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Joeys pov: I ended up leaving Shane's place at around 11:00pm to go back to my dorm, I got an uber so he didn't have to drive me back to campus. When I got into the uber, I was just putting on my shirt outside the car.

Uber driver: have fun there boy?

Joey: what?

Uber driver: *chuckles* Dawson right?

Joey: huh?

Uber driver: Shane Dawson lives there, correct?

Joey: umm... Yea?

Uber driver: dick, went to high school with him before he dropped out, bitch was a total fag

Joey: I'm sorry, what?!

Uber driver: UGHHH, don't worry, I don't care anymore, he's gay, whatever

Joey: he's bi

Uber driver: oh, well tell the guy that Oliver says hi.

Joey: um.. Okay?

Oliver : *laughs* you had sex, right?

Joey: depends...

Oliver.: I mean common, I know you did, you know you did, own up to it bud!

Joey: uhh.... Why are you so interested?

Oliver: well, I don't know, I'm just a lame ass bitch

Joey: okay, well I'm done here

Oliver: was it good?

Joey: yea...
Joeys pov: the uber driver... Wait... Oliver dropped me off at campus and I ran inside, it was freezing cold outside. I got into my dorm to find sawyer and Lisa making out again, when they looked up, Lisa smiled at me waved in a bitchy way and exited.

Sawyer: hmm... Where have you been all day?

Joey: Shane's...

Sawyer: what? Tutoring?

Joey: yea, let's go with that. *smiles*

Joeys pov: I threw my bag onto my bed and walked to the shower, I felt like I was walking on air. I want to do that again with Shane, it was amazing, damn it! I love him so much! I puckered my lips to imagine I was kissing him. I laughed because of how funny it was that sawyer and me were both dating professors. Sawyer kinda thinks we are dating ever since the shooting, but for some reason he still is hesitant. Whatever, he'll figure it out, I made sure to Thoroughly clean myself with soap and water. I mean, of course j have to be clean... After... That. I finished washing my hair and climbed out of the shower, I dried off and walked out of the bathroom. Sawyer say on his phone, he looked up at me. Smirking.

Sawyer: spill, what did you two do?

Joey: like you said... Tutoring. *smiles innocently*

sawyer: nah, I don't believe that for a second, did you guys make out

Joey: mmhmm *giggles*

Sawyer: ohhhhh! Fuck dude! high five! *holds his hand uo*

Joey: *high fives him* haha, very funny, now don't make a big deal out of it... I just had a little... Fun... That's all.

Sawyer: oh yea you definitely had fun *laughs and rolls over* goodnight

Joey: goodnight, I'm gonna go visit Tyler real quick

Sawyer: okay

Joeys pov: I pulled on some fresh boxers, sweat pants and a t- shirt and walked out the door, I walked swiftly to Tyler and Alfie's dorm, I knocked viciously and he immediately opened the door

Tyler: oh! Hi jojo! *hugs him*

Joey: hi! Is Alfie here?

Tyler: no, he's with Zoe, why, you need to talk?

Joey: yea *smiles*

Tyler: wait... What happened??

Joey: *sits on a chair* so after class today I was watching Shane do his paper work and I tried to... Seduce him...

Tyler: ohhhh! Get some Joey! *laughs*

Joey: *rolls eyes and laughs* anyways I guess it worked because he-

Tyler: did you have sex in the classroom???

Joey: oh my god! No!

Tyler: oh, ok, then continue

Joey: I was feeling very... Horny... And he took me back to his place... He started kissing me and kissing me, before I knew it I was on his bed.

Tyler: ok, ok, I'm going to stop you there so you don't get into detail. So you lost your virginity?

Joey: yes *smiles*

Tyler: oh my god! Yes Joey! And to mr.dawson? That's pretty crazy... Wait didn't you say you had sex with your ex- girlfriend?

Joey: yea.... I lied.... I wanted to seem cool... But it was not the truth.

Tyler: haha it's okay Joey, and to be honest I bet you would have been grossed out

Joeys pov: I laughed, and then I hugged Tyler goodbye, before leaving back to my dorm. I got there, and I laid down on my bed. I smiled, I can't wait to see Shane tomorrow morning! I rolled over and fell asleep.
(A/N) sorry this is such a short chapter 😁

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