Chapter 19: Daddy Daughter Day

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Today Scarlett, Elizabeth, Zoe, and Cobie decided to have a girls day. But we added one more to our little party. Hayley Atwell. She told me so many stories about her filming with Chris. I had to laugh when she told me about touching his pec when she wasn't suppose too. It was pretty funny how she explained it. Emma was with Chris while we were having our girls day. I wonder what they are doing.

Meanwhile at Chris's house (Chris's P.O.V)

I sat on the couch with Emma laying on my chest. We were watching Disney movies and eating ice cream. Me and a Emma sang through almost all the songs. My phone went off and I reached for it. It was from Riley.
Hey Honey! How is Emma doing?~ Riley

She's okay. How's your girl day going?~ Chris

It's perfect. Can you go to the store and pick up a few things?~ Riley

Sure. What do you need?~ Chris

Fruit loops cereal for Emma, Pancake mix, Chocolate chips, Milk, Chocolate syrup, soda, and I'm really in the mood for pickles~ Riley

You and your cravings. Okay anything else?~ Chris

Cherry tomatoes! And can you make pasta for dinner?~ Riley

Of course. I'll see you soon~ Chris

Okay. I love you and Emma❤️~ Riley

We love you too😝❤️~ Chris

I smiled before turning off my phone. "Alright Emma! Let's go! We gotta do some stuff for your momma!" I said picking up Emma and carrying her over to her room.
"Can I wear my pjs?" Emma asked as I looked at her Hulk onesie.
"Not to the store" I said as I set her on her bed and looked through her closet.
"Please daddy?" She asked hopping off her bed and tugging on my pants leg.
"Your momma wouldn't be too happy with me if I let you wear your pjs to the store" I said tickling her armpit before going back to finding her something to wear. I pulled out an outfit for her and handed it to her. I helped her take off her onesie and then she put on the shirt. I helped her put on the overalls. She picked up her brush and handed it to me.
"Mommy always does my hair" she said.
"I'm not mommy" I mumbled before I began to brush her blonde hair. I succeeded in putting up her hair into a bun.
"Good job" she said patting my shoulder. She's just like her mom.
"Alright let's get going" I said standing up as Emma ran out into the main room. I walked out of her bedroom then walked over to mine and Riley's bedroom. I changed into a red shirt and jeans. I put on my brown boots and sunglasses before walking out of the bedroom and out into the main room. Emma already had her shoes on and her Captain America jacket. She stretched her arms out toward me and I picked her up and balanced her on my hip. I carried her out to the car and put her into her car seat. I buckled her seatbelt before closing her door and walking over to the driver's side. I climbed into the car and started it before pulling out of the driveway. Emma hummed a tune as we drove down the road. We got to the store and I got out of the car and unbuckled Emma from her car seat before picking her up and balancing her on my hip. I saw the paparazzi ahead of us and they started snapping pictures. Emma buried her face in my shoulder as we walked down the street toward the store. I opened the door to the store and quickly walked in.
"Why were they taking pictures of us, daddy?" She asked as I put her into a shopping cart. I loved hearing that word.
"They were taking pretty pictures of you" I said rubbing her cheek with my finger making her smile. We got everything we needed from the store and Emma helped carry things to the car. One guy with a camera showed up and Emma made a goofy face at the camera making me laugh. When we got back home it was in the afternoon, I put things from the grocery store into the cabinets. Then I realized I made a big mistake in giving Emma ice cream. She was running around wearing her little princess dress. After I finished putting things away I sat down onto the couch and Emma ran up to me.
"Can we play hide and seek?" She asked with a big smile.
"Sure" I said.
"You count and then I'll hide" she said as I covered my eyes and began to count. I could hear her bare feet running against the floor. After I was done counting I stood up and searched the kitchen first. I looked through every cabinet. I looked under the table. This girl is good at this. I walked into mine and Riley's room and looked everywhere. Not in here. I walked out to the guest house and searched in there but she was no where in the guest house at all. Riley would kill me if I lost Emma. I walked back inside and then smiled when I saw two little feet peeking out from behind the curtain.
"I wonder where she could be" I said in a dark voice as I got closer to the cabinet before pulling it and making Emma laugh.
"Your turn to hide!" Emma said running over to the couch and covering her eyes. I stood there and began to zone out. I didn't know if this was real or a dream. I was going to get married to my best friend and my step-daughter is the cutest thing in the world. I couldn't tell what was real. Plus Riley was pregnant with our baby. It seemed like a big dream that I've had since elementary school.
"Daddy?! You're suppose to be hiding!" Emma said making me break away from my thoughts. It really warmed my heart when she called me daddy. I know I'm not her real dad but I'm trying so hard to be her dad.
"I was thinking, Princess" I said walking over to her and sitting down beside her. She yawned tiredly, "somebody sleepy?" She nodded her head in response, "come on."
I picked her up and carried her back to her room. I tucked her into her bed and she hugged the bear that Emily got Emma for her birthday.
"What's his name?" I asked.
"Buttercup" she said.
"Can I see Buttercup?" I asked ready to do something that RDJ would pick on me if he saw this. She handed me the bear and I got ready to do something that Riley would think is adorable.
"Hi there, Emma! My name is Buttercup!" I said in a goofy voice making Emma giggle.
"Hi Buttercup" Emma said.
"How was today?" I asked moving Buttercup's little arms.
"Daddy was a Super Dad today!" Emma said making me smile widely.
"Oh really?" I asked in Buttercup's voice while poking her nose with the bears paw making her giggle.
"Yeah! He's a super hero!" Emma said with a yawn.
"I bet he is. Now do me a favor and go to sleep. You seem tired" I said and she nodded. I handed her the bear as she laid her head down on the pillow, "goodnight Embug." I gave her a kiss on the head before getting up and walking out of the room.
"That was adorable" I heard someone say and I looked to the side to see Riley with a smile on her face.
"I try" I said closing the door gently before kissing her on the cheek.
"Lets go to bed. I'm tired" she said walking towards our room. I gladly followed after her with a smile on my face.

Yay! Adorable chapter! I couldn't come up with an idea but then I read this book called Father Christmas. It's a Steve Rogers fanfic and I just fell in love with it. But the one character had a bear named Buttercup and Steve pretended to make it talk. I thought that it would be a cute thing to do in this book so yay!~ Kenlee Faith❤️❤️

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