Chapter 19

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Joy's POV

"Ha ha, so funny, but I'd like to see you try doing that."

"Fine, I will." Elliot said.

I just rolled my eyes and shook my head at him and his lame remarks of what happened when I was chased by a security guard a couple of days ago. But I didn't mentioned Elizabeth because who knows what Elliot would have done.

"Come on Joy, you're slowing us down." I looked up to see Henry staring back at me and everyone else up ahead.

I quickened my pace, well basically Henry grabbed my hand and bring us closer. That's when I realized we made our way inside the same pizza shop Sam and I went to.

As I walked in, the familiar smell of the delicious food filled my scent.

"I'm going to order." Henry spoke up.

"I'll come with you." I said.

While everyone else took the larger table, both me and Henry went up to order. We waited in line which wasn't long but right now, I really want something to eat.

"Stop fidgeting so much." Henry scolded me.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Well I'm sorry that it was bothering you so much, I'll just stop then."

"Thank you very much."


Someone called out to us but at the same time, some huge man shoved me out of the way to get in front. And what made me even more furious, was that this was the same guy who bumped into me when I was with Elliot before.

"Hey," I called out, "don't know how to say excuse me?"

Slowly the man turned around and narrowed his eyes at me but quickly changed into worry once he took a second glance at me. He scurried out as if there was a plague roaming around in here.

"What was that about? Does he know you? Do you know him? Why did he look like he saw a ghost?" Henry fired questions at me.

"Next!" The voice was obviously getting annoyed.

"I'll tell you later." I answered back.

I walked up the cashier and the girl in front of me has very bright blonde hair that's up in a pony tail, with big, bright blue eyes, and a couple inches taller. There were also little freckles across her face that made her even more pretty.

"What would yo-" She stopped and completely froze when her eyes were looking past me. I looked behind to see Henry in the exact position. "Henry?"

"J-Janet?" He still looked shocked.

Janet? Who the hell is she?

Out of nowhere, I get an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. No..... It can't be. Well she's beautiful and I' The way how they just look at each other made this feeling stronger. The way how Henry never looks at me like this makes this feeling stronger.

And it's freaking jealousy.


I cleared my throat and took control of myself before I do anything I might regret. "Uh, can we order now?" This time, I receive a glare, from both of them.

The girl, or..Janet, I didn't care about but from Henry is what confused me. Like, I came here to eat so pizza first of all. Second, no one is aloud to even look at Henry like that, but only me. Third, why did Henry look at me like that.

I put up my hands in surrender and snapped, "Well I'm sorry for interrupting something...or whatever was going on." Then I marched out the pizza shop without looking back. I knew Henry called out to me but I really didn't want to see his face.

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