Chapter 12: Happy Birthday Dear Emma!

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"Happy Birthday dear Emma! Happy Birthday to you!" We sang happily. Emma blew out the candles on her cake as I took a picture on my phone. I couldn't help but smile at my baby girl. Emily helped Alice cut the cake while Chris put the cake on the plates. GT couldn't help but get two pieces.
"You know how much I love your chocolate cake, Riley" GT said smiling widely. He always said I made the best homemade chocolate cake. Emma's face was covered in purple icing. I grabbed a napkin and wiped the icing off of her face.
"There we go" I said making her smile. Madison and Jayden were eating cake as well.
"Oh sweetie! You got something on your face" Alice said laughing at her daughter as she wiped the cake off Madison's face. Jayden loved my chocolate cake.
"I love this cake, Aunt Riley" Jayden said stuffing his face with the chocolate wonder. I looked over to see Chris with icing in his beard. I covered my mouth to keep myself from laughing. I grabbed a napkin and tried to clean it off. Emma laughed at Chris when I smeared the purple icing onto his face.
"You're so silly" Emma said laughing at me and Chris.
"We know" me and Chris said at the same time making the group laugh.
"Hey Emmy guess what" I said.
"What?" She asked.
"YOU'RE 3 YEARS OLD" me and Chris said smiling as she screamed excitedly.
"Presents?!" Emma asked.
"Of course" I said as we walked over to the table where presents sat. Emma opened the one from Chris. He got her a necklace that had a blue gem in the middle. Her birth stone. And then there was a little charm with it that said Daddy's Girl. Emily pushed the present she got for Emma toward her so Emma would open it next. Emma hugged Chris's leg and he helped her put on the necklace. Emma opened the rest of her presents. Emily got her a teddy bear. I almost cried when I realized what it was made of. Mom's favorite sweater. I bit my lip to keep myself from crying. Emma hugged the bear tightly. Oh I forgot to mention, Emily moved out of Alice's house and now lives in my apartment. I decided that she could have it because I've been living with Chris most of the time. What use to be Emma's room is now Emily's office and room for her Bulldog, Spike. We moved Emma's stuff to Chris's house. So the spare bedroom on the other side of me and Chris's room his Emma's room. It's really cute. After almost everyone left, Emily was staying to help clean up. Emma was upstairs with Chris playing.
"Thank you for getting her that bear" I said smiling.
"You're welcome, Riley. I guess Goldilocks needs a little something from her grandmother" Emily said as tears formed in my eyes, "DON'T START CRYING! EVERY TIME YOU CRY, I CRY!"
"I'm sorry" I said crying and pulled my older sister into a hug. After Emily left, I walked upstairs to the bedroom to see that Chris wasn't in our room. I pushed open the door to see Chris sitting next to Emma's bed. We sold Emma's old bed and remodeled the room. Emma had a strong grip on the bear made out of mom's sweater. Chris was rubbing Emma's small hand with his thumb. She was fast asleep.
"Hey" I whispered making Chris turn toward me with a smile. He stood up after getting Emma to go to bed. I planted a soft kiss on Emma's head before turning off the light and walking out of the room with Chris following behind me. Chris wrapped his arms around my waist and we started waddling down the hallway toward our room. He opened the door and we landed on the bed. I felt so tired. Me and Chris laid there for a while before slowly falling asleep.

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