Chapter 2: Apartment

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"I just didn't want to be a bother" I said as Chris buckled Emma into her car seat.
"It's fine Cinderella. I guess I'll come to visit once in a while" Chris said slowly shutting the car door.
"Well thanks for letting us stay until we found a place" I said.
"No problem, Riley. I'm always glad to help a friend" he said smiling.
"You should come by sometime" I said.
"I'd love too" he said putting his hands in his coat pockets.
"Well see you soon" I said punching his shoulder lightly.
"Hey, uh. If you need anything don't hesitate to call. I'll be there in a flash" he said. Is it just me or is he really cute. Shut up, Riley. The beard really suits him. Stop staring!
"Thanks again, Chris. Call me" I said hugging him. Oh I love his hugs. He waved to Emma as I got into the car. I started the car and started to drive away. Soon after a little but of a long drive we arrived to the apartment building that wasn't far away from my sister's house. I took Emma out of the car and we walked up the stairs. I took the keys from the pocket of my coat. We arrived at the apartment and I unlocked the door. I put Emma onto the ground of our new home. It was so pretty inside.
"Go explore, Em" I said as she waddled off to find her bedroom. I walked around and set my bag on the couch. The kitchen was so pretty. I walked down the hallway and saw a door wide open. I pushed it open to see Emma already playing with some stuff. I walked to the bedroom beside hers and looked inside. My bedroom. I smiled at the large room. It was so pretty.
"You know the last time I saw you, you were pregnant with my great grand daughter" said a familiar voice. I turned to see my grandfather. Grandpa Thomas.
"Grandpa!" I said running to him and hugged him.
"Hi Sweetie" he said kissing my cheek, "where's the little munchkin?" I pointed to Emma's room and he opened the door with excitement.
"HEY MUNCHKIN!" Grandpa said as Emma excitedly ran over to her great grandfather.
"GGT!" She said. It's short for Great Grandpa Thomas. GGT picked up Emma with a large smile.
"Hey Embug!" He said happily.
"So how's New York?" I asked.
"Wonderful. I just came to say hello. You look so much like your mother" he said.
"Thanks GT" I said, I called him GT.
"Listen, what happened wasn't your Aunt's fault. She didn't know that the plane would-"
"No. I don't want to hear the whole story. Her and dad should've stayed here. They didn't have to go to London" I said crossing my arms.
"Riley. I know how it feels" he said, "your mother was the same way when Florence died." Florence was my grandmother. She died a few years ago before Emma was born.
"I just try to forget. I just want to remember the good memories" I said trying not to cry.
"Don't try to forget. Use the other good memories to over throw the bad ones" he said.
"You always give the best advice" I said.
"I try" he said as he put down Emma. Emma waddled back to her bedroom, "I better be going. I promised Emily I'd take her to New York."
"It was great to see you again" I said hugging him.
"Bye Sweetie" he said kissing my cheek before opening the apartment door.
"Bye!" I said as he closed the door. I walked into Emma's room and sat down on a small chair.
"Mommy?" Emma asked sitting on the chair across from me.
"Yes?" I asked as she gave me an empty tea cup and she gave herself one and pretended to drink from it.
"I may not know what love is but I think you and Chris make a good couple" She said.
"Oh really?" I asked.
"He's awesome! And it's not a secret that you like him" She said then as if right on cue there was a knock on the door. I got up and walked to the door and opened it to see Chris.
"Hey Christopher Robert Evans" I said using his full name.
"Hello Riley Annabelle Matthews" he said smiling as I let him into the apartment.
"Oh wow! This place looks amazing!" He said as Emma ran out into the living room.
"CHRIS!" She said excitedly and he picked her up. Maybe Emma was right.
I waddled down the stairs of my house in LA. Being pregnant was hard. I wonder how Alice did it. She had two kids already! How could I handle one?! I made it to the kitchen and took out the water bottle from the fridge.
"Need any help?" asked a familiar voice making me turn around to smile at my father.
"Hi daddy" I said as I walked over and hugged him.
"Hi Pumpkin" he said kissing my head.
"How was Ohio?" I asked smiling.
"It was fine" he said as he sat down at the table and I began to make him a cup of coffee.
"How's mom?" I asked.
"You know your mother. Worrying every second about you almost popping" he said as I poured him a cup.
"Sounds like when Alice was pregnant with Jayden" I said as I gave him a cup and I continued to drink water.
"Jack didn't deserve a girl like you" Dad said.
"Don't even mention him" I hissed at the name of my Ex and father of my child. He didn't deserve the title 'father'.
"Well at least he's gone" he said. Jack had left me once he found out I was pregnant and he moved to New York with his fiancé. Who is actually French. He loved Paris.
"Yeah I won't have to deal with him" I said.
End of flashback
I sat on the couch with my head on Chris's shoulder and an arm around Emma as we watched Captain America: The First Avenger. She has only seen The Avengers.  Her favorite is Loki. I know, my daughter likes the villain more than the hero.
"Wait a second" Emma said as I grabbed the remote and paused it on Chris's face. She looked from the TV then back to Chris then back to the TV, "you're Captain America!"
"You caught me" he said as I tried not to laugh at Emma's sudden realization.
Once we finished the movie, Emma was fast asleep. Chris picked her up and carried her to her bedroom. I pulled back her covers and he laid her down. I kissed her forehead before the two of us walked out and turned off the light.
"Riley?" Chris asked.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"I'm about to do something I wanted to do for so long" he said before he pulled me close to him and smashed his soft lips onto mine gently. I hummed softly as I wrapped my arms around his neck. When we pulled away I couldn't help but laugh.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted you to do that" I said smiling. This would be the start of a beautiful relationship. More than friends.

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