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✧ ༷ ྃ hELLO!! I'm going to be putting this on all my stories so I'm sorry if you see this more than once!

wow! It's been a minute since I've been on here, let alone update.. it's been since 2017 I believe since I last updated anything on my stories. And for that I sincerely apologize. Back in October 2018 and January of 2019 I've been debating on returning and doing new things and changing a lot of stuff about my writing.

I would really really like to come back and make new stories because if I'm being completely honest, I don't like my older stories. I will find myself rereading those older stories and cringing a bit because they kind of bug me now. I mean I was basically still a kid when I wrote them and I hate my old writing.. a lot like it could've been a lot better. But at the same time.. I wouldn't mind going through those stories and rewriting them and doing new things with them, changing them but keeping them the same.

Coming back to wattpad is something I've been wanting to do for the past couple months, almost a year but I don't know what to do. I want to get back into my older stories sometimes but I REALLY REALLY want to write new stories, new things. I want to write stuff for different fandoms like Star Wars, Gotham, Harry Potter, etc. I've been getting into new things lately and I just want to write new things. I'm still going to write Marvel of course! I adore marvel with every fiber in my body but I want to expand, ya know? Let me know what you guys think!

BUT, HELLO HI it's been awhile since I've been on here and updated. And I've been really missing it. I miss writing for a lot more people than just my friends. I've been writing on other platforms but I doubt a lot of you would be interested in that if I'm being completely honest. But my writing has improved GREATLY. It's different now, more descriptive. And since I'm a lot older now, well not a lot.. I'm 17, I'm going to be 18 this coming February and I actually would like to write more mature things, if ya know what I mean? If you guys are interested then perhaps but I don't know just yet honestly.

One thing that I really want to get into is writing my own material. I know I tried that in the past and now that I reread through my older material, the more I don't like it. I want to get into writing my own ideas and stories. Oh boy, original content!! I have had this HUGE, and I mean REALLY big idea for the past two years now and I want to write it as a big book and it's something that I've been so excited about and want to share with people. But I'm also scared about the response to it, I don't know if people would be interested in it and I'm nervous about that. The whole idea has been sitting in my google docs for two years just waiting, brewing, and I want to write it. It's a sci-fi, dystopian, futuristic, it's actually an rpg on Instagram as well at the moment, I mean me and the other admin are taking a long hiatus on the rpg because it died. It's always exciting in the beginning but then people aren't very active and such.

I kinda wanted to make this update short and sweet but there is so much I want to talk about and everything. But I'm going to end this here;

I plan on returning soon, like very soon. I want to expand to other fandoms like Star Wars, Harry Potter, etc. But I'm definitely continuing Marvel. I don't know if I'm going to continue my older stories because my old writing bugs me and I'm kind of bored with those stories. They're so cheesy, honestly, but a lot of you guys want them updated and I'm sorry if I don't end up updating them. But I can assure you, newer, bigger, better things are coming for this account. Let me know what you guys think about some newer material. Also let me know what you think about original content, would that be something you all would be interested in? Some original stuff? My characters? My own worlds? Please tell me and I might do it.

But once again, I'm coming back. Thank you for your patience and everything. Also thanks to those who have private messaged me and asked if I'm okay like my heart felt warm to know y'all care. I'm doing great! Fantastic actually. The past couple years haven't been the greatest, high school is a big pain, life is a big pain. But I'm okay. Today was probably the best day of my life because I got to go to Ace Comic Con in Seattle and I got to meet Chris Evans. That is a moment that I will cherish for my entire life. He is the reason who I am today and who I want to be in the future and I just want to thank him for pulling me out of some rough times.

I love you guys so so so much and I've missed this app so much. I'm happy to be back :)

- kenlee ♡

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