Chapter 14: Loki!

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I carried Emma into the house following Chris inside. I almost yelled something once I saw Robert Downey Jr and Chris Hemsworth sitting on the couch watching TV. Emma stirred in my arms as her blue eyes opened. They landed on Robert and her jaw dropped.
"IRON MAN!" Emma yelled and I put her down allowing her to run to him.
"Everything is set up" called a British voice. I turned to see Tom Hiddleston. As soon as Emma heard that voice her head snapped up and her jaw dropped again.
"LOKI!" Emma yelled waddling over to her favorite villain.
"Hello cutie" Tom said picking up Emma.
"You must be the famous Riley Chris told us about" Jeremy Renner said making me smile.
"Really? Chris talks about me?" I asked interested.
"Uh let's not tell her-" Chris started but Jeremy interrupted him.
"He showed us pictures of you when you two were little" Jeremy said.
"My favorite is the one where you shoved ice cream in his face at age 10" Robert called as Emma and Tom started talking about something random. Chris H wanted to hold Emma but Tom wouldn't give her up. I couldn't help but laugh. Mark Ruffalo took Emma from Tom and held her.
"Hulk" Emma said smiling widely as she poked his nose making him chuckle, "can you turn into the hulk?" Mark made this face and Emma held up her hands, "no no no!"
"Hey Embug? You want to see your room?" Chris asked as Mark set Emma on the ground.
"YEAH!" Emma said excitedly as me, Emma, and Chris headed back to Emma's new bedroom. Emma's jaw dropped for the third time as she tightened her grip on my hand. The room was amazing.
"Oh my gosh!" I said smiling as Emma ran over to her new bed. It looked like a princess room.
"Do you like it, Em?" Chris asked.
"Like it? I love it!" Emma said as she hopped off the bed into Chris's warm embrace.
"Hey Chris! Me and Jeremy are gonna go" Robert called, "nice meeting you Mrs Matthews."
"Nice meeting you too Mr Downey Jr" I said.
"Please, call me Robert" he said before him and Jeremy left the house. Chris carried Emma out of the room and back into the living room. He set her on the couch with Hemsworth.
"You're Thor" Emma said.
"Yes I am" Hemsworth said making me smile. Chris wrapped an arm around me and planted a kiss softly on my forehead. Maybe coming back to LA was a good idea. Emma will love to be with Chris's friends. I can't wait for what's next.

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