, look I know this is hard for you but you have to to get through this!

The rest of the ride was silent.

Joeys pov: I pulled up across the street from the mall, and I saw 4 intact buildings, not 7. This made it easier to find Shane. I walked up to the gate and couldn't find a way inside, there must be a way in. We crawled through the grass trying to make the least sound we possibly could. We had made it to the first building, and I couldn't hear a sound. We sat quietly and waited, still nothing, we proceeded to the second building and again herd nothing, I was beginning to doubt that Shane was even here. I felt a tear roll down my face, no! Joey! You aren't giving up just yet. Me and Tyler crawled over to a third building, we hadn't even  got that close before hearing a loud 'thump' inside it. I immediately went into angry mode, I crawled faster to the building, and the closer I got, the more screams I herd, the more I got angry, the more tears fell into the grass in front of me. My angry tears didn't stop me from crawling fast up the stairs to the door of the building
Shane's pov: *thud* I was thrown on the ground by my father, I screamed in pain. All I wanted was this to end my sobs got quieter as I got weaker. I was terrified, will I die? Will my own father kill me? For not being straight?!
He stopped for about 15 seconds, 15 seconds that meant everything to me, I could breath, and I swore I heard something outside. I begged for something to happen
Joeys pov: I stood up next to the door and looked back, Tyler was way behind me and only about 10 feet away from the second building. I wanted to run inside that building, beat up whoever took Shane, take my beloved boyfriend back home, and kiss him to wipe away the pain. But at this point is where I hesitated, I was scared, what if Shane isn't in here? What if it's someone else? What if I get kidnapped and also Tyler? What if I die? I watched as Tyler climbed up the stairs, he looked scared and tired and he whispered

Tyler: *whispering* what the fuck are you doing? Go! Save Shane! 

Joey: I'm scared

Tyler: oh bullshit! If you really love him, you'll take the chance!

Joey: what? Of course I love him!

Tyler: than go!

Joeys pov: I looked at Tyler once more, and took a deep breath, I kicked the door open with my foot as hard as I could, what I saw horrified me. I saw Shane, tied up his hands and legs were thoroughly tied with rope, his eyes were bloodshot and his face and arms were bruised. He screamed through the duck tape on his mouth, it sounded as if he was trying to say "Joey, run!" But I wasn't sure, and being the dumb bitch I am, I ran to Shane, but before I could, I was tackled. A big man was on top of me, pinning me down, he looked mad and I was scared, Shane continued to scream through the tape. I screamed for the man to let us both go, he didn't. Shane screamed louder, and the tape fell off. I herd him screaming for the strong man to let me go.

Shane: let him go! He did nothing wrong you bitch!

Shane's dad: no! Who is this Shane?! Why is he here?!

Shane: he's my boyfriend, let him go! Kill me if you have to! Just leave Joey out of this! *cries* you can kill me, you can do what you wish with me, but don't hurt him.

Joey: Shane! No! Let him take me!

Shane's dad: I like Shane's idea better fuckboy

Joey: what?! No! *screams* stop! Let us go!

Shane: no, let him go.

Joey: no!

Shane's dad: *climbs off Joey* stay on the ground bitch. *unties shane*

Joey: okay *lays on the ground and whispers through the door* Tyler?

Tyler: *whispering* yea? I'm here.

Joey: help.

(A/N) heyyyy updated this story! How's everyone enjoying it? This story is becoming very long, I'm gonna be wrapping it up within a few chapters 😁

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