Chapter 8: Dinner

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Dodge ball. One of the best games in the world. It's not fun when you're playing against your best friend who will literally will crush you at dodge ball. It's better to have him on your team. Chris is great at dodge ball. At least we had Scott on our team. The gym teacher blew the whistle and Chris's eyes locked onto mine. I had a ball in my hand. I threw it and he dodged.
"Shouldn't have done that, Riley!" Chris said.
"Uh oh" I said as he picked up the ball and chucked it but I quickly ducked but it hit Scott who was behind me.
"I'm out" Scott said, "good luck." Scott walked off the court leaving me and four other players on my team. Soon one by one his teammates and mine were out and it was only the two of us left. I ducked and dodged. But I didn't move as fast. I was hit in the side.
"Yes!" Chris yelled happily but his happy smile dropped when he noticed that I caught it.
"Yes!" I said mocking him.
"Dang it!" He said making me laugh. We were always competitive.

Me and Emma arrived at Chris's house for dinner. As soon as Chris opened the door Emma hugged him. She loves Chris so much. Emma excitedly reached her arms toward Chris.
"Up" she said and Chris scooped her up with a big smile. He balanced her on his hip as I closed the door. I took off my jacket and hung it on the coat rack. Chris and Emma were like balls of energy.
"Hey, Riley?" Chris asked.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"I would like some help making dinner. And I hope you don't mind that a few of my friends are helping me make Emma a room at my house in LA. They are probably working out it right now" he said smiling.
"I don't mind" I said.
"And I may or may not had gotten Emma her presents for Christmas and I couldn't help myself and she is allowed to open one of them so she can play" Chris said.
"Yay!" Emma said as Chris set her down on the couch and he pushed a present from under the tree toward her. She rushed over and started to open it. I walked over and sat with Chris on the floor as Emma ripped off the paper with excitement. Once she got the paper off she screamed with joy.
"Thank you Chris!" She said hugging the Winnie the Pooh stuffed toy. Emma loves Winnie the Pooh.
"You're welcome Emmy" Chris said as the little girl tackled Chris into a hug. She had the biggest smile on her face. Chris fell down laughing as Emma hugged him. His chest moved up and down when he laughed.
"I think she's happy" I said making him chuckle. Emma sat on the couch and played with her toy as me and Chris started to make dinner. I started to stir the pasta sauce and I felt his arms wrap around my waist.
"Chris" I whispered as he buried his face in my hair.
"Riley" he breathed out making a shiver go up my spine.
"What are you doing?" I asked as he kissed my hair.
"You're beautiful" he said.
"Thanks" I said smiling.
"I don't know what I would do without a women like you in my life" he said.
"I don't know what I would do without a man like you in my life" I said, "and Emma's life."
"I just want to be there for you and Emma" he said smiling as his blue orbs twinkled in the light.
"That's very nice of you, Chris" I said as I held out the spoon for him to taste the sauce. He licked the spoon and his face lit up.
"You get your cooking talent from your dad" he said with a sad smile.
"Thanks, Chris" I said.
"You know your parents were like a second family to me" he said.
"Can we not talk about them right now?" I asked on the verge of tears.
"Riley, if you ever need anyone to talk to you know I'm here" he said.
"Mommy? When are you and Chris getting married?" Emma asked as we both looked down to see Emma holding her toy with a smile.
"Go play with your toy or the claw will get you" Chris said playfully making Emma's eyes widen as she backed up slowly back toward the living room, "that's right, Blue Eyes." I couldn't help but laugh at the nickname Chris gave Emma. He has multiple nicknames for her. I like it how he calls her Marshmallow. Not to long ago Emma pigged out on marshmallows and Chris has called her that ever since. Emma loves Chris so much.
"So I'm gonna ask a question again... If we ever get married in the future would you want to have more kids?" Chris asked smiling.
"Yes you meatball!" I said slapping is shoulder.
Once we finished making dinner, I set the table as Chris put the food onto plates. Emma loves pasta. She waddled over and climbed up onto the chair. Chris decided to help her since she couldn't get her little leg up. Chris picked her up and set her on the chair and she thanked him. Emma has manners. I sat down next to Emma and Chris sat on the other side.
"So Riley... Christmas is in only three days" Chris said smiling.
"Yes and we need help decorating the tree" I said as I ate some pasta.
"Chris could help!" Emma said excitedly.
"Sure I'd love to help" Chris said as Emma squealed with excitement.
After dinner, I put the plates in the sick and started washing them. Chris walked over and turned off the water before I could get the soap out. "Nope" he said smiling as he pulled me over to the couch where Emma was. Since we decided to stay the night at the last minute, Chris gave Emma one of his shirts which is very big on her. I was always wearing on of his shirts and a pair of shorts. His sweaters smell like his soothing cologne. Chris happily picked up Emma and tickled her sides making her giggles echo through the house.
"C-Chris!" She said laughing then he stopped so Emma could catch her breath. We decided to watch The Lion King. Emma loves Disney so much. She sang along to the songs making me and Chris smile. Emma fell asleep on the couch with her head in Chris's lap and her feet in mine. I couldn't help but smile. Chris slowly picked Emma up and we walked upstairs. Chris opened the door to the guest room and laid her down on the bed. I slowly closed the door once he was out of the room. The two of us went to the next room which was Chris's bedroom. I crawled under the covers and Chris pulled me closed to him. Moments later the door creaked open and Emma walked in hugging her new toy. She walked over and poked my cheek.
"May I help you?" I asked smiling as Chris looked over to see Emma.
"Hey Embug" he said.
"I can't sleep" she said rubbing her right eye.
"You can sleep with us" I said as Chris got up and helped Emma onto the bed. She crawled into the middle. Emma was snuggled in between us. Soon she was fast asleep.
"That was quick" I whispered as Chris rubbed Emma's back gently, "I guess you have the magic touch."
"I guess" he whispered staring at Emma with a smile. I kissed Chris on the cheek, his beard tickling my face when he kissed back.
"I love you, Mr Evans" I said.
"I love you too, Mrs Matthews" he said as we both went to sleep with Emma sleeping peacefully between us.

Forever & Always (Chris Evans Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora