26: Coming Home

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We were heading home today with little Thomas. Well I liked to call him Tommy. I had changed into a pair of grey sweatpants and one of Chris's oversized sweaters. It was very comfortable. Chris had put Tommy into his baby carrier/car seat. Our son looked so cute. Emma sat beside her brother and yawned slightly. She hadn't been getting a lot of sleep. Poor baby.
Chris started the car and we drove out of the hospital parking lot and headed home. Scott and Chris had worked on the nursery not long ago. It looked amazing. Once we got home Chris got Emma out of the car while I got Tommy out. We entered the house and Emma went to her room to go take a nap. Poor thing hasn't gotten a lot of sleep for the past two days. The hospital seats weren't that comfy in her opinion.
Chris opened the nursery door and we walked in. I smiled at the room before getting Thomas from his little carrier and walked over to the crib laying him down gently. It reminded me of when we first brought Emma home. I rubbed my hand down my face and looked at Chris.
"You look tired, Riley" he said stating the obvious. I chuckled and nodded tiredly before looking at Thomas in his crib. I walked over to Chris and wrapped my arms around him burying my face into his chest.
"I'm so tired" I said my words muffled as I spoke. Chris chuckled and rubbed my back softly, "that's not helping. It's just making me even more tired."
"Sorry, Ri" he kissed my head softly with a small smile on his face.
"Tommy is going to be keeping us awake so I might as well take a quick nap while I can before he wakes up" I said smiling as I looked up at him.
"Alright. I'll wake you up of he wakes up" he gave me a kiss on the cheek before I headed out of the room and down the hallway toward our bedroom. As soon as I opened the door I collapsed on the bed. Oh soft, comfortable bed how I missed you so much. I buried my face in the pillow and instantly fell asleep. I needed this.

I woke up to the sound of Thomas's loud cries. I groaned before getting up and walking down the hallway. I opened the door and looked at Thomas. I walked over and picked him up from his crib. I rubbed my thumb along his little cheek drying his tears. I kissed his little head softly before walking over to the changing table.
After changing his diaper, I sat on the chair holding him. His little arms stretched up toward me before he let out a small yawn. I smiled at him before his little hand wrapped around my finger. He was going to be such a mamma's boy like his father. I held him close to me as he laid his little head down on my shoulder.
I stood up and exited the nursery going into the kitchen. I got a bottle out and began making the formula for him. I walked over sitting down on the couch with him and the warm milk. We sat there as I fed him. I was tired but at least I had gotten some sleep. I looked down at Thomas as he drank his bottle. Sometimes I wished I was still little. I would have no worries in life.
There wasn't much in the bottle so he was done very quickly. I put down the bottle and burped him gently before heading back toward the nursery. Maybe I could get some more sleep if he falls asleep again. That would be great. However I didn't get any sleep thanks to both of my kids including a 34 year old man.
Thomas's loud cries broke through my only time of peace. Then my lovely daughter had decided to play tag with me. Chris was either playing with Emma trying to keep her occupied while I dealt with Thomas.

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